Chapter two - Why I am alone

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Blake's POV: Hello, my name is Blake Anderson. I am 16 and this year I will move to another school. Let's say that I had problems with my last one. I am not the teachers' favorite, or to most of the students. You can call me bad boy, but I am not exactly that. Bad boys have done way worse things than I have. I just skip classes from time to time and pick up small fights. I don't have friends because I don't believe in true friendships and relationships. For me this is bullsh*t. My parents are normal people who spend their day in an office. I don't know what they are doing, but I don't care. They have tried to put me in the right way, but somehow it never worked. Maybe someone will appear and do that. Yeah, no one can change me. It's too late for this. Moreover, I don't let people get close to me. I had a bad experience with friends and now I am cold. People have called me heartless, but I don't mind. After all, this is the truth. Will you like me or not, it's your problem. I am not begging for attention, friends, or a girlfriend. I am far away from these things. They were in the past. Now, I am a different person. You probably wonder why I am always alone and where are my friends. Let me tell you. I don't have friends and the reason is, that I don't want to have. Three years ago I had a best friend and he f***ing left me, because of a girl. She didn't like me and he broke our five-year friendship because of her. Since then, I am staying away from people. If someone comes to me, I make sure to make him or her go away. I won't lie that girls have tried on me, but unlike the bad boys, I pushed them away. I don't want people around me. Especially girls. They are guilty of what happened between my best friend and me. I don't trust them.  I woke up on my last morning before the new school year. I am not excited about this. Especially after the girl who I met yesterday. She didn't stop watching me like I am an interesting person or a statue. Doesn't she have other work instead to check me out? I hope that I won't see her again. When I was ready, I walked downstairs for food. My parents were still at the table. Great. Now I have to talk with them. I know that they care for me, but I wish that they could leave me alone. I am not a kid anymore.  - Hey, honey. Are you excited about the new school year? - mom asked me I won't answer. I am not in the mood for that or an early conversation. Without saying anything, I continued eating my food. It's not like I am hungry.  - Is there a problem? Lately, you don't talk much.  - Because I don't want to. Can you leave me alone? - Look, just because you have a bad day, this doesn’t mean that you treat us like that. What happened? - dad asked - Nothing that it's in your business.  - Don't talk to me like that.  - Or what? It's too late for change.  - I hope that this year someone will change your mind. - mom said - Yeah, you can dream about this. I won't let anyone get close to me.  - Won't you forget it? This happened three years ago. You have to move on. I know that he was your best friend, but there are other people like him.  - Don't talk when you don't understand.  - Language! - dad said - Whatever. I'm going out. - I said and left Why do they have to be so annoying? Moreover, what I do with my life is not of their business. I walked to one diner for a drink. It's too early for alcohol. Well, I might buy something, but later. I walked in and sat at a table. The waiter took my order and after ten minutes, it was done. In that moment, the same girl from yesterday walked in with a little boy. Well, he looks like two or three years younger. Maybe her brother. I don't know and I don't care. Both of them got drinks and sat down at one table. She looked up and we made short eye contact. I guess that she has remembered me. Great. This is the last thing that I want. When I said that I hope to not see her again, I really meant it. Anyways, I won't pay attention to her. I was close to them so I was able to hear part of their conversation.  - Are you ready for tomorrow? - she asked - Yes, the boys and I are ready. We'll be in the same class again, which is amazing.  - Good for you. I will be with people who I don't know yet.  - Why do you have to be in the other part of the building? - Because I will be a junior.  - So what? Who will take me from school? - You are old enough to do this by yourself.  - No, I am not.  - Look, I can't be always with you. Moreover, you have friends with who to hang out with.  - True, but it's not the same. I want my sister to take me home from school. - As much as I appreciate it, I can't do that. I have more classes and will finish them later than you. If you want, call mom or dad, but I don't think that they will come.  - I don't want kids to laugh at me.  - They will do the same if I keep taking you home. A big boy who is still going after his sister.  I laughed at this. Can't he really go home alone? What a boy. I might be the only kid in the family, but that is better. I don't have to take care of someone, or someone to take care of me. I am my own person and prefer to do things alone. I have to admit that this girl looks good, but after all, she is still a devil. Same as the rest. Just because someone is nice, it doesn't mean that they don't have bad thoughts about you.  Soon she went to the toilet and the boy was left alone. I could easily go and destroy his fantasies, but I won't do it. I was lost in my thoughts when I realized that he was in front of me. Great. If it's not her, it will be her brother.  - What? - Nothing. Hi, I'm Mike.  - Ok, so what? - I just came to say hi and to tell you that I noticed how you were staring at my sister. - It's payback for yesterday. - What happened? - She knows better. Now go away and leave me alone.  - Why? I didn't do anything.  - Your presence is irritating.  - Can you not talk like that to my brother? I looked up and saw that she was there. Why all the bad luck is on my side today? All I wanted was a peaceful day and to get rid of her, but no.  - It's not my fault that he came here. You should be a better sister and don't leave him to talk with strangers.  - He is old enough to know that.  - Whatever. Will you leave me alone now? - With pleasure. - she said - But I don't want to go.  - What!? - both with the girl said in sync, which made us look at each other - He is nice. Can't we sit with him? - Um, no you can't. Go away and leave me alone. I am not a babysitter. You have your own.  - She is not my babysitter. I am old enough to stay at home alone.  - Great. Now leave me alone.  - Why? I am only talking with you.  - Which is more than enough.  - I don't understand. You look cool, but not very nice.  This is the first time when someone said that I was cool. Just because I dress in dark clothes and most of them are denim or leather, it doesn't mean that I am cool. I appreciate the comment, but I want to make this boy go away.  - What can I do to make you go away? - Nothing.  I didn't say anything and went to pay for my drink. After that, I just walked away without saying anything. This boy was so annoying. Moreover, I don't want to hang out with little boys or with whoever it is. I walked to one store and bought a beer. Later I went to one park and sat under a tree. I know that I said that it's too early for alcohol, but I need it. This boy took all my energy and f***ed up my day. I don't know how long I have been here, but when I looked at my phone, I saw that it already has passed two hours. My stomach is full so I will skip lunch. I got up and decided to go to a place where is quieter.  After all, I went to one lake. It was quiet and almost empty. Except for one couple who was making out. Why everyone hates me? Anyways, I got up and went far away from them. I sat down and realized that there was someone next to me. I slightly turned my head and saw her. You have to be kidding me. I was about to go away, but she stopped me. - You don't have to go. I will do it.  - Good.  - Why are you so cold with people? - Why do you want to know? - I don't. I just got curious.  - All I will tell you is that it's not of your business. Now leave me alone.  - Ok, then. I wish you enjoy your time alone. - she said and left - I will for sure.  Up to now, this day is going bad. Maybe if I go home, I will have peace, but this means that I have to talk with my parents again. It's better than talking with annoying people. Not like my parents aren't one of them, but sometimes, they are better. I walked home, straight to my room. My mom walked in and I rolled my eyes at her.  - I know that you don't want to talk with me, but you have to.  - Why you are here? I had a terrible day and you are the last person I want to see.  - What happened? - I talked with annoying people.  - Why do you think that they are annoying? - Yesterday, I was in a diner and one girl kept staring at me. I told her to stop and to leave me alone. Today I met her again, but this time with her brother. He came to talk with me and no matter how many times I told him to leave me alone, he didn't do it. Then I just walked away. Later I went to one lake and this girl was there again. Luckily, this time she left me alone. I hate her so much.  - But why? From what you told me, it doesn't look like she has done something to you. Why do you hate her? - Because she is annoying and a devil.  - Look, just because one girl stole your best friend, it doesn't mean that all girls are like her. You can't keep blaming other people for what has happened to you. Mostly because they don't know about this and might get hurt.  - Well, I don't care. I never made them talk with me.  - Honey, you can't keep avoiding people. I understand that this friendship was important for you, but what do the other people have to do with that? It's not healthy for you to stay always alone. With friends is always better. Look at your dad and me. Yes, we don't go out much with our friends, but when we are free, we always do it. You have more free time than we do. Why don't you try to be friends with someone? - Because I don't want to. How many times do I have to tell you this? If you don't like me, then you can just get rid of me. I can go and live with my grandparents.  - You know that I will never do that. I just want you to be happy.  - And I am. - Are you sure? Lately, you are in a bad mood and always angry. I don't think that this is happiness.  - Everybody understands it differently.  - Ok, then. I will call you for dinner.  - I don't want to eat.  - Look, I... - Just leave me alone.  The rest of the day, I spent in my room. I skipped dinner because I don't want to talk with my parents again. They keep saying the same things, which is annoying me even more. I don't know how I will survive school. Maybe I should study from home, but I am sure that my parents won't let me. I know that I lost my best friend three years ago, but this still hurts me. I will never forgive him for what he did. Neither to believe that not everyone is like him. All the people are the same. Using you to get their benefits and when something better comes, you are out. I don't want that. I prefer being alone than surrounded by fake people. No, thank you. 
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