
213 Words
Prologue Brightstar Elder’s Quarters ::You’ll be landing soon and I’ll finally get to see you,:: Michael’s new friend spoke in his mind. Michael hadn’t told Mommie, Poppie, Zadda, or Grandpa that he had a friend. This friend was special and Michael wanted to keep him to himself for a little while longer, before the grownups started with their rules and questions. ::Do you still want a kitty?:: Michael asked earnestly. He wanted to please his new best friend. ::Kitty?:: the mind voice questioned. ::You know, cat, a young cat,:: Michael explained. ::Oh, yes. Will they let you bring me one?:: ::It’s the cat that gets to choose. I’ll go and find Aloysius and ask him. He’ll talk to you and help me pick:: Michael slipped out of Quarters and headed to the mess. ::Aloysius?:: ::Michael? Why aren’t you in Quarters? We’re about to assemble to disembark.” ::I need a special kitten for a friend.:: ::Where is your friend?:: ::In my head, he’s down there waiting for me. He’s six.:: ::Go back to Quarters before your mommie starts to worry. I’ll see about a kit for your friend. Shadow had a brother in his litter.:: ::Thank you, Aloysius.:: ::You’re welcome, now off with you before your mommie notices you’re missing.:: Knowing Aloysius was right, he teleported back to his room just in time to hear his mommie call his name.
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