Chapter 8: Mate

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“I still can’t believe he is your mate!” Mom said when we were alone in her designated room. She has been saying that for the last ten minutes since they came here. She has been ranting about how much this would change our lives and stop our old pack from hunting us. She was more than happy. “I still can’t believe it too, Mom, it feels surreal. A few days ago we were just running and now we are here and I have a mate already.” I said while staring at the wall. Who would’ve thought, right? I never even in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be a Luna. “Have you two mated already? Did he mark you yet?” Mom said while wiggling her eyebrows. I was wearing a turtle neck top so she didn’t see Duke’s mark on me. “Mom! Stop it. You’re gross!” I yelled. How can she be so cool with all these? Like, really Mom? “What?! I’m just asking. It’s normal for mates to do that and for an Alpha, he must mark you.” She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “We met in different circumstances, okay? He didn’t mark me yet because I ran away the last time I was here. I ran away because I was afraid that our old pack would hurt him and his pack.” I said remembering the night that I ran off. I lied to mom since I was afraid that she'll tease me more if she find out that he did already. “Now that you know he is powerful and feared in these lands, what are you planning to do? Will you be their Luna?” Mom asked cautiously like she was weighing my response. “I want to stay this time. I want to prove to people that I deserve to be an Alpha’s mate even if we just met because I was trespassing on their property.” I said with determination. I know being a Luna is a big responsibility but I am willing to do it side by side with my mate. “Then I guess we’re staying here for good.” Mom said merrily. I know she doesn’t want to run away anymore. We are both tired of running away and just want to settle. “Yes Mom, this time, we won’t run anymore,” I said. “So when will you take the spot as the Luna? The celebration needs to be done as soon as possible.” She said. Duke actually didn’t say anything like that again since I came back. “I don’t know Mom, but I guess we’re taking it one step at a time,” I said. “Yeah, right, let’s just be thankful that we’re here together and that we’re safe.” She said as she hugged me. I hugged her as well. I really thought that I lost her that day. Now that I know she’s alive, it has given me more reasons to live. “So, how do you like their accommodations here?” I said as I took a look around her room. “I can see that you are spoiled here.” “Well, I should be, after all, I am their Luna’s mother. I deserve only the best.” She said jokingly. I know mom, you deserve nothing but the best. We laughed and threw jokes at one another before I left and went to our room. Yes, our room because Duke and I have been sleeping together there since I got back. ~~~ “How’s your Mom?” Duke said. I was combing my hair in the mirror and she just got out of the shower wearing only his towels and I didn’t know if there was something underneath it. I cleared my throat and answered him. “She’s fine, just adjusting to our new setup here.” I said. I looked away from him and just focused on my hair. I continued brushing my hair while he went to the walk-in closet probably to change. Well, here comes another awkward time at the bed wherein wouldn’t talk and just forced ourselves to sleep. How come he hasn’t introduced me to everyone as their Luna yet? Did he change his mind about taking me in as his mate? Well, I wouldn’t blame him if that’s what he felt because I left him and there was no excuse for that. Duke went out wearing his boxers only. He’s always like that when we sleep, just in his pajamas. I climbed to bed and lay on my side. Duke did the same. We were quiet until he spoke. “What are you thinking?” He said. I turned to him and h was already staring at me. “What do you mean?” I said. “I want to know what you are thinking. I want you to tell me things. I want you to open up to me.” He said. “I just want to be closer to you.” “Really? I thought you didn’t like me anymore.” I said. “I thought you hated me the moment that I left you.” “No, I didn’t. I tried but I couldn’t stay mad at you. You are my mate and I could feel if something bothers you and I don’t want you to think that I hate you, Okay?” He said as he pulled me nearer to him and touched my face. Our faces were only inches away from each other. “So, why didn’t you introduce me to the pack as your Luna yet?” I asked the question that I was meaning to ask her. He looked stunned and didn’t respond immediately. “Why? I thought you didn’t want it yet. I thought I was pressuring you into being their Luna and it was one of the reasons why you left. I didn’t mean to pressure you or whatever. I was just excited to introduce you to them.” He said. I was surprised. What I heard wasn’t what I was thinking to hear from him. I really thought he changed his mind about me being heir Luna. “No, I was really thinking that you were somehow mad at me for leaving that night when you were about to introduce me as your Luna.” I said as a matter of fact. “No, I wasn’t. I just thought that you weren’t ready yet and I understood it given the situation that you were in. I was just waiting for the right time until you will be ready.” He said. “And I will never be mad at you. You are my mate and I love you, I don’t want you to leave me again that’s why this time we’ll take this slow.” God! How did I get lucky to have a mate as nice as him? I didn’t think twice as I kissed him. At first, he was dumbfounded but later on, he kissed me back. He kissed me with the same intensity that I was giving him. He pinned me under him and I couldn’t move as I was in between his legs. God! My mate is so hot. I started running my hands along with his abs and he moaned in lustful desires. I drew circles on his stomach as he trailed soft kisses on my face. I pulled his shirt up and removed it. Now I can touch him without any clothing preventing me from fully experiencing his perfect abs. I trailed my hands downwards until I could touch his shaft; he froze for a bit and then held my hand. “Not so fast, babe, let me pleasure you first.” He said in the most seductive voice I have ever heard.
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