Chapter 1: Anticipated My Death

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“Why are they after us? It was Dad who betrayed them. Why are they blaming us as well?” I said. “We have no idea that Dad was a spy!”   “Just keep on running, Xena, we have to escape while we still can. They’ll kill us!” Mom said.   We were both running away from our old pack. Dad was killed a few hours ago because the pack found out that he was working as a spy for our rival pack. They removed us from the pack as well. Now, they also want us killed because they believe that we are spies too.   I didn’t know anything about it and neither did my Mom. We thought that Dad was just a normal Omega member of the pack but he wasn’t. He has been spying on our pack for quite a while already.   “Where will we go? If we stay in the pack’s territory, they will find and kill us. If we go beyond the pack’s border, the rival pack will kill us. We have nowhere to go Mom.” I said. Either way, we are gonna be dead.   “Just keep going, we have to get as far away as possible from our house.” Mom said. “We’ll think of a way when we find someplace to hide.”   We walked and ran for hours until we saw a small cabin in the middle of the woods.   “We’re not safe here. We’ll just rest and head towards the deeper part of the forest.” Mom said. I know she’s tired and still in agony with what happened to Dad.     “What if they’re just behind us? I’m afraid, Mom.” I said truthfully.   “That’s why we’ll just rest for a bit and then continue running.” She said as we went inside the cabin.     “Stay here and rest. I’ll go and get us something to eat.” She said as she made her way to the door.   “Mom, I don’t want to be here alone and I don’t want you to go out there alone too. I want to come. What if something happened to you? What if they find you there?” I said.     “Xena, I want you to stay here and be safe. I will be back as soon as I can.” She said sternly and I know there was nothing that could change her mind.     “I love you Mom and please come back immediately. I’ll wait for you here.” I don’t know if I’m gonna see her again with the danger in our lives right now. I need her to know that I love her.   “I love you too. I love you more than you know, remember that, okay?” She said and hugged me so tight. “We need food. We need strength to fight this life crisis that we have now. Be strong.”     Mom left and I was afraid for her safety. I know that the whole army of our pack is looking for us. I just hoped that they won’t run into her and kill her.  Our old Alpha was just being unreasonable. He wouldn’t believe that my Mom and I are innocent. He kept on insisting that somehow we knew something.     I think I heard a scream. What is going on? Mom? I quickly got up and realized that I fell asleep while waiting for my Mom. Was I dreaming? It felt real though. Mom was screaming in pain. Yeah, I was just dreaming. But where is Mom? I was about to take a peek at the window of the cabin when I heard her scream again. I wasn’t dreaming at all. I slowly went outside and hid at the back of a huge tree. I looked at where the scream was coming from and I saw Mom tied on a tree. The pack’s soldiers were surrounding her. Mom! Oh my God! They got her! What do I do? I saw them hitting Mom every time she declined on telling them where I am. Mom didn’t say a word about me. She was so brave that she just kept her mouth shut and accepted the hits. My Mom! I was about to show myself when I saw my Mom looked at me. She saw me! She mouthed run. I kept on shaking my head as I disagreed with what she wanted me to do. No, Mom! I won’t leave you! She mouthed for me to run again while she was hit by someone. I still shook my head but she mind-linked me.   ‘If you come out now, they will kill us both. Run and save yourself!’    ‘Mom, I love you so much.’   ‘I love you too. Now, run!’     I looked at her with tears flowing unstoppably. I know I need to run because even if I show myself, I cannot defeat them. They will just kill us both. I need to run and be strong. I need to avenge my mother’s life. I nodded at her and without another word, I ran.   I have no idea where to go so I just ran in a straight direction. I ran as fast as I could. I stopped when I was exhausted and laid down to rest. My tears kept on coming. Where do I go now? I have nowhere else to go. My parents are dead and I am left alone. I am an orphan now.     I didn’t realize that I slept on the ground where I laid down. I just woke up when I heard voices around me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw three men around me. I quickly got up and was ready to fight.     “Oh, so the princess is awake!” One of them said.   “Who are you?” I said panicking. They aren’t familiar to me which means they aren’t from our old pack.   “Who are we? Are you nuts? The question here is, who are you? Huh?” He said as he pulled my hair which made me screamed. I yelped in pain and tried to fight back but he is strong.   “Oh, feisty, just how I like it.” He said as he pulled my hair harder.   I couldn’t do anything but cry in pain. There was nothing I could do and even if I transform into my wolf form, I wouldn’t be able to defeat these three men.   “I don’t want any trouble, please, let me go,” I said in between sobs.   “Really? Then, why are you here in our territory without permission?” He said and put a knife on my neck.   “I was just passing by, I was tired so I took a rest here and I would leave—“   “Oh, honey that is a nice story but I wouldn’t believe that to be true so might as well rest forever and never wake up.” He said rudely to me.   He started to press the knife on my neck and was ready to kill me. Oh, God! Is this the part where I die? I closed my eyes and anticipated my death.  
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