1. Liliana

616 Words
I've been living in my siblings shadow all my life, everything I do was never good enough for them. No matter how many times I tried. As pre-teens my sibligs began becoming obsessed with power and star of the shows, it made my parents proud, while I stood in the shadow being different. I did perfer being behind the limelight, I didn't like everything being focused on me. It's not like I wasn't confident, I just like my own space. I was never going to be as pretty as my older sister Savannah, my parents always compared my looks to her and put me on diets to be her figure. To be like her, but no matter how many times I tried to lose weight or be better. Savannah would get better at something else. My whole family made me feel unloved and unwanted, there were times I wanted to escape, that's were I found my love for painting, though I never told my family as I knew Savannah would steal that from me. "Good work tonight Liliana," My father said as he looked at me. "See working overtime, isn't so bad." My father worked at a bar called Knightman, it was owned by Sebastian Knight. His boss came in occasionally to see how things were going. "Careful," my father scrowled, "You wouldn't have a job if Savannah didn't quit." Rolling my eyes, I sighed harshly, "Whatever, can I go home now?" "Yes, go. You need to be here tomorrow at 8 am to open," my father said. I nodded, leaving the bar. I headed to my car, where I got inside and drove off home. When I arrived, I saw our Neighbour Mrs Jones, a sweet old lady. "Hello Liliana, you're father made you work overtime again?" Mrs Jones asked. Nodding my head as I grabbed the house keys from my bag, "Yeah, I'm fine though." Mrs Jones didn't say anything, although she hated how much I worked. In fact she loves my paintings that she's even brought a few of them. As the door opened, I made my way inside, seeing clothes scattered all over the floor. Of course Savannah would bring someone home, when didn't she. Making my way upstairs, I could hear something coming from her room "Shh! Shh! Someone is home," I heard Savannah whisper. Since when did she care if someone was home. I began to investigate, as the male clothes looked some what familiar. Moans and groans could be heard from her room. Finally I reached her door, which was open just a crack. Pushing it open, I wish I hadn't. Savannah was laying butter naked on her bed, only wearing her heels - her legs wide open, while someone was thrusting inside of her and moaning into her skin. My breath hitched. "Thomas..." I was in complete shock seeing what was happening, my boyfriend of 1 year was screwing my sister. Thomas head jerked up at the sound of my voice. "Oh fuck..." he let out a shudders breath, "Liliana... I..." I shook my head and stepped back out of my sisters room. "Dont," my voice broke as tears filled my eyes. "Liliana," he shouted, he ran down the hallway, grabbing my arm and twisted me towards him, "Please... I, I'm so sorry." "Go away!" I screamed hitting my fist at the wall beside me. "Please, I can explain.." I cut him off by slapping him across the face. "Explain what?! That I caught you screwing my sister. I thought you loved me. What can you say, oh I just slipped and my d**k fell inside her. f**k you Thomas. Leave! I said leave." I screamed so loud.
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