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    I should be on my way home to meet my father but how the hell did I end up in his room again, this is the fifth time I am doing this but this time his room was empty and the smell of his shampoo still linger in the room, turning me arouse. This shouldn’t be happening to me, I shouldn’t  be feeling this way towards him. I have been watching his every move and I know everything about him for the past one week, I know his daily routines and everything he does and how recently he started taking the bus home from school, did he  suspect he is been followed or did something came up and that’s the reason he is using the bus. Checking my time and seeing that I was very late for school and picking his picture from his room I went off to school, I needed something to stare at him at night before I sleep.        Getting to class, I couldn’t find him and I thought he left home on time, how come he isn’t here. It’s been fun these past week  playing with him and toying with him, I either pushed him on he floor or bump into him or do anything to him that would make me very happy, I really don’t know why I do this things but having him show anger towards me excites me a lot. He is a lot better than the people I do toil with at my former school. Now I didn’t know why I came early to school  and the classes we were meant to have today has been cancelled till 9:30 and there was no sight of Eric or his gang, I see no reason why I should sit in this class doing nothing and I am f*****g bored and I need some thing that can amused me and light my spirit up. Then I perceived him, he was close, so close to me and I need to meet him, running as fast as I can and following his pheromone it led me outside the faculty then I halted when I saw he was with cassy, he stopped his conversations with her and look straight at me like he perceived me too and our eyes met, I wanted to run towards him and hold him or do something or anything that would amused me and make me laugh or smile but I just couldn’t move forward or approached them, I needed to leave before I do something stupid that I would regret it. I went straight to the rooftop where I normally relaxed my mind or when I want to think of something. I don’t understand why I am attracted to him, I was meant to play with him and nothing more but now I needed more than just predators and preys relationship I wanted more, I wanted to be his friend, get to know him better . There is is this pull that is attracting me to him and the more I tried hard to reject it the more I got pulled deeper in into the attraction. I want to know what happened to him In his past and why he is unable to sleep, why keeps  having night mares and that nightmares is something I want to take away from him, I am intrigued to figure out things that he hasn’t told anybody , I can’t read his mind like I do the rest humans and werewolves. His mind is like a dark hole with nothing in it, but yet has a lot in it that can’t be unveiled, what’s so special about him and what’s he doing to me that makes me want to become close to him        The loud bang of the rooftop door brought me back to my senses, turning around to see who it was, fate has a way of doing things , look what he bought for me, Eric and his gang. I wonder what he wants this time because I have been calm today and I needed my quiet moment       “ ha, I knew I would find you here. Guess this is your favourite spot” he said as he walked very close to me, we were facing head to head with just an inch separating us      “ what can I do for you?” I asked him      “ this is what you can do for me “ he said shoving the envelope to my face.      “ what’s this!” I said pushing him back away from me      “ this?, this is what you left in my locker. What’s the meaning of this, isn’t it enough for you that you always bully me and push me and have your way with me by doing everything you want to do with me. But what’s is this that you said you want to claim me as yours and make me yours” he said     “ I didn’t write this crap to you, I don’t even want you as mine, let alone claim you as mine and I know nothing about this and I haven’t seen this too” I told him     “ then who did?” He asked me     “ I didn’t send this to you and I don’t know who sent it to you either and if this is the reason you came up to look for me, then you are totally wasting your time” I told him    “ how do you except me to believe you are not the one responsible for this, because it seems you are always there every where I am, every place I go to you are always there. If anything is wrong then you are the only one to suspect “ he said , then I walked very close to him and I griped his shirt    “ now listen, i have every right be any where I want to be in this school and you can’t stop me, you own nothing here, then why am I been a suspect for things that has been happening to you. You can go look for your secret admirer and leave me the f**k alone” I told him as I pushed him away, while walking away from him to the door and clenching my hands in a fist form because I hate the fact of been accused of what I know nothing about, ‘ f**k you Eric for ruining my mood’ I said to my self as I walked down the stairs, a buzz on my phone made me to stop walking and checking who it was from and then saw it is from my dad, clicking open to check what it contained     ‘ Ryan when are you coming home, and be careful out there. See you soon’    I wasn’t excepting this kind of message from him, he always sends this to me anytime something bad is about to happen and I guess seeing his message means something bad is really going to happen, I took in a deep breath and realising my breath before walking down the stair to the class room. Few hours later Eric and his gang walked in and during the rest period of class we kept having eye contacts with each other till school was over, his friends left him alone again and he was all alone writing down things on his note, I guess hebis foind of been left alone to do his personal things. Picking up my bag I walked in front of him because that’s the only way to get to the door, except I jumped through the window. Then he held my hand to stop me from moving forward      “ I am sorry for accusing you wrongly, I really though you were the one, I thought you were the only person who could send that to me because of the way you have been treating me lately. I am truly sorry “ he apologised to me still holding my hand     “ I don’t see any reasons to forgive you when I don’t even know what was written on the envelope “ I told him     “ oh sorry, here it is” he said handling me the envelope which I took from him and read the paper inside    “ ha I see, now I know why you thought I was the one” I told him    “ yeah and I am sorry. I am Eric by the way” he said introducing him self to me     “ I know who you are and I am very sure you know a lot about me too, so let’s skip the introduction and “ I said as I walked close to him and bending down to whisper into his ear “ beside if I want to hit on you, you obviously know I won’t leave it on a piece of trash. I will hit on you heads on, so what do you think if I should seriously start chasing you for real and claim you as mine” I said as he gulped on his spit pushing me away from him as I staggered backwards      “ don’t f*****g joke with me , I hate your kind and I can never date your kind” he said     “ hahahhahaha,  I am joking. I can never stoop so low to date your kind of a person, a commoner and you said you hate my kind, what exactly have my kind ever did to you that you that you hate them and if one of my kind did something wrong to you or bad to you, does that mean you will hate on all of them” I told him     “ I don’t f*****g  care,, don’t say something like that to me again,  and don’t mess with me    “ yeah whatever, take care” I told him bidding him goodbye , then stopping at the entrance of the door, I turned  to face him “ I have my eyes on you Eric “ I told him as I walked away to meet my friends,  setting the alarm on my phone at 7pm when Eric would be taking the bus home    Exactly 7pm, I told my friends goodbye and hide at the dark alley where I could see him, then I saw him dancing to the beat of whatever song he was listening to in his headphones as he got on the bus to go home and my tailing him began hiding my self so he won’t find out about me. On getting him, he greeted his dad and went straight to his room, taking his bath and then going down for dinner, the returning back up he went staiugh to his  reading table for about an hour before going to his bed to sleep, I waited for 30 more minutes before entering his room, staring at him as he slept, he looked so peaceful while he slept like he got no issues going on in his life, then he flinched , I think the nightmares has started again as he started sweating furiously and shaking his head then started talking     “ no please, no please not my mum, kill me instead please please kill me and let my mum leave please”    I didn’t understand for I thought his mum was dead, why is he begging to get killed instead of his mum, what’s going on inside his head, what’s he dreaming of, I tried reading his mind but I couldn’t, it was still blank, I really want to know what was wrong with him and how can I possibly help him out, then he jumped up from the bed fully awake, I quickly masked my self with darkness, that’s one of my ability, I can control darkness. He say in he bed, his body soaked with sweat as he stared at the ceiling and completely lost in though, I tried reading his mind again but it seems someone or something was blocking me from reading his mind, i nee dronginjom and figure out a way to approach him and become close to him so I can help ease his mind of the nightmare and off I went as I swift to my room      Getting to my door I saw my dad’s men on my door   “ what are you doing here?” I asked him as I opened he door   “ your dad sent me to you” he said following me in   “ what is it this time?” I asked him    “ he wants you home”     “ I saw his message but I can’t come now, I am not ready to come home yet. I have something to do here and I need to get it done before going home. And how did you find me here?”     “ I went to your old school and I was told  you were expelled from the school for fighting and i compelled the teachers and students I saw to tell me where you were and I finally got to you”    “ ha I see, now listen up. Whatever happens please don’t tell my dad, I don’t need to see any blood or ashes again please, promises me “    “ I promise you “ he said    “ thank you very much, I am grateful. Then goodbye”    “ goodbye sir” He Said as he went off. If I don’t get home soon to meet my dad, he will definitely find out that I was expelled and blood or ashes will be spilled and I too will face a little consequence, but for now I have something to do here and I need to find out more about Eric and why he is having nightmares and what’s this attraction I am having towards him. I need answers and I need it soon and very fast.  I said as I fell on my bed
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