A Business Trip to the Bahamas

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It still haunted me, how she couldn't forgive me and because of this, I felt like I had to stop sitting back and wait for them to slip up. I need to take matters into my own hands. You don't get to be as powerful, influential and as rich as me with being a kindhearted person in the business, fair is something not known to most of us who bathe in luxury. This is the harsh truth, people especially the filthy rich are conniving and calculative. No, there are things we do to reach the top. Greed doesn't only apply to those who came from the bottom and want to climb up the top, it even affects those who were already born with these golden spoons in their mouths, it is to keep their status until the end of their miserable life. Everyone in the business has their own dirty secret, a secret that cost us of what we had. I admit my fathers business was already known, it was already in the A-List, but I was the one who conquered the list when it was my time to rule.I had connections everywhere, may it be on the good side or the bad side. I have stayed in contact with Don Fiore, a Mafia boss whom Andrew also owed millions to. He has been hunting Andrew and we had a deal that once he is found they can do a few damaging shots, however would leave the finishing touches with me. "This is the first time I am seeing you getting down and dirty again, Logan. Its been so long, fratello" He greeted while lighting his Cigar, a smirk plastered on his smug face. "This is nothing but the start." I replied keeping my eyes on Andrew who was peacefully living well in the Bahamas, sipping his coconut drinks on one hand and holding his women on the other. Exactly 32 hours ago, I had communicated with Don Fiore, it was my last resort and the least I wanted to take but had to. He had kept tabs on Andrew and had information on him, I couldn't leave immediately even if I wanted to which is why after settling things on my end, we left as soon as possible - which is why we sat here in the bar, watching him as soon as we had spotted him. "How's the wife?" Luca asked, while his eyes trained on mine. I sighed, leaning against my seat, looking out I imagined her face that was sleeping so peacefully. "Doing well so far but not as fast as I would want." Mumbling I stared at the picture in my phones screen, it was of us looking at each other grinning.  "I could only imagine of what're you going through." He talked low looking out his window, sighing deeply. He looked out of his element, he was the same as me.. We act as if we are the counter part of the other and it was because we were related by blood, Luca is the so-called bastard son of my father and people expected that I would hate his guts, however I never felt it that way. Luca ran his mothers organization and he overtook it at the age of 20, yes he is mafia and I won't deny or justify that my brothers actions are for the good. This was the life he chose and its not enough of a reason to even despise the man who had a heart. "Hows father?" He asked and I raised a brow at him, Luca hated our fathers guts for cheating on my mother and my mother even if she despised his mother, she still cared for Luca. Felicity Sabella was/is a strong woman, she stood beside her husband and built their Empire with an iron fist, however when she discovered that my father had a mistress in Sicily, she was furious and hateful until she just broke into who she was now. A woman who always thought what made him cheat on her? Was she not good enough?? "He is doing well, mother wanted to tell you to come by sometime to have some tea with her." At the mention of my mother, his eyes twinkled. We learned about Luca when his mother Marianna Fiore died, her body gave up to the clutches of death after fighting years of Cancer.We went to her funeral in Tuscany with no knowledge that she was his mistress, we aimlessly thought she was a close friend of my father. Luca was the carbon copy of me, however he had greyish steel colored eyes. He was the brooding kind of child and I was the one who always made him smile in those times, I was happy to learn I had a brother even if my mother and father faught alot those times because he had another child with another woman, I never understood what is the problem with it back then but now I was older, i knew now. I am a year and a half older than Luca. My mother could be heartless and cold towards Luca since he was the fruit of my fathers infedelity towards her, but no. She treated him the way she treated me, a son of her own. Granting she was still furious at dad, she never blamed Luca because he never knew what happened. "Maybe some other time, I've been busy recently. I'll send flowers to her in regards." He smiled and put out his cigar. "You've been busy too much recently Luca.. You worry me." I stared at my brothers steel gray eyes and he just smiled. It was a smile that didn't even reach the light on his eyes, there was something else bothering him and though I wanted to stick my nose in it, I had other matters I need to address first. "You need not to worry, I am well. It is just work being a huge cóckblocker." The smile turned to a smirk as we got into our talks of business and lastly to Cassandra. "You know, I would've never thought of you getting married as early as you did 5 years ago.. Does your wife have a sister I could marry? I like her." He smirked and I did so back making me think of Bethany. "I'm sure, her sister you already fúcked before." I aimlessly flitted through the surveillance pictures his men had. "Is that so? Give me a name and I might remember." He tipped his head to the side, looking at me with a raised brow. "Bethany." I spoke and looked at him, he was frowning in concentration. "Bethany? Tesoro? Austen? Hemsworth? Rus-" before he could finish that last name I hummed and he gasped. "No.." He looked at me wide eyed, leaning back his seat he looked unbelieving. "That is fúckin' impossible! Bethany Russell is the sister of your wife?! The skank? Oh goodness.." He laughed and shook his head, looking at me and then back to laughing his ass off. "Yea yea, laugh it off while you can. But the funny part is you still fúcked her." I was the one smirking victoriously this time and he frowned, giving him the look of disgust. "And I regret that, like seriously.. She is just horrible and gosh, I'd rather do a virgin than that woman." He shook his head repeatedly as if to erase the nights they spent together. The time when she had a scandal, Luca was actually the man in the video and he was smart enough to not even have his face taken while Bethany was all for it. "Your drinks, sir." A waitress came over, she gave him suggestive looks - turning she walked away making Luca doa gagging expression which made me laugh. Looking at my brother I once asked him "Why won't you tell the world we're related? That we're brothers?" His answer was simple, it was something I never thought of. "In my line of work, I don't want you nor your family to be in danger just because of me." "Hey quit staring." He said, pulling me out of my thought for a moment, I laughed and shook my head. "By the way, hows sister dearest?" He suddenly asked and it made me wonder, when was the last time I saw her? Oh yeah, the other week. "She's fairly well, said she was dating some hot shot actor. I zoned out after that." I shook my head, granting I never met the guy its just I had bad vibes about him you know? Call it the Overly protective brother Instincts. "Want me to snoop on that?" He smirked and I just shook my head in defiance, Lorraine loved us but when we put our noses in her business she is raising hell from under the ground up. "Hell hath no fury like a woman named Lorraine Sabella." And we just both howled in laughter with our dearest kid sister.
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