Not The News I Was Hoping For!

1583 Words
Addison I fight back tears, remembering how he looked at that woman. My mate who had pledged his undying devotion to me marked me two years ago, made me his Luna, and never failed to tell me he loved me every day had just claimed another female in front of me. He’d kissed her and looked at her like she was his world. Less than twelve hours ago, he was doing the same to me as he rubbed my feet. What is going on? Did I hit my head last night? I lay back to wait for Trisha to return. The door was quickly opened, and Trisha walked back in again. “Luna, we need to have a talk.” “Do you have any idea what’s going on?” I ask her quietly holding back my tears. “I have an idea why you fainted. I ran…” The door flies open, and she looks up angrily wondering who is barging in like that. “Excuse me, this is a patient’s room-” She starts talking to someone whose feet are the only thing I can see at the moment. Then Trisha shifts a bit, and I stare at the female who walks in with an unpleasant smile. Anger rises up, making me want to snarl at her. Her words die off when Seth steps in right behind her. At six five, he towers above everyone. “Alpha, I am sorry. I thought someone was playing a prank on a patient.” She bows her head. He says coldly, “I will excuse it as you could not see me this time. But my mate, Aubrey is to be treated with the utmost respect.” With those words, I feel my heart sink and my stomach twist with nausea. His mate? But not me? “I came because Beta Owen was concerned as to why Addison fainted in my office. He felt I needed to come and talk to you myself, Dr. Trisha.” Seth speaks to her with a bored air, and I cannot understand what is wrong with him. Where has the loving mate I spent the last two years with gone? “Ah yes, I ran her bloodwork Alpha and found that she's-” "Pregnant?” Aubrey asks with narrowed eyes. “Umm, no, I was going to say perfectly healthy. I think her body went into shock with your claiming of your mate in front of her and the fact she hadn’t eaten breakfast, Alpha. Her blood sugar was very low.” Trisha says expressionlessly. I glance at her helplessly. Is she taking his side now?! I open my mouth, but she links me. 'Please, Luna. Be quiet and let me handle this.' I snap my jaw shut and glare at Seth and his new mate, Aubrey. “You did every test to make sure she isn’t pregnant?” Seth asks her coldly. “All the bloodwork, Alpha.” Trisha assures him. “What about that picture thingy? The black and white ultrasonic photos or whatever it’s called.” Aubrey says, staring at something on her phone. She looks annoyed. Trisha states quietly, “Since her bloodwork is negative, there is no reason to do an ultrasound.” Seth looks at her hard, “Do one anyway. I need to make sure there is no bastard child she’s going to try to stick me with or beg for me to support instead of the pups I have with my true mate.” My heart shatters, and I hold back the tears that are threatening to fall. “Yes, Alpha.” Trisha walks out to get a machine. “Seth, what is happening? How can you be mated to me and find a new mate?” I ask him bewildered. My frustration is rising with this. He sighs and gives me a cold look of pity, “Addison, I am sorry it happened this way. But it seems we were not true mates. My wolf does not recognize you as his mate any longer. I feel the entire mate bond with Aubrey much stronger than I ever did with you.” “But just yesterday, you were acting like we were mates. I felt the sparks every time you touched me. I could feel our bond. Mate bonds do NOT vanish like this!” I protest feeling helpless. What on earth is happening? “And do you feel it now? Here let me touch your hand, and you’ll see there’s nothing there.” He glances at Aubrey. “Control your wolf. I need to prove to her that we are done.” I want to throw something at his head. I am rapidly growing to hate him. He reaches out and touches the back of my hand with his fingertips. Nothing. I reach out and touch his arm, but feel nothing at all. No warmth, not a spark, not a tingle. I gaze at him in astoundment, and he simply stares back calmly. Aubrey growls lowly, but I ignore her. She can come at me, and I’ll tear her to shreds. Trisha walks back in with an ultrasound machine. She plugs it in and asks the Alpha to turn around while she adjusts my gown. He does show not an ounce of interest. An Alpha mate would usually growl and protest. She gives me an apologetic look and squirts cold gel on my stomach. She takes the handheld device and rolls it over my stomach. “Nothing here, Alpha.” He looks at the screen before nodding, satisfied. “Let me know when she is ready for discharge.” He tells her briskly as they leave without a glance in my direction. Once the door closed, she walked over and locked it. I sit staring at the door in shock. I have never felt so overwhelmed and confused. I start to get up but feel the slimy gel. “Trisha, do you have a towel to wipe this stuff off?” I ask her sadly. “Luna, wait. I want to show you something.” She walked over to the machine, and I heard her typing and clicking. She then turned the screen my way and ran the machine back over my belly. She stops and then points to a very small circle on the screen. “Luna, you are pregnant.” “Wait, what?” I ask her shocked. “You are about three weeks pregnant, Luna. That’s why you fainted this morning.” Trisha says quietly with a smile. “But you just, I thought you said…”I sputter out. This is all too much. My brain is going to explode. “I told him that because I didn’t want them to know. They were way too concerned about you being pregnant. I was about to tell you it was in your bloodwork, but luckily they interrupted just in time.” “But the ultrasound, you showed nothing a minute ago.” I protest, so confused right now. “I may have left it in demo mode, which will show nothing. Oops, the mistakes you make not checking sometimes!” Trisha gives me a sheepish smile. “I am grateful you did that. I have no idea what is going on still.” Pregnant! I want to be happy. My head is on a spinning wheel though. I can picture Seth dancing around, and he had been so excited to start trying for pups. He was so ready to be a dad. I smile remembering him talking about how he’d massage my feet every night, rub my back, and indulge any craving I had once I got pregnant. The smile dies off my face quickly as I think of the nightmare I have awakened to. “Trisha, could this be some kind of spell or potion? Witchcraft?” I ask her clinging to anything that will explain this. She sighs deeply, “I do not know, Luna. We may have to wait and see if we can learn anything else. Let me print you the ultrasound picture to keep. I am going to keep you here overnight.” At some point after dinner, I fell asleep exhausted. I woke when I heard a noise in the room. I jumped seeing a shadow move out of the bathroom. I called Nessa, but she’s still absent. Suddenly the shadow stills, and I hear. “Shh Addi, it’s me.” “Owen?” I whispered and yelled. “Why are you sneaking around my dark room?” “Sorry, Seth dismissed your guards so I came to watch over you tonight myself. I don’t want him to find out I’m here though. Go back to sleep.” His hand came over and squeezed my shoulder. “Thank you. But why? Do you have any idea what’s happening to him?” “No, sadly I don’t. I am just as freaked out as you, Addi. But he pulled the guards away and acted like you were just a previous girlfriend. I tried to talk to him and find out what was going on, but he shut me down and blocked me completely. I know Nessa is out, and I don’t want you unprotected. I promise I will keep trying.” Owen reassures me. “Don’t get yourself into trouble. He seemed easy to anger today. Nothing like he normally is.” I warn him before I fall back to sleep.
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