Report 37 – Fighting Duncan – part 1

1738 Words

Some days later, at breakfast in the cafeteria, Seya's friends were eating while happily chatting. Seya arrived at his room really early by a Gateway, and he went in search of them. As usual, he was following Ryn's Magic Flow. "Hello everyone. Missed me?" Ryn jumped towards Seya. "Seya!" Chuac! Princess Arys made a throw-up face. "Annoying love birds! Drop-dead already!" Princess Heiji shook her head. "Envy is such an ugly sin! Big brother, you are going to stay longer?" "Yes, I need to attend some classes. Or else the Teachers will start to complain. I also missed Ryn." Hina crossed her arms over the table, and she rested her head on them, looking sad. "Oh, I also want a boyfriend..." Princess Arys made a frown at Zak Holstrem. "Zak, do something about Hina already! You coward bra

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