Report 30.5 – Visiting the new domain – part 1.5

2197 Words

The Baron explained in a sad tone. "Normally, they would come to our house. Other times, if the injury was too serious, Rose would go to them. We only have two people able to use Healing Magic, but they can only take care of minor injuries." "I see. We need to find a house or a room in someone's house that we can use for the Healers." "I think there's an empty room behind the Church. We must talk to the Priest, but I am sure he will be happy to help." "It's one of the Goddess Teachings, to help the wounded. Can Baron Frank take care of that, the School preparation and also make sure the Inn gets new rooms? If necessary, I can make the rooms with Magic, but it was better to have some workers doing that. I need to see if they will be able to make new homes after." "New homes, Milord?" "

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