Chapter 5

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My parents back to the home they had lunch and got a refresh and went upstairs to take some rest. it’s a really long travel for them both. My grandma stayed in my uncle’s place itself for some time to support and console my aunt. I’m watching a new movie update on Netflix it’s really too good. “The 365 days” it’s a love story between a gangster CEO and an ordinary girl. I received his call. I paused the movie on the computer and attend his call. Hi Kannama what are you doing .? Hi, I’m watching the movie did you had your lunch I asked him. He said yes. I finished in my college cafeteria itself. what movie you are watching? I showed him my computer screen. he looks at that and said ok let’s watch together. He laid on the bed with his laptop. I smiled and played the movie again from the beginning. I said Simbu I love to see this movie hero Massimo. He is tall handsome and looking masculine also I laughed and said for me three seconds enough to fall in love with him this poor heroine need 365 days it seems. He smiled and said don’t make me jealous Kannama. I smiled and continue watching the movie. He asked do you like this kind of wild move in bed Kannama. I smiled and said maybe. He smiled and replied lets we try all these 365 positions in the future. I smiled and said future what is that? you think we have some future together. He paused his movie and became serious you think I’m still flirting with you. I look at his eyes and I can find some seriousness in that. I said Simbu let’s stop this discussion here. He said no Kannama. I have to tell you this and like to give some meaning to our relationship. I said Simbu no stop it here because I can’t give you any hope. I can’t do anything against my parent’s wishes. I looked down to avoid his eye contact. Kannama looks at me he said. When I look at his gaze I got locked. He confessed, “I love you kannama”. I know what I’m saying. As your cousin said I won’t open up easily but when it comes to you. I’m always feeling comfortable. The day I saw your friend request I felt that spark. you are the one who arose my deep inside feelings. Maybe the way I approached you might be wrong. But the feelings I having for you is real and pure Kannama. I helplessly said “Simbu”. Kannama you just simply love me back that’s enough. I take care of the rest of all problems. I nodded and similes. His word gives me some hope to say yes but even though my eyes already dropping tears. He smiled and said Kannama wipe your eyes. I always wish to see your happy face only. I am just ready to accept the way he loving me. I not at all interested in going deep into that and check whether the way he loving me is correct or not. Good or Bad. Nothing else I like to think. All I thought was in my heart “Love Me Like You Do”. I’m in the home other than preparing for the entrance exam. I’m nothing doing useful. My days are going like cooking, going temple, shopping, and helping mom in the kitchen. I also help with my maid kids’ homework. so I thought of doing it a little more extra. I told my maid I can take free tuition for who are all need in your place so bring them if any of need. My maid lives a little far from our home in the government quarters. People living they’re all are mostly working in corporations. I explained to my parents about my plan and got their permission and started my Free tuition in our penthouse daily one hour evening from six to seven o clock with fifteen students. I’m really so happy about doing this job. I felt so fulfilled while doing this work. When I told this to Simbu. He kissed me in a video call itself. He said Kannama you never fail to amaze me. “Every day there is something new that makes me love you more than the day before” love you kannama. I smiled and said enough Simbu already I’m impressed. He smiled and asked had your dinner? I said yes already finished and settled in bed to sleep. He said mm. I read somewhere girls' moods will be at a high level at night phone chats with boyfriends. Oh, really it’s already night here. I’m your girlfriend also I’m talking with you my boyfriend but I don’t feel so. I laughed. He said let’s do research about this tonight he winked. I laughed and went to switch off my room light. I sit on my bed and turn on my bedside night lamp. He simply lay on his elbow and staring at me. I asked what? He said, I just wish to be there with you in your bed under your quilt with you. I want to take you into my embrace and keep you close to my heart and let you sleep in the rhythm of my heartbeat. I imagined what he said my face blushed without my knowledge. He looking at my blush and asked so you imagined. I smiled and nodded with my head. He laughed and said Kannama don’t be shy in front of me it makes me even more irresistible towards you. I look at his face he simply looking at me and rubbing his chin. I called his name in my low voice “Simbu”. He smiled and said” yes”. How poky that will be I asked him. He opened his eyes wide in surprise and laughed and asked what!! I said nothing leave it. Kannama doesn’t do this to me. Please repeat what you asked. I whispered how poky that will be your face and your mustache. He smiled and asked you don’t like this kind of rough face can I do a clean shave? he asked. I said no no I love it even I wish to feel that roughness with my lips. I almost blurted but suddenly I come back to my sense and swallowed my balance words. He still in shock maybe he imagining what I said I called his name “Simbu”. He came back to his sense and asked why did you stop Kannama I love to hear the balance. I smiled and lowered my head. Kannama please what is wrong in open up your thoughts to me he asked. I smiled and said you asked me morning what I admired on your face right? This is what I admired your trimmed facial hair and your trimmed mustache Are you satisfied I asked. He still rubbing his chin and smiling. If you like it I never do clean shave in my lifetime. Anything for you Kannama. As we speak I fall asleep those nights are beautiful.  
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