2] The very hot customer

855 Words
I sighed, disheartened. My formal neighbor only saw me as a child. If he hadn't, the two of us would have been a thing. His handsomeness is the only reason I don't hide my face each time I see him and remembers that I even prayed that God should make him ask me out ..but. Anyways, I pulled my shits together and went to the customer. "Good morning, what would you like to have?" He didn't answer me immediately, he just smiled up at me. "His eyes. Oh my external bubbles, his eyes are so gorgeous." I mused excitedly, I couldn't stop staring at them. "Uh." I mused again when I realized he's saying something, but my mind wasn't with him then. "Please repeat." I said and he smiled. "I was saying that i just moved into the neighborhood and this is my first time here." I looked at him and he smiled again. "I would like to see your menu." He is so sweet and charming ..he kept smiling, maybe it's because I was smiling, I really do not care, all I care is that he's hot. He ordered take out but changed his mind and now wants eating in. He called over his friends. While waiting for his friends and I'm waiting for his orders to be done in the kitchen. He called me over for the second time. I moved closer to him. "I just want to know when my order will be ready?" He said and I smiled because he just asked me that five minutes ago. * It's eight PM, I'm angry ..I've been angry ever since the hot customer left, he'd asked for my number but I didn't give it to him. Alex came to my mind. I f*****g hate that he did. "Something is definitely wrong with me." I told myself this, I said it several times, but damn it! I seriously regretted not giving the man my number, I was so attracted to him. I'm upset about everything and now my boss is telling me that I will have to work the night because one of our staff is sick. He isn't even f*****g gonna pay me extra! I couldn't do anything , I needed the money. End of the month hasn't even reached yet. I was so angry all through everything and then I saw him. He came with his friends. I went over to the table he's in, I smiled. "You are here, again." He smiled and touched my hand. "I was hoping you'd give me your number this time." I left everything I was doing, I grabbed my bag from behind the counter and took my phone out and then I wrote my number on a piece of paper because I didn't know my number off head and then I went over to him. "I will like you to have my number." I said, handing him the white piece of paper and he looked at it and his smile widened. "When you keep smiling like that, one would think you'd go out with this one. " Sam whispered from behind me as he place two pot of shesha on the customer's table. I tap his hands angrily. He looked up at me and chuckled before going back to his original duties, which is being a bartender. I stormed after him. "Quit smiling because I really like this one. I'm going to make Alex so jealous, he'll fly all the way from Turkey and marry me the next day." "I hear you." He said and then began laughing. He paused then turned and looked me in the face then burst out laughing as if someone wrote a joke on my face. He's so annoying!. Few hours later, I was done with work. It's so late, the manager asks me to sleep over but ..you can't compare their bed with mine. And my elder sister traveled. I might not have money of my own, but I have my bed and that is the only reason I'm still staying at my sister's. I ran home through the back door. My house is a stone throw from my work place. I fell on my bed but immediately picked myself up and took a shower. "Breathe Muna." I said as I opened my phone and checked it. I signed before dropping it beside me. "He didn't call today too and no messages." I mused feeling so sad at the possibility that this might be the end of our relationship. After a while just laying there, I sat up. It's been six months since he left, six months since I've been waiting, waiting for him . Six months. It just can't end like this, if he wants out he has to tell me and also he needs to know. He needs to know that I'm still a virgin and I've been keeping my virginity for him. Does he even know how hard it is, battling with mixed signals. If he wants out, he needs to tell me point and blue so I can move on. I picked up my phone and began typing. ......
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