Chapter 138: The Flutter

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Rhea’s POV   What I just did to Colton was really a mistake, and both my wolf and I know that we crossed a line. I wasn’t thinking when I invited his ex-girlfriend over for dinner with him, and he's right, I should have gotten his side of the story before assuming.   I remember Lark complaining of women who only liked him because of his title, and while I never witnessed it, Robin told me that some women were devastated when Emma turned out to be his mate.   I know that at least one of our members left, but I seriously thought it was because my brother was a nice person. In my mind, anyone would have wanted to be with him; turns out, even Colton has a ‘following.’   I want to apologize to the man, but when I stand in front of his door, my wolf starts to warn against it.   "This is dangerous." I’m already on edge and her words don’t help.   “We were wrong,”   “He was wrong first.”   “And if we continue to play that game it will further hurt him, and it will eventually be bad for us. We have to survive here for three months; an apology is the right thing to do if we don’t want to trigger him into violence.”   Sylvia knows what I mean because Colton’s facial expression when Jessica was in the suite told me that he was genuinely hurt, and his words after she left replay in my mind repeatedly.    I remember how much it hurt to hear him tell me that he would ‘give me’ to his pack and I wasn’t his mate back then. I did something similar, and he can feel the bond.    “He deserves it.” I ignore my wolf and knock at the door.   Colton’s POV   Jessica completely ruined my happy mood, and while I want to be angry with my mate, I can’t. Jessica was promised the title of luna, and me not telling my mate about it left her open to manipulation from the woman.   I know that part of it was the lie Jack told her about forcing my ‘girlfriend’ to reject her mate, and while that's the running rumor, it's the furthest thing from true.   If Jessica didn’t want her mate, that wouldn’t have been a problem, like I told her then, I would have supported any decision she made, but she used me to violate the sanctity of the bond.    More than that, her reputation for cheating on people was too much to overlook, and while my father was willing to do it, I wasn’t.   A light knocking at the door startles me out of my thoughts, and I’m surprised by it. I swing it open to find my mate, who looks guilty. She has never come to my room willingly, and I take a step back pulling the door open wider so she can enter.   I see her think about it for a few seconds before she actually takes a step forward, and while it means nothing; it’s huge. She glances around, looking at the things I know she can recognize as gifts she bought for me in her sisters’ name, and I use her distraction to shut the door.   She jumps, but doesn’t move, which I’m grateful for because I’m not sure how I will react right now.   “I came to apologize. What I did was insensitive, especially since I know that you’re affected by the bond. You’re right; I should’ve spoken with you first and I won’t get involved in your personal affairs again.”   Rhea goes to leave, but I step into her path, taking steps toward her as she retreats, and when her legs are against my bed, I gently push her shoulders to make her sit.   I explain the entire situation between me and Jessica, and while I thought she would be disgusted, she actually looks sad.    “The truth is and has always been that no one liked me for who I was. They all wanted my title, and truthfully, part of the reason you are so appealing to me is that you don’t care.” An awkward silence falls between us, but I don’t allow it to last for long. “I also want to apologize for how I behaved. I should have kept my emotions in check when Jack was trying to embarrass us, and I hurt you by implying something I know isn't true."   "Okay," she replies, glancing at the door as if she’s about to run through it. "Is that all?"   “No, I want to get to know you. I feel like I only know things from stories I've heard about you."   Rhea’s POV   Being in Colton’s room with the door closed and sitting on his bed has me in a panic and my wolf isn’t helping me remain calm at all.   "I told you that this would be dangerous. You need to get out," Sylvia warns. 'Bonding' will strengthen the mate bond and neither of us want that, but we are interrupted.   "Don't worry, I just want to know simple things, like what's your favorite color?" Colton asks, and I answer like a robot.   "Green," I reply, " and yours?" I cringe at my inadvertently shooting the question back at him, but that's typically what people do, so it was instinctual.   "Pink," the man says, and I furrow my brow at him doubtfully. "It's a recent change." I must have made a funny face because Colton starts chuckling at me.   “Do you play any instruments?” He suddenly asks, and with a raised brow, I shake my head. That was oddly specific, and when the man stands to take his guitar off its hook, I’m immediately disturbed.    “He better not…” Sylvia says, referring to the man singing to us in any way.   Instead, he starts playing a tune that is extremely familiar, and because my wolf has gone silent, I know that she recognizes it too.    Colton must think he's doing something special, but right now, he has only made my wolf and I angry.   "Please say anything," Colton whispers, and the embarrassment and plea in his tone softened my mood.    He clearly doesn't know the song he just played and while I don't see what he did as anything romantic, I can tell that he meant it to be.   “Do you know the words to that song?” I finally say.   Colton's POV   I honestly wasn't expecting my mate to ask me that question, and truthfully, I'm a little caught off guard.   I only heard the melody of what she sang while in isolation, but I could never find the song.   I would hum it so much that eventually Carter tried to help me do an internet search, but there's only so much a browser can do with 'la la lalala la la.'    "I don't know it," I reply, and without warning, my mate bursts into song.    At first, I was memorized by the beauty of her voice, but soon the lyrics hit me.   With lines like clipped wings, broken thing, held down, and struggled on the ground; I just knew the song was referring to me.   However, when she got to the part about crossed lines, and having a voice, but being unable to talk, I literally covered her mouth.   "Can we please stop hurting one another?" I beg. "I know I have a lot to make up for, but please…" I can't even finish my request, but I somehow end up holding her hand. "Please Rhea?"   My mate nods, but I'm not sure which one of my unsaid requests she was agreeing to, so I release her hand and scoot back a little.   "Other than gardening; what's your favorite thing to do?" I desperately want to have a normal conversation with my mate, and I hope she feels bad enough to give me the opportunity right now.   Rhea's POV   Sylvia and I are in a compromising situation and neither of us know how to respond, so we go for something neutral.   "I like a lot of things." Colton laughs at me, and my heart actually flutters, which makes my wolf react harshly.   "Are you serious right now?" She questions, but she and I can feel each other's emotions, so I know she thought his smile was nice too.   "I should be asking you the same thing," I reply incredulously.    "Leave," she says guiltily, and I stand abruptly.    Colton is handsome, I can't deny that, but I have never acknowledged it. Sitting so close to him made me analyze his features, and as usual, my wolf and I noted what we like about it.   "I should go," I say, but Colton grabs onto my hand again.    "Please talk to me a bit longer." My eyes are drawn to his beautiful green ones, and I find myself panicking.   "Not in here," I reply, and the man releases my hand and opens the door for me.   Colton's POV   My mate has never really looked at me, but just now, I felt as though she finally saw me. If humbling myself before her gets me what I want, then I'll do it all the time.   I'm not sure what's going on in her mind, but her face is so pink I know she's embarrassed, and when she asks to leave, I grant her request, but not before adding a condition.   Rhea starts cleaning up the food she made, but I stop her, telling her that we should eat it together.    She accepts and I'm not sure why, but I start asking her questions that I keep agreeing with.    'Do you like being outside? Me too. Do you prefer cold to hot? Me too.' She eventually narrows her eyes at me, but she doesn't say anything.   Somehow, Rhea's car pops into my mind and I start wondering if she bought the large vehicle for her future family.   "What made you buy Suvi?" I ask, and my mate goes stiff.   "I bought it because I thought I would need it."   "For our children?" My mate starts to cough from shock, so I hand her a glass of water.   "I don't want children," she says, and I agree.   "Okay, we don't need children when we'll have each other."   "So, you don't want children?" She asks skeptically.   "Nope."   "Can you stop agreeing with everything I say?"   "No," I reply, and her mouth hangs open because technically I'm not agreeing anymore.   "So, you don't want a son?"   "Truthfully, I wouldn't even know where to begin raising a boy. Girls are easier; no boys, no makeup, and no dresses."   "That's not how you should raise a girl," my mate says incredulously, and I internally smirk.   "Then how?" Rhea shrugs before answering absent-mindedly.   "I’d prefer a so-" Her eyes widened in shock. "You tricked me!"
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