Chapter 2 An Absolute Disgrace

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Lying on top of the girl, I thoroughly submitted myself to my instinct, feeling as though my manhood were soaked in hot spring. The girl promptly resumed her convincing act in a dutiful manner. Her soft amorous voice wafted into my ears as if I had sent her to the c****x of her pleasure and helped her hit her stride in an instant. I had found it difficult to hold it in when I was watching from the side a few moments ago, and now, with her naked body in my arms, subjected to both sensory and visual stimuli, I failed to restrain it. Lying on top of the girl, I stopped heaving, albeit reluctantly. Even I myself stiffened in disbelief. It had never crossed my mind I would prove so incompetent during my maiden i*********e. I barely lasted one minute. But the girl’s voice was so titillating, her act so convincing. Even the director hadn’t bargained on me ejaculating so soon, but a reshoot was not an option. I suspected that the other actors had an urge to kill me. The next actor roughly dragged me off the bed and took my place. Arms wrapped around the actress tightly, he kissed and nibbled her fiercely, and the two of them rolled on the bed over and over again, loud groans and shouts of contentment filling the room. Maybe because of my terrible performance, when the crew switched to another scene, the director drew me to one side and dressed me down, saying that he had given me the part solely because I was in very good shape, but I had nearly upset his whole plan. After hurling a torrent of full-frontal criticism at me, he sent me packing. Fortunately for me, my bosom friend who had recommended me to the director put in a good word for me, which spared me from making a compensatory payment. “Ben, that’s not how you shoot a s*x scene. You’re expected to last a lot longer than that. I think you should go back and hone your skills first. Premature ejaculation is unacceptable in this industry.” As I was a fellow countryman, he clapped me on the shoulder consolingly. After a jolt of dismay, a flush of dejection rose inside me. My first experience of shooting a movie gave me some very unpleasant memories, and it also cost me my virginity. Crestfallen, I sat on the side, waiting for the filming session to end. I watched for about half an hour and then the filming was over. The actress began to dress. Surprisingly, after being through a tiring filming session involving a lot of strenuous s*x, she looked as if nothing had happened. She bowed to every p**n actor and talked with them as if they were close friends. My Jasgorean was poor so I kept silent, watching her speak to every member of the crew before shifting her gaze to me. I instantly blushed, for I had slept with her just now. I didn’t know what to say to her. She could tell that I was not a native of Jasgore, but she still walked over to me, leaned her head close to mine and whispered something in my ear in Jasgorean with a sweet voice. I didn’t know why, but I felt that what she said to me was different from what she had said to the others. Not until I learned to speak Jasgorean did I come to know that she had said thank you to the others, but what she said to me was “wimp”! That word reduced me to an absolute disgrace. What was even more shameful was that I actually responded to her with a guileless smile, for I couldn’t understand Jasgorean at that time. After that day, I started working out like crazy, and I consulted my colleagues about acting skills every single chance I got. Having grown up in the countryside, I had a very strong constitution. My muscles, in particular, were like black rocks because of the efforts I put into hard training. To my surprise, owing to my physical fitness and dedication to work, I gradually hit stride in this industry. On one hand, I had no other professional skills with which I could make a living; on the other, I had a faintly unspeakable motivation: I wanted to prove myself competent and have those women know what I was capable of. I wanted to conquer them both physically and mentally. Bearing in mind that thought which I couldn’t tell anybody about, I became increasingly skillful during the filming of different p**n movies, and my remuneration began to soar. Sometimes I could even finish the filming of a movie single-handed. I bought a house, got married and earned myself a decent life. However, after I co-starred with the hundredth actress, I discovered I seemed to have developed some kind of occupational disease, that I was no longer able to derive pleasure from s*x, that I did it only because it was my job. However, of the numerous actresses I once worked with, there was this particular girl who made my heart flutter when I first saw her. Her name was Hebe Shute. She was tall and slim, and her beauty had a classic quality to it, which made her look like a superstar. She had a faint smell of milk about her. Her breasts were firm, her n*****s pinkish, her skin so delicate that the mere sight of it gave me an urge to bite her and suck at every inch of her body... She was more like an ordinary girl than a p**n actress. More importantly, in this foreign country, she spoke the same language as mine... During the filming of s*x scenes, she gave me pleasure. The heady sensation seemed to melt into my blood. We stirred and wriggled like entangled eels, pushing each other’s pleasure to its height.
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