2: Make Him Fall

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CHAPTER TWO The morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room. As I slowly opened my eyes, I realized that I was alone in the vast expanse of our bed. Dwayne had spent the night in the other room, though I want to sleep beside him, I didn't dare enter the room, fearing it would only escalate his anger towards me. It was clear that he was still struggling to accept everything that had transpired. If I myself, despite my deep love for him, still has the reality of our marriage yet to fully sink in, how much more for him? Yes! I still found it hard to believe that I was now Dwayne's wife. Everything had happened so suddenly, so, I understood that I needed to give him space to process his emotions. Perhaps, in time, he would come to reciprocate my feelings. Recognizing that love cannot flourish without effort, I resolved to make a conscious attempt to win Dwayne's heart. I rose from the bed, determined to prepare breakfast before he began his day. Cooking had always been a skill of mine, honed during my difficult upbringing. I knew it could be a valuable asset in this endeavor. Descending the stairs, I made my way to the kitchen. Opening the doors of the oversized refrigerator, I was greeted by an array of meats, vegetables, and other provisions. Perhaps Dwayne's parents had already put these here before we came. What a thoughtful parents. Retrieving the ham, eggs, vegetables, and a small cut of meat, from the ref, I started to work. I prepared three different dishes, hoping to offer Dwayne a variety of choices. My heart yearned to find something that would delight his palate. This was the first step in my mission to make Dwayne fall deeply in love with me. As the dishes sizzled and simmered on the stove, I also cooked a pot of fragrant rice. Transforming it into a delectable fried rice, I wondered if the aroma alone would make Dwayne's mouth water with anticipation. By the time I finished cooking, the clock had struck past 6 am. However, Dwayne still slumbered peacefully, undisturbed by the enticing smells wafting through the house. Deciding not to let the food go to waste, I settled myself on the sofa, poring over my school notes. The ever-present fear of a surprise quiz from our formidable instructor compelled me to study even in these early hours. Yes, I was still pursuing my studies. I was already in my fourth year now with only a thesis subject remaining for the next semester. I had chosen to pursue a degree in BS Agriculture as it had always been my dream to assist my father with our small farm. And although I was happily married at a young age, I believed that I could still contribute to our family's livelihood. As the clock approached 7 am, Dwayne finally emerged from his room. Though a hint of grumpiness lingered on his face, I still tried greet him with a smile as I stood up from the sofa. "Breakfast is ready, come on let's eat while it's still hot," I mouthed, my eyes filled with anticipation. However, he didn't respond, he simply walked towards the wall adjacent to the main door where the huge mirror was placed. As he was adjusting his tie and running his fingers through his damp hair, I realized he had taken an early shower. Seizing the opportunity while he's busy, I hurried back to the kitchen to set the table and serve our breakfast. Thankfully, despite the passage of time, the dishes remained warm and inviting. Returning to the living room, I was met with an empty space. Did he just left? As the sound of the car engine starting outside reached my ears, I rushed out to confirm my suspicion. And there I saw Dwayne was already seated in his car with the gate wide open. "Dwayne, shouldn't you at least eat before going to work? I cooked a lot of food for us," I pleaded, managing to catch him before he drove away. "Who told you to cook so much? Just finish it all. Don't let anything go to waste," he replied with a touch of anger, his voice laced with frustration. After he drove off his car out the gate, he swiftly stepped out and closed the gate behind him. My heart sank as I watched him, tears welling up in my eyes. How could he just disregard the delicious meal I had painstakingly prepared? Or could he atleast appreciate my effort for preparing a meal for us by eating even a little? "Are you not going to eat?" I asked, my voice trembling with disappointment. But his response hit me like a punch to the gut. "Just shut up, will you? You're ruining my morning. Do you honestly think I have the appetite eat with the situation I was stucked in? Do you really believe I would eat here with you around?" he snapped, slamming the car door shut before speeding away. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I stood there, feeling the weight of my failed mission. All my efforts, all my hopes, shattered in an instant. I should have known better, shouldn't have expected anything different. But maybe, just maybe, next time he'll appreciate the food I cook. Perhaps then, he'll come back more often. With a heavy heart, I retreated back into the house. The silence engulfed me, a stark reminder of my loneliness. What a waste of effort, only to be ignored. But there was no use dwelling on it. Because I had an abundance of food, more than I could possibly consume alone, I reached out to Daniela, hoping she would be able to join me. However, Daniela's response came after a while, explaining that she had a commitment with her classmates. Her course, BS Agri-Business, was different from mine, even though we belonged to the same College which is the College of Agriculture. I understood that their curriculum was filled with extracurricular activities, like selling some products they made and such, so I didn't press her any further. But with her refusal, I couldn't help myself but think that something had changed between us. Ever since that fateful night, when an incident involving her brother occurred, our bond had weakened. We used to be inseparable, but now there was a distance, an unspoken tension. Was she upset with me for what had happened to me and her brother? However, after thinking about this, I immediately dismissed the idea, I know that she knew that I had done nothing wrong. She even defended me when I faced her parents alongside Dwayne. But why do I feel that she's being distant to me? Did she carried a burden of guilt herself? Maybe she was unaware that it was she who led me to Dwayne's room. No, Daniela wouldn't do such a thing. Anyway, why was I tormenting myself with these thoughts when I had no answers? It could only add the doubts in my mind that would cast shadows over our friendship. I sighed, realizing that I was once again overthinking, a habit I couldn't seem to break. In the end, after eating, I decided to distract myself by washing the dishes.
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