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(Kitiana) I open my eyes to see a blue sky with birds flying around. I blink a few times before sitting up. There’s a beautiful meadow and I’m in the middle of it wearing a beautiful long grey dress. “How did I get here?” I ask myself. “I brought you here” I hear a sweet melodic voice come from behind me. I turned startled to see two beautiful women. One has long black hair with silver eyes almost white. “I brought you here to warn you. I know you have suffered greatly with the loss of your family and now with what’s going on with your mates” I look down at the mention of my mates. I miss them. “You were right about Samantha” she says making me snap my head up to look at her “but this goes much deeper than that. This goes back to your pack.” She looks at me then smiles as I feel a presence behind me. I turn around to see Killian with a dashing smile. “K-Killian?” I chocked on a sob. “Hello sis” he smiles. I hug him tight letting my tears fall. “Oh, my goddess it’s really you” I say touching his face. I hear chuckles and I look back to see mom and dad. I waste no time in running up to them and hugging them. “Oh, my sweet girl, you’ve grown so much” mom says kissing my cheek while dad kisses my forehead. “We are so proud of the woman you have become Kitiana. Don’t ever think we’re not proud and know that we are always watching over you” dad says, and I can see how true the words are when I look into his eyes. “We love you” mom says before disappearing. “I love you too” I whispered. A hand grabs mine and I turn to see Killian. “I miss you all so much” I admitted. “I know. We have been watching. Please don’t keep torturing yourself over our deaths. What happened to us was not your fault. Just know that we would do it all over again just to make sure you are safe. But now I need you to wake up” Killian says. “What? No. Why?” “Because you my dear sister are pregnant and if you stay in this state you could hurt your pups” he smiles. “P-Pups?” I stuttered. “Yes, twins” he grins “oh, sis can you do me a favor?” “Yes” I nod. “Tell Leyla that I’m fine and that I’m happy she has a second chance mate. She deserves to be happy.” “I will” I smiled “Killian?” I see him turn around “Are you happy?” I ask. “I am” he smiles genuinely and I know he’s telling me the truth. I watch as he fades away like my parents did. “I have something for you” I turn around to see this woman handing me a gold neckless similar to the one Killian gifted me. I open it to see a liquid inside. “It’s moonlight. It’s meant to save someone’s life or kill someone. It depends on how you use it” she says. “Thank you…” I trailed off remembering I never got her name. “Selene” she smiles and my jaw drops. “M-m-moon goddess” I bow my head making her giggle. “Please don’t bow my child now do as your brother said. You need to wake up.” I watch her disappear as well and I close my eyes. ***   I gasp opening my eyes. I look around to see I’m home. The bedroom door opens to reveal Leyla. The look of relieve in her eyes says a thousand words. “Goddess I’m so happy you’re awake” she says handing me a glass of water. I down the water handing her the empty cup. “Thank you. How long have I been out?” I asked. “Three weeks” she replies and my eyes widen in shock. I thought I was out for like hours maybe a day or two but three weeks? “No wonder why Killian told me to wake up” I mumbled to myself. “Killian?” Leyla echoes making me look at her. “Yes, while I was… out of it… I saw Killian, my parents and the moon goddess” I said just as the door to my room opened revealing Kaleb and Mason. “Hey sleeping beauty, we’re glad you’re finally awake” Kaleb says with a smile. I roll my eyes at the nick name but none the less laugh. “What else happened?” Leyla asks. “The moon goddess told me that I was right about Samantha. She has to be giving my mates something to make them think that they are not my mates and that this went further. That it went back to when my pack and family was killed” I told them. “Could Samantha have something to do with the slaughter of your pack?” Leyla asks. “I don’t know about that, but I can tell you that I have been following her for the past few weeks and it always comes to a dead end” Kaleb says. “She probably knows you’re following her. After all she’s a werewolf and can probably scent you" I told him. “What else did Killian say?” Leyla asks and Mason looks at her confused. “When she was in the coma state she saw her parents, Killian and the moon goddess” she explains making both of the guys look at me wide eyed. “He said he wanted me to stop torturing myself for their deaths. That the would do it all over again to make sure that I was safe…” I look at her seeing the smirk on her face from what my brother said “… he also told me that he’s fine and that his glad the moon goddess gave a second chance mate because you deserve to be happy.” I wonder if I should tell them what he also said about me being pregnant. thinking about everything that is going on if anyone else- “Spit it out” Kaleb says “Huh?” “We know there is something else” Mason says crossing his arms over his chest. “Okay, there is one more thing, but it can’t leave this room” I take a deep breath and say it “I’m pregnant.” Leyla squeals before hugging me. “Wait how do you know?” she asks. “Killian told me. I’m having twins, but this information cannot leave this room. We have no idea what Samantha is doing and the last thing we need is for her to come after my pups. Now I need you all to go back to the pack and do your normal job and also keep an eye on my mates. There has to be a way to know where Samantha is going and what she’s giving them to make them the way they are” I tell them. “Alright. The fridge is stocked, and the house is clean. If you need anything call me. I can have one of the guys here in minutes” Leyla says. “Also at least twice a day I will have Jason and Jeff check around the perimeter of your house. If they sense something wrong they will let us know” Kaleb says. I nod in agreement before they hug me and leave my house. I decided to get up and go take a shower. I grabbed a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top then went to the bathroom for my shower. I miss my mates so much. I heard Aza whimper in my head. ‘I miss them too, but we have pups to take care of now. We’ll find a way to get them back’ she assures me before going to the back of my mind. I finish my shower then get dressed before laying back down in bed and letting the darkness consume me.
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