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“I saw the video feed. One of them is dead.” “Not particularly helpful. Then there’s the man and the woman. Perhaps they were just there by coincidence. But perhaps not. In either case, I need to know for certain.” “Why were there any people in the park last night? “I’m there at all hours, and the security detail knows me. But late at night the park doesn’t typically have visitors.” “Good question. Happened to have asked it myself. Have you found an answer? Because I haven’t.” “No, at least not a satisfactory one. No immediate threats against the PM?” “Nothing particularly credible.” “What line will you be taking, then?” “Remove him from the threat.” Mr. Green checked his watch. “The PM should be wheels down at Heathrow in twenty minutes, in fact.” “And after that?” Mr. Green noticed a fleck of dandruff on his shoulder and brushed it away like he might an unappealing conclusion. “We can’t leave it, Oliver. It happened on American soil, so our reach is limited, but we really can’t leave it. Awful sort of precedent if we do. Can’t have folks taking potshots at our PM without any consequences.” “If he was the target.” “Have to assume he was until facts prove otherwise.” Herbertlooked over at Anthony and then back at his old acquaintance. “Agent Anthony seems well capable.” “Yes, she is, otherwise she wouldn’t be here. But I believe she will be infinitely more capable with you at her side.” Herbertwas already shaking his head. “My plate is full.” “Yes, your little trip to NIC. I understand Rile y Weaver is marking his territory at an extraordinary clip over there. He’ll make mistakes, of course, and let’s just hope not too many people die when he does. And the FBI also wants a piece of you, I understand.” “Popular gent,” added Anthony. Mr. Green and Herbertexchanged a knowing gaze. Mr. Green said, “I’m not sure ‘popular’ would be my first choice as a description. Short leash, Oliver?” “Could be.” Herbertgave the older man a lengthy gaze. I wonder if he knows about my meeting with the president, about me going back in? Herberthad no reason to think that Mr. Green wished him any ill will, but in this business simply saving someone’s life did not ensure a permanent allegiance. And Herbertwas also quite certain that the PM and hence James Mr. Green would sacrifice him if requested to do so by the Americans. And then something else occurred to Stone. That’s why I’m here. Mr. Green was told to deliver the message directly to me from the president. He decided to verify this speculation. “I already have an assignment. I’m supposed to leave tomorrow, in fact.” “Yes. Well, plans are fluid aren’t they? One has to account for recent events.” “Does one?” “A new arrangement is possible because of what happened in the park,” Mr. Green said bluntly. “Why? Simply because I was there?” “Partly. Plus, in the circles in question, I’m not without influence. And I thought you could be better deployed here than in more southern parts of this hemisphere.” So he does know about the Russians and the Mexican pipeline. “You became my advocate? That’s dangerous.” “So was Iran in 1977. Didn’t stop you, did it?” “My job. You owe me nothing.” “Actually, you’re not telling the truth.” Herbertcocked his head slightly. Mr. Green continued, “I did some investigation afterwards. You had already been authorized to return home. In fact you were technically off duty. The actual team that was supposed to come to my aid was ambushed en route. Killed to a man. Why do I think I’m not telling you anything you didn’t already know?” With this observation Anthony eyed Herbertwith even deeper interest. “You were in trouble. I was there. You would have done the same for me.” “Not, I’m afraid, with the same successful results.” He added quickly, “Not for lack of will. But I could never shoot that straight.” “So just give me the basic outline.” “You investigate. You succeed. Then…” Mr. Green shrugged. “What you were promised before will remain unchanged.” “And if I don’t succeed?” Mr. Green said nothing. “Okay,” said Stone. “Okay, you’ll do it?” “Yes.” “Excellent.” “So how is this all going to play out?” asked Stone. “I’ve been on the outside a long time. You don’t just jump back in.” “I pulled some professional strings, with the PM’s blessing. He and your president are wonderful friends. They golf, they go to war together. You know how that is.” “So you’re saying?” “I’m saying they decided it would be spot-on brilliant for you and Mary here to poke around a bit on this.” “Just so we’re clear, I’m not what I once was.” Mr. Green studied his old friend. “Some remember you only for your extraordinary feats of physicality, for the aim that never missed, the courage that never wavered. But I also remember you as one of the cagiest operatives that ever wore the stars and stripes. Many tried to get you, some close to home. But no one ever succeeded. I’d say you are just what the doctor ordered. And I think it would be personally beneficial for you too. And not just for the obvious reasons.” “So keep my enemies closer?” “Friends and enemies closer,” corrected Mr. Green. Herbertlooked at Anthony. “How do you feel about this?” She said flippantly, “My boss has spoken. And I play by house rules.” “That’s not what I asked you,” he said sharply. Anthony lost her playful look. “I need to find out who wanted my PM dead. And if you can help me do that I’ll go the last mile with you.” “Well put,” Mr. Green said as he rose, clutching the armchair for support. “I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to have seen you again. It has really done my old heart good.” “One thing. Weaver showed me the video feed of the park surveillance. Unfortunately, it cut off after the explosion. Went to static.” “Did it now?” Mr. Green peered at Anthony. “Mary, perhaps you can provide Oliver with the full video.” “I thought there might be more.” Mr. Green smiled. “There’s always more.” Stone’s mouth edged upward. “Been back to Iran?”
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