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CHAPTER ONE Cold garrus eyes stared at the scene below, narrowed in irritation and disgust. Zosimos, cloaked in darkness clothes and magic, watched as the robots roughly handled the screaming and terrified humans and threw them into the van, no onuce of pity even when they handled the children. The wind howled in his ears, his cloak swaying with the wind, which brings to his nose the smell of piss and s**t – the usual smell he has gotten accustomed too due to his many visits to the Slums of Sanctuary. Eerie eyes watch as the hover van began its move and Zosimos stands up from his crouched position on the roof. He gives a hand signal before taking off, his footsteps silent. Behind him, a shadow dutifully follows. The two leap from roof to roof, throwing peefect acrobatics yet still remain unseen. Zosimos and his companion lands on the hover van behind the van holding the humans captives. Unbothered by the strong wind, Zosimos reaches into his cloak and brings out three flat disk like items, and with perfect aim, he throws two of them on roofs of the other two, sticking the last on the vehicle underneath his feet. “Iaerie.” Zosimos says and the devices comes alive. The device on the roof s of the vehicle Zosimos is one and the one in the middle cackled with strong energy – and Zosimos and his companion takes it as their cue to leap into the air. The two aforementioned hover vans shut down, falling onto the gritty rood. The van in front went afar a little before it explodes. The moment Zosimos and his companion land on the ground – skidding to a stop – the two go into action. “Aelirye!” “On it!” Zosimos and his companion, Aelirye, dash to the vans. The doors of the first one is banged open, leading to the outpour of six, heavily armed robots. Aelirye leaps into the air with a loud snarl, the ground beneath her feet breaking. She lands on the roof of the second van with a loud bang, causing it to dent a little. The two robots in the van begin to shoot at her, causing the captives in the van to scream out in fear. She jumps back, landing before the van doors. She rips out the door with her super strength and come face to face with the energy. She once again lets out a snarl, baring her fangs behind her full, white mask. With inhuman speed, Aelirye grabs hold of the robots guns and uses them to drag the two machines out. She makes quick work of disabling them of their weapons before removing their heads from their neck. She throws the robotic heads away with a tsk before focusing on the frightened captives inside. “Are you all alright?” Her modified voice speaks loudly. “Ye- yes.” A woman trying to hug three small shaking toddlers – triplets from the looks of things – stutters out. From her scent, Aelirye can smell that she’s part Fae, as well as her children – their luminous grey-blue eyes being obvious. In the van are a total of six captives – four Fae, one Goblin and the last a Werelion. Aelirye helps in removing the Power Dampiers around their neck with the help of Iaerie, pressing her wrist on the lock pads of the collars and allowing Iaerie to hack into them. Aelirye and the six freed captives walk towards the sound of a fight and find Zosimos making work of the last robot. He throws the head in his hand away and makes his way over to them. “Is this all of them?” Zosimos asks in his modified voice. “Yes.” Aelirye replies with a nod of her head. “No way…” The Werelion whispers in disbelief, looking from Zosimos to Aelirye with wide eyes. “Pardon me, but are you Lord Zimos and Lady Ryuu?” The Goblin asks, no doubt a teenager. “Lord?” Zosimos repeats, c*****g his head to the side while Aelirye c***s a brow behind her mask, her arms folded. “Why yes. A man of great reputation and works should be address no less.” The Goblin replies. “Hn.” Zosimos shrugs. All of them snap their heads towards the sounds of sirens and the freed captives let out sounds of distress. They’re then distracted by the sound of an incoming vehicle behind them. They watch as a small jet makes it way towards them. Zosimos walks over the others, gesturing that they should come together. He picks up one of the triplets while Aelirye and the mother picks up the two. “Iaerie.” The jet beams them up aboard, the freed captives letting out sounds of shock. “Please buckle up.” Zosimos says, gently dropping the child in his arms on a seat and help them to buckle up. “It’s gonna be a fast ride.” He removes his cloak and hand gloves as he walks over to one of the front seat – leaving him in his black battle wear and full face, blank porcelain mask with a single petal on the right cheek – and takes hold of the control in front of him after buckling up. Aelirye does the same as Zosimos with the child in her arms and walks to the other seat in the front, cloak off and leaving her in her equally leather wear (the tight shirt is sleeveless, showing off her muscular arms that have golden armbands on her biceps). The other Supernaturals all take a seat, buckling up tight. “Iaerie. Take us home.” “Roger that, boss.” A feminine voice cheerfully says, her voice filling the jet. The jet ascends, and before the incoming enforcements could surround them, the jet flies off. Inside the vehicle, Zosimos wraps his hand around the control wheel. He closes his eyes in concentration and few seconds later, his eyes snap open, his garrus eyes now a beautiful double coloured that one can see the divine glow even through the mask. Outside, the jet begins to loss its visuality and it becomes totally invisible to outside sources – be it from technology or from the eyes above and below. The ride to the hideout takes fifteen minutes, and throughout that time period, Aelirye has been throwing glances at Zosimos, who hands are starting to shake a little. A mansion (almost looking like a castle) standing on a lonely hill comes into view, its design old and Aristocratic- a telling sign that it was built by Elves before the Purge. The jet flies around it, and behind the giant building, a hatch opens and the jet angles itself for landing. Zosimos lets go of the steering wheel before him once they’re in, panting under his breath. His arms are shaking and his clenches them tightly.
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