Chapter 20 Promise Fulfilment

1270 Words

  Simon walked up to the group of women that he had made a bet with. They greeted him with smiles. "How did it go? Your win was disqualified, right? Come on! Pay up!" "Yeah! Give us the money now!" He grinned at them. "Disqualified or not, I'm still in the first place. You saw how I performed. It's time for you to kiss me." The pretty one blushed and said, "No can do.(The phrase was originally a way to mock Chinese people, according to Oxford Dictionaries.) You cheated, so it doesn't count. The umpire didn't accept it, so we're definitely not accepting it either! Don't go back on your word!" "Hey, I'm not going back on my word. Do I look like I'd skimp on a few thousand dollars? The thing is I'm the winner here." "No means no! It doesn't count! You have to pay up!" one of the women s

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