Chapter 78. Mission Completed

850 Words

Simon made a quick judgement that those kidnappers were trying to do the transaction right here right now. He couldn’t wait for the cops anymore. Todd Burton kept talking: ’I will send a guy to meet you down there, and you give him the money.’ Simon rejected right away: ’I am not giving you anything until I see Katya. You got to set her free before getting the money.’ ‘Deal. But I got to make sure that you don’t have GPS trackers with you.’ Simon agreed, but he insisted that he talk to Katya first. Then Katya was brought to the fence of the highway. Simon was relieved to see that Katya was fine. Even her mouth was stuck by a cloth, she managed to use her chin point to the ground underneath the highway, that was a sign that only Simon could read: she would jump off the highway at any time

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