Chapter 82. Buying your spot.

1025 Words

Simon headed straightly toward his home after he left Chelsea Lynch’s office. He was thinking about Katya while he was waiting outside the office. He was worried about her safety after the kidnap. Katya also told him her childhood, and her father was just like Jason Lynch. When Simon got home, he smelled take-out food. And Katya was eating some fried rice on the table with the laptop opened. ‘Why eating take-out again.’ Simon cleaned the table, and threw the take-off in the garbage. Katya gave him a sad look. She hated to cook, that was the only thing that she was bad at. ‘Don’t look at me like that. I am not cooking for you.’ Simon teased her, but he stopped when Katya dragged her face. ‘I am just teasing you, let’s go out for dinner.’ As Katya was driving out the neighborhood, Simon s

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