Chapter 17 Desperate Escape

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Heidi sat down on the bed, feeling a crushing sense of defeat. Simon was the only person on his way home. He did not take the cab, choosing to walk home instead. He wanted some time alone to think. His mind was full of his memories with Heidi. Even though Heidi had never been sincere with him, they had dated for a long time. There were still things that he missed about her. But he knew now who Heidi truly was. He would never be able to accept her again. It was fine to miss her, but he knew that if he took her back, he would not know how to face her or himself! Before he knew it, he found himself on a deserted road. "Floyd!" He heard a voice behind him. It was a familiar voice but the familiarity gave him a bad feeling instead. He turned his head and saw a dozen or so men standing in the darkness. In the darkness of the night, he could vaguely make out that Paul was one of the two men standing at the very front. Paul led his men to him. There was a smug and sinister smile on his face. When they came nearer, he said proudly, "Look at you, Floyd, all alone. In the end, you still fell into my hands." "What do you want?" Simon asked calmly. "Do you still have to ask? Can't you tell?" Paul glanced at the men behind him. "Even if you don't come to me, I would have looked for you," Simon said. "Look for me? What for? Do you want to be beaten up?" Paul asked. "You know very well what you've done to Heidi," Simon said. Paul started laughing. "Oh, man. You sure fancy yourself as the hero. You're still so proud even though you're in deep trouble yourself. I'll make you beg for mercy later. Besides, Heidi is sick of you, and you're still thinking about her? She's just my leftovers now. Doesn't it disgust you?" A smile appeared on Simon's face but it was one of fury. "Sure, Heidi has no one to blame but herself for dating you. But I swear I'd help her get her revenge." Paul's laughter became even more boisterous. "Really? You should see if you can survive tonight before you start worrying about that! Oh, all right, enough chit-chat!" he said, "Guys! Beat him up!" With a wave of his hand, the men behind him began to walk toward Simon. "Wait!" When the men arrived in front of Simon, he said, "Who's your boss?" One of them said, "What's up? Spit it out!" "How much did they pay you? I will double that if you beat them up instead." Simon pointed to Paul and the man beside him, Roland. He did not know Roland, but he knew about him from what Heidi had told him. He was taking a wild stab that the man beside Paul was Roland. The leading gangster was taken aback. He glanced at his subordinates and asked Simon, "Are you for real?" "I'm here, standing in front of you. You don't have to worry about me going back on my word. Beat them up first and I will pay you later. If you're worried that I'd run, you can leave two men behind to watch me," Simon said. "You, watch him. Don't let him run," the leading gangster said to one of his subordinates. "Yes, sir." The subordinate walked up to Simon's side to keep an eye on him. Then, the men turned around to face Paul and Roland. Paul panicked and stammered, "What… What do you want…" "Sorry, bro. For people like us, it's all about money. If you pay us triple, we will come back and work for you," the leading gangster said. Roland was getting nervous as well. "Donald, you can't do this to me. We're friends. You can't do this." "What friends? I told you; I'm only after the money. If you can't pay me triple, I will have to start beating you up." The gangster named Donald was not swayed by any emotion at all. "Wait!" Roland said, panicking. "I will call Mr. Burton and ask him to triple your pay!" "Hurry up then." Roland called Todd's number and explained the situation to him. Todd was beside himself with anger. He was furious that someone would wage a war of money with him. He immediately agreed to triple the payment. Toward the end, Roland put his phone on speaker mode so that Donald and his men could hear their conversation. When Donald heard that Todd agreed to triple the payment, he turned around to look at Simon. Simon did not look worried in the slightest. He said calmly, "I will quadruple it." Roland's call with Todd was still ongoing, and it was on speaker mode too. Todd heard what Simon said, loudly and clearly. He became furious and yelled, "I will pay five times the price!" "Six times," Simon said without hesitation. Todd was beginning to balk at that price. In the end, he said, "Donald, don't let him trick you. You should check if he even has that much money!" That made sense to Donald, so he said to Simon, "Hey, do you really have that much money? If I find out that you're playing with us, we won't spare you!" "Relax. You can kill me if I don't have the money. Anyway, how much did they hire you for?" Simon said. "$4,000!" Donald answered. Simon was not asking about the payment because he was afraid of not having enough money. Rather, he did not want Donald to hike up the price after the deed was over. So, he made sure to ask about the payment while Todd was still on the phone. "Fine," he said, "$4,000 yeah? I have that much. Don't worry." Todd heard everything. He was beginning to get cold feet. It did not make sense for him to cough up so much money just to beat someone up, and someone that he did not even care about in the first place. So, he said, "Psycho!" and hung up the phone. The abrupt end of the call sent Roland into panic mode. He yelled into the phone, "Hey! Hey, Mr. Burton!" But the call was over and Donald and his men moved toward him and Paul. "Bro, don't blame us for this. He's paying too much for us to turn him down," Donald said, "Guys, beat them up!" Paul and Roland exchanged glances and knew that the situation was very, very bad for them. They turned around and started running. Donald did not move but his men chased after them, refusing to let them flee. Paul and Roland were forced to go on the run, the sight of which made Simon laugh out loud. "Go after them! Make sure you bring them back here and beat them up!" Donald yelled from behind. He was worried that Simon would not pay them if his men did not beat the two men up. Thus, Donald's subordinates went after Paul and Roland relentlessly. They turned a corner and soon disappeared out of sight.
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