Chapter 23 Hit Yourself

1293 Words

  "What is it? Tell me about it," Simon said. "You're rich, right? We will let you go if you give us 100 grand each," Paul said. Simon burst into laughter. "I didn't know you're such a dreamer. Never mind 100 grand; Even if I have 1,000 grand in my bank account, you're not getting a single cent from me." "You…" Paul was furious. "You paid off the guys we hired to hit you! Why can't you do the same with us? If you pay us off now, we won't hit you. Isn't it the same?" "First of all, I don't want to pay you. Secondly, I paid them to let me off and beat you up instead. If you are offering to hit yourself, I don't mind accepting your offer," Simon answered. Paul exchanged looks with Roland. Then, he asked, "Is that true?" "Holy sh*t." Simon was shocked. "Don't tell me you're going to hit

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