Chapter 8

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Keira “Guys, I’m home.” My mom yells as she is closing the door. She walks into the living room to see Kevin watching the sports center on the TV. “Hey honey, did you eat?” She asks him as he was ruffling his hair. “Yeah, Keira heated up some of those frozen pizzas.” He says. “Where is your sister?” She asks him. “I'm here,” I told her as I was plopping down on the chair there. “Ok guys, we need to talk.” Mom started, “before you panic, no, neither of you are in trouble.” Both Kevin and I let out breaths we were holding and mom continued to say. “So, I kinda got a tiny promotion you can say. I'm still Mr. Case’s PA, but he got put in charge of a huge acquisition.” “Mom, that's great! But that doesn’t explain why we have to have a family meeting.” Kevin said as I was looking at my mom. “Well, there is more. Since Mr. Case got this huge acquisition, it means more work, with more work, means to travel. I will have to go with him.” Mom says. “Overnight trips?” I asked. “Yes, and longer like the one that’s coming up on Friday. I am going to be gone for at least 2 weeks.” My mom says calmly. “What!” I gasp while Kevin has a sly smile coming over his face. “Don’t panic Keira, and you,” she says as she turns to Kevin, “don’t get any ideas where this place becomes party central for 2 weeks. I made arrangements for you two.” This time both Kevin and I exclaim “what!” At the same time. “Yes, Mr. Case knows I am a single parent and he knows my situation. Plus Kevin you are friends with his son Adam. Laura, his wife, is practically my best friend. We all have talked and Thursday, after school, you two will be going over to the Case's for 2 weeks while I’m gone.” Mom tells us. Kevin is smirking and I am sitting here with disgust after hearing the news. “Mom, can’t we just stay here, I mean we are 17, almost adults,” I say, looking down at the floor. “Honey, I know you two are almost adults. But I would worry, you are all I have, and don’t want anything to happen to you two while I’m gone. Believe it or not, you will always be my babies.” Mom sighed as she spoke. “Mom, it is cool with me, Adam the brother I never…” Kevin starts to say. “Kevin, it won’t be like a frat house party. I know what you and Adam are like when you are together. You will respect the Cases. You will behave, and most of all you won’t embarrass me with any bad behavior.” Mom says sternly to Kevin. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Kevin smirks at mom. “I mean it, Kevin, you better be good over there.” She stated flatly to him. “Mom, is the meeting over? Can I go back to my room?” I sigh out. “Sure, baby.” mom says. As I walked back upstairs to my room, my mind was running with all types of thoughts. How did this day get any worse? Living with Adam? First, he torments me, then he wants me to help him in secret, now I am going to live with him! What did I do that was so wrong? Why! I know this is important for mom, but why Adam, why couldn’t she have work and be friends with any other family! My life is over! I went into my room and plopped down on my bed. Reached over to my phone and typed a text out to Jaime: K | My life is over! Mom just told us we need to live at the Cases for 2 weeks! J | Shut up! Why? K | Some business thing she is going to be away for 2 weeks. J | Well I say a nice eulogy at your funeral lol K | Just kill me now
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