Secrets, Secrets

1591 Words
Ugh. Everything hurts. I slump further down in my seat as I try to focus on what my professor is lecturing us about but the constant drumming behind my eyes and the ache I feel every time I shift even the slightest amount is very distracting. And I know that I’m not the only one feeling this crappy. Phantom hasn’t said a word since he and I returned to our room last night. Luckily, Gavin was over at a friend’s until late so we, well, I was able to do some patching up, hit the showers, eat some food before turning in for the night. To be fair, Phantom helped me out quite a bit with the deeper bruises that Lux manage to give him while he was using my body and nothing was broken, so I can’t really complain. Not when it kept the two of us out of that psycho bounty hunter’s grasp. But what I don’t understand is how he found us or why he gave up so easily. I wince as I start to lean forward and quickly revert back to my original position. I’m sitting further in the back of the room, hidden in the shadows of the dark lecture hall. I have quite the shiner that I missed last night while getting ready for bed and I’ve been doing my best to cover it since I left my room. Although, I’m pretty sure Gavin saw it before I left with the way he paused mid-sentence upon greeting me. Gnawing on my bottom lip, I absentmindedly take some notes, jotting down the information from the newest slide that the professor is presenting to us. Something about research on sleep and a famous case-study done by a college student years ago. I need an alibi. One that my friends will believe and one that won’t make Ian too angry when he and Jim see me on Saturday for Ghosts & Ghouls first ghost hunt of the semester. I twirl my pen between my fingers. I guess I can always tell them I was mugged in the tunnel way. My nose wrinkles causing my eye to ache. But if I saw that, then Ian will make me report it to security and then they’ll go back to the footage and see what REALLY happened. And I can’t have that. Not only will that put Phantom at risk, I will get in some serious trouble. Because if Ian finds out I’m harboring an ancient entity inside my chest and didn’t tell him, ESPECIALLY after our little chat about said entity, he’s gonna flip. And if Ian flips, he’s going to tell Mom and Dad. And if he tells Mom and Dad, Rae and Casper will get in trouble too. A quiet whimper forces it’s way pass my lips as I scribble out a word that I misspelled. Why does lying have to be so hard? And so exhausting? I truly thought I could handle this on my own. But what if something like this happens in front of my friends? In front of my family? They could get hurt! Lux can obviously hurt living beings, my aching body is evidence enough for that. But for right now, I just need a way to either cover my bruises or explain them away. I pause, half hoping that maybe Phantom will chime in but, again, silence only responds back. It shouldn’t bother me as much as it is, but I just can’t help it. It’s only been a week since I allowed Phantom to occupy my body outside of his crystal but in that short time, I’ve grown custom to having him there, providing snarky comments or even helpful tips. But now? Merely silence and it worries me. What if he’s seriously hurt and I don’t know? Would there be anything I could do to help him? Or would he just have to sit and rest? I mean, he can’t die, can he? He’s technically already dead. Right? Or was he born a spirit? Was he even born? Or did he just kinda POP into existence with his siblings? I nibble on the clicker part of my pen. Maybe I can try to visit him tonight when I go to bed like I did before? That doesn’t require any energy on his part, right? So, I should be able to go inside the crystal while I sleep and just see for myself if he’s okay or not, right? Right. So, tonight I’ll just pop in and see how he’s faring and if he needs my help, I’ll give it otherwise I’ll leave him alone until he feels better. Nodding, I refocus on the lecture, only to find everyone standing and packing to leave. Shoot! I missed the last few slides. Good thing the professor puts the power-points on D2L or I’d be totally screwed right now. Sighing, I stiffly start packing my bag, keeping my head down as the other students pass me. They may not know me, but I know that a few might ask questions if they see my shiner. I mean, they’re taking a PSYCHOLOGY class. They obviously want some sort of degree in that field some day and seeing my face they might get some ideas. And I really don’t need that right now. How could I be so stupid as to forget my sunglasses? I may be short but not short enough for people to not see my face. I pull my hat down, pouting. I was so flustered by Gavin seeing my face that I just ran out of our room without thinking. Sighing, I scan the room, making sure that I’m the last one in the room besides the professor before turning and leaving the room. My stomach grumbles and I bit my lip. Dang it. I really want to head for the Union and stop by for a bagel and a smoothie but without something to cover my face, that’d just be a bad idea. What if Rose, Olivia, and Hugh see me? Or worse? Ian? Shivering, I shake my head. Nope. Can’t risk it. I do have some pizzas back in my room that I can eat and then I can grab my sunglasses. Sighing, I pull my hat further down my face and exit the lecture hall. Taking a right, I keep my head down as I step around a group of whispering students waiting for their professor to unlock their classroom. So far, nobody has paid me any mind and my hope spikes as the light front the front doors appears in front of me. If I can just get outside, I won’t have to worry about people seeing my face. Most people are gonna be using the tunnels right now with how cold it is. And since Phantom has been helping me control the ice and snow powers that his crystal has given me, I no longer get as cold as I did when the crystal was first put inside of me. I can handle being out in the negative 15 degree weather for less than 10 minutes that it takes to walk from campus to the dorms. A yelp escapes me as I collide with something solid as I turn the last corner. A jolt of pain shoots through me as hands grasp my biceps. A brief moment of panic mixes with my pain, my throat tightening and my breath catching. “Whoa there, love,” a familiar voice says, breaking through my panic. My eyes widen as I stare up at Jim Pax. He smiles down at me as he helps me straighten, even fixing my hat. “Hello there, darlin’, long time no—“ My heart sinks as Jim’s eyes flickers across my face, his gaze stopping on my right eye. The larger male’s hands twitch on my hat before falling to my shoulders. Hunching, I laugh nervously as I pull my hat back down. “O-Oh, hey, Jim. How’s it goin’?” I flinch as Jim grasps my chin and forces me to look up at him. His eyes are stormy as he studies me. “Who. Did. This?” I drop my gaze as Jim growls at me, biting the inside of my cheek as I try not to panic. Shoot. Shoot. He wasn’t supposed to see me! What’s he even doing on campus anyways? I thought I wouldn’t see him again until at least Saturday! And by then I should have an excuse about my face. But now? Crap. Just, awe man. I can’t. Fingers tighten on my chin forcing me to refocus on the tall Brit. I swallow thickly as I offer him a shaky smile. I reach up, pulling my hat further down. “Oh? This?” I laugh weakly. “It’s... Nothing. Just... an accident, ya know?” I mentally wince. An accident? What a weak excuse! Don’t want to worry anyone and here I am saying it was an accident! That’ll just make people worry more! Jim’s eyes narrow as he straightens and I tuck my head further down into my jacket as I feel other students start to stare at us. The taller male purses his lips and his hand tightens on my left bicep causing me to actually wince. “We’re takin’ you to see Ian,” Jim states, his voice leaving no room for argument. “He’s waiting for me anyways. And then maybe you will be able to explain who did this.” I blanch as Jim leads me back into Hagg-Sauer. Go talk to IAN?! But I haven’t thought of a cover story yet! I bite my lip. What am I going to do?
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