Chapter 5

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I stood completely still for a good five minutes. Unsure of what just happened. Why did I call the beast Caelan? And why did he stop when I did? He was peering up at me now, his eyes tired and sad. My breath hitched at the pain I saw hidden there,this demon wolf had been through a lot. I could tell by the eyes alone, that fact saddened me. A part of me that I didn't know existed, ached to ease his pain. I desperately wanted to help him, wished that I possessed something in me to make the beast happy again. Why did I feel for him? Images of the wolf ripping out throats just a few minutes ago crashed against my mind, reminding me that this wasn't no kind beast. I slowly picked myself up from the ground and leaned against the tree for support, my back straight against the wood. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Do you really? A small voice in my head questioned. I forced myself to bury that thought deep within me. He was still peering at me, the silver in his eyes standing out more than ever now. I was beginning to believe that he was at his calmest when his eyes were this color. But I couldn't wait until he decided to attack me again, I had to act now before it was too late. I grabbed the spear from the ground as quickly as I could, never taking my eyes off the wolf. I hesitantly pointed the weapon at him, however he seemed unbothered. He just inclined his head to the side and continued to study me. Obviously the spear was not a threat to one as powerful as him. That left the question, what was the purpose of these things if they couldn't even harm these beasts? Because clearly survival wasn't on the menu! The people in charge of this event must have already prepared for our deaths, it was simply a sacrifice . . . nothing else. I looked over at him now, he hadn't taken his eyes off me. His intense gaze kept my body from moving even an inch forward. I stood rooted to the spot, unaware of what to do next or how to escape the intensity of his gaze. For a moment, I just continued to stare at him, my breath uneven. But then, reality seemed to kick in. I was reminded of where I was and exactly with whom. The beast meant to kill me! Was this a game to the wolf? Was he waiting till he heard my heart return to its normal rate before he pounced on me again? Oh, God. The thought frightened me. It looked a lot smarter than the average wolf, this one seemed to carry a mind of its own. He wanted something from me and I wasn't waiting to find out. I took a step away from him, my eyes still glued to every one of his movements . . . good so far. I tried once more but the moment my feet touched the ground again he was taking a step in my direction. I paused, scared to move. I considered running again but knew that it was completely useless. If I did that, he would catch up to me without even trying just like before. My hands closed down on the spear, gripping the weapon tightly. I started to walk backwards now, but with each step I took away from him, he took one towards me as well. A frustrated groan escaped my mouth before I could stop it. Why wasn't he letting me go? Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all. From recent incidents, it was clear that he was willing to fight any other wolf that tried to eat me. Either he wanted me for himself or he just enjoyed fighting with those other beasts. If I could get him to follow me back to the cave, this would be good for me. I would have some sort of protection . . . as long as he didn't attack me before that. Caelan . . . Was that his actual name? Why did that name seem so familiar to me? I couldn't get the feeling out of my head, the feeling that I craved being this near the beast before. Even though I was scared out of my mind, my body had a mind of it's own. It seemed to be enjoying having him this near, almost as though I'd finally been granted some deep hidden desire within. He was calm now, but what would happen when the black in his eyes took over once more? I didn't understand what had happened before. I didn't know what came over me or how I was able to stop him from attacking. The question remained however, would I be able to stop him if he tried again? I was taking a huge risk by bringing him back to the cave with me, but it didn't look as though I had a choice in the matter right now. For some reason he chose to follow me. I didn't know how long I was walking for, all I knew was that somehow I was still alive despite having the enemy right next to me. We were nearing the cave now, Caelan following closely behind. As I settled in near the blankets, I couldn't help but glance at him once more. Something was so different about him. He had the most unique pair of eyes I'd ever seen on anyone before. They seemed to come alive every time I looked into them. Yet, the sadness there made it hard for me to breathe. Weirdly enough, it hurt me to see him in pain. Staring into those eyes gave me a bittersweet feeling.  I shook the thought out of my head. I needed to focus on other things right now. The wolf kept distracting me from what was important. Like staying alive! ******************************* A/N: If any of my beautiful readers are interested in my new story 'MY BILLIONAIRE STEP-BROTHER IS AN ALIEN' Here is the  synopsis: Finding out that your boyfriend cheated with your best friend and that you're moving in with your famous step-brother all in the same week wasn't exactly how Cianna pictured the week before her birthday to go. But she soon discovers that sometimes things happen in life and there is absolutely nothing you can do but go along for the ride. . . ………………………………………….………………….. Chase Torres The billionaire. The famous actor. The legendary Chase. . . . The alien. When Cianna Agosti finds out her mother is getting married to the father of the famous billionaire Chase Torres, she's completely mind blown. But what's more, she finds out that they're even moving into his massive mansion to stay there. . . For good. She can't hide the instant attraction she feels for her step-brother but their relationship is completely FORBIDDEN. As if that's not all, she has to deal with his insanely jealous girlfriend who happens to be a gorgeous model while also trying to figure out what secret Chase is desperately trying to keep from her! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THE AMAZING SUPPORT. Lots of love, Laura.
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