Chapter 16: Phantom Valley or Phantom Shadows

2183 Words

***BRADLEY POV***     Research can be viewed as hard work, especially if you’re doing it without a set purpose.  However, my life had a cause. Admittedly, it made me feel more sinister, but that was what made it enjoyable.     Jayden and I had been tasked with doing research on his weaponized potion five weeks prior.  The overriding mandate was simple:  we had to make it stronger.  For some reason, when I nailed Justin with it, it didn’t work completely.  I had no clue how in the hell it didn’t because Justin didn’t have any help in the pack.  Bartholomew would have had to have outsourced the magic needed to heal Justin’s worthless ass because the Phoenix wolf was out waiting for me in Nevada at the time.     It pissed me off so much that Richard and Maggie had been wrongfully executed.

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