I Own You

1847 Words
Warning: Explicit Content: language, s****l abuse, suicide, extreme violence, etc  -Bella The house was more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. Its simplistic yet dominant design matched perfectly with the character of the owner. The driveway held a fountain in the middle of it, with many flowers and shrubs surrounding the outside. The car stopped on the side of the fountain, and though Bella had the urge to go near and run her hands through the water, she second-guessed herself. Surely, her owner wouldn't be pleased to see her enjoying the things he worked for, not unless he himself had ordered her to; or so her host had said. The man pushed something out of his pocket and then called out, 'Bathelemew,' just as another man arrived a minute later. The other man was slightly older and looked less intimidating, but Bella knew she could never be too trusting. When he saw her, he had this look of concern mixed with confusion but quickly masked it away as soon as it came. Bathelemew, take our guest and show her to one of the guest rooms. Also, have one of the maids go out to buy her clothing. Until then, tell a maid to grab one of my nightshirts, and have her wear that." The man who was known as Bathelemew nodded his head, replying with a small "yes, sir," and then signaled for the girl to follow him. Bella wasted no time following, happy to get away from the more intense man beside her. As she began to follow Bathelemew for one last time, she looked behind her. In doing so, she locked eyes with the icy figure facing her back. His stare gave no emotions; his secrets couldn't be told through his eyes. She had no idea what he was thinking or how he felt, and that was what scared her the most. Entering the house, Bella found herself even more amazed. The simple, sophisticated design adorned every corner of the household. The floors were marbled white, contrasting with the black-toned walls. Many plants in beautiful vases, each holding a different shape of their own, added a touch of nature. The living room was the only room visible from Bella's point of view, revealing the true size of the house. "Bathelemew continued through the hall, and Bella did her best not to stare too long. She had learned from experience that people didn't like it when others stared at something that wasn't theirs. Passing many paintings that were probably worth more than her life, she and Bathelemew continued down until eventually finding themselves in front of a white door at the end to the left of the hall. In front of that door was a black one, the only one that wasn't white. The difference between the two colored doors truly intrigued Bella, but she knew better than to ask about it. Bathelemew opened the door and took a bow before exiting. Bella took a look around, not surprised to find herself gawking at the house for the third time that day. Her room was simple, but being kept from the outside world was something she had never seen before. It consisted of a queen-sized bed with dark purple bedding and white pillowcases adorned with purple feathered spots. The floor's carpet was light gray, and the walls were white, while a small white-colored desk sat alone in a far corner. There was a dark-shaded lamp standing on the table next to the bed, accompanied by a vase of flowers. A bathroom and a closet were also in the room, with both walls painted white. The closet had the same light gray carpet, and the bathroom floor was covered in dark black tiles. "Bella couldn't deny the room was perfect for her. Her favorite color had always been purple, and being surrounded by it was calming. It would be a wish come true if it wasn't for the fact that she lived there without will. Being owned would always make life less enjoyable. As Bella sat on her bed, lost in thought, a quiet knock sounded at the door. "May I come in?" a soft voice spoke at the other end. Bella timidly opened the door slightly, only to be met by an older woman holding clothing against her arm. Seeing her, she opened the door wider, allowing the lady to walk in. Oh, dear, don't be afraid to speak with me. I know the master is intimidating, but I want you to feel comfortable around me." Hearing this, Bella internally smiled but worried that if she spoke without her master's permission, she could get in trouble. After much consideration, she finally decided to take a risk and spoke to the seemingly kinder woman. "H-Hello," she softly said, her voice raspy as if it hadn't made a sound for decades. The fact was, it wasn't far from the truth. As Bella had never spoken more than four or five words a day/ The older lady continued, "Hello, dear. I'm Debra, a maid of the master's. What's your name? Also, make sure you try on these clothes I bought for you," Debra replied with a sweet voice. Bella took the clothing in her arms before setting them down on her bed. She then faced the older woman, whom she learned was named Debra. With her hands tightly behind her back and looking down, she replied, 'My n-name is... Bella.' The feeling of the word 'Bella' caused fuzziness on her tongue. It had been a while since she had even spoken her own name." "Well, Bella, I'm glad to have met you. You seem like a sweet girl. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask me. I have been living with the master for years and pretty much know how he runs things." Bella smiled before Debra gave her a hug, then exited the room. 'She walked to the clothes on the bed, noticing there was a long white shirt and a pair of shorts that would barely fit around her waist. Bella picked up the clothes and then headed straight for her bathroom, taking a shower to make herself feel clean. Half an hour later, she stepped out of the shower and stood before the mirror.' After putting on the clothes, she brushed her hair back into a ponytail and brushed her teeth. Finished with everything, she stared at herself, surprised by her own reflection. Sadly, she wasn't typically fond of what she saw, and with a sigh, she left the bathroom. While lying down on her bed, another knock at the door startled her. However, when she heard the familiar voice of the kind maid, Debra, Bella didn't hesitate to answer. The maid smiled at her once again when she opened the door, but then quickly changed her expression to that of urgency. "I'm glad to see you're ready, darling, but we must hurry to dinner. The master despises the idea of being late." They rushed down the hall, with Debra leading them both toward the dining hall. Bella didn't even have time to admire the elegant chandelier that hung above the table. Instead, she was led to her seat in a rush, where she sat down and folded her hands together. Tons of dishes filled the table, but Bella sat patiently, once again with her head down. After a few minutes, strong footsteps were heard approaching the table, and the chair eventually screeched from being pulled back. The intimidating man sat down at the table, making no eye contact with Bella. The room remained silent as no one chose to speak, his presence causing fear to shake within her. After some time, the man spoke up, breaking the comforting silence. "Eat," he demanded in an authoritative tone, and Bella did as she was told, picking up her fork to dig into the food. It was far more delicious than she expected, used to eating the scraps off the plates of her hosts. Even they themselves had never had such food, for which she was grateful, but her appetite could never handle so much. "Eventually, ten minutes passed, and Bella had barely eaten anything off her plate. She wasn't used to having so much food at a time, knowing that finishing it all would be a difficult task. Feeling full, she slowly stopped eating just as the man noticed she had barely touched the food he had given her. To him, it seemed like such a disrespect. "I didn't pay a fortune for you just so you could waste my money not eating the food I've provided," Laurence spoke in a harsh tone. Bella gasped before quickly gaining her composure. She didn't reply but instead picked up her fork and forcefully stuffed the contents down her throat. There was no doubt she would feel incredibly sick later on. "Do you not reply when someone is speaking to you?" the man asked again bitterly. His question caused Bella to open her mouth, only to find herself shutting it down. After a few seconds, chewing her food, she decided to speak again. "I-I'm sorry, master, I didn't know I was allowed to speak," Bella said truthfully. Her hosts had always told her never to speak without permission. "You're not with those other men; I own you now. So when I ask you a question, I expect an answer, and when I need the truth from you, I expect you to tell me, understand?" the man yelled roughly. Bella was about to nod her head, used to the loud voices directed towards her. She was going to leave the conversation at that but then remembered what the man had just told her seconds before. "Yes, sir," she replied, keeping her head down, not looking up at him like she always had done. Another thing, when we are speaking, do not look down. I consider that a disrespect to me, so look me in the eyes when we are talking." "Yes, sir," Bella replied again, looking up at him. His eyes captivated her, but she ignored it, just doing her best to follow orders. The rest of the dinner ran smoothly without any more conversation. Bella finished all the food on her plate as instructed, and then they both exited the table to their rooms. Well, Bella had no idea where the man went, but she assumed it was his room When Bella entered her room, she rushed straight to the toilet, throwing up the contents she had consumed not long before. She decided to take a shower, washing everything from her head down to her feet, before getting out and combing through her hair. Not having any more clothes to wear, she put on the same outfit and then made her way to bed. Bella's nightmares always haunted her, both when she was awake and in her sleep. It wasn't new to find herself waking up in the middle of the night with a night terror, as she stayed up long before dawn began to break.
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