Chapter 42: Cherished

1987 Words

Dr. Rayne Davis was a smallish brunette with large eyes and a wonderful bedside manner. She was not only a Werewolf, she was also one of the Pack's top physicians, and Charley's OB/GYN. She replaced the ultrasound wand and wiped the jelly off Charley's exposed stomach with a tissue. "Well?" Rafe's face was grim with worry. He'd been turning himself inside out with thoughts that something he'd done could have harmed his son or daughter. They'd decided early on to keep the s*x a surprise. Charley had thought it was because he was old-fashioned. He didn't have the heart to tell her it was because, unfortunately, so many supernatural young didn't survive birth. He wanted to ease any suffering she would surely feel if they lost the young by keeping it as clinical as possible. Nothing would s

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