Chapter 7: The heart wants

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Eoghan stared at his father with a look of disbelief on his face. ‘Twas bad enough he was betrothed where his heart had no currency. Was he to play the fool now as well and marry a faceless bride? "What do you mean she wishes to be veiled throughout the ceremony and the feast afterwards?" "As I understand it, the lady wishes to wear a veil, so you are persuaded by no other outside force, only the strength of yer word and yer commitment to make good yer oath and proceed with this match." "I will keep my word or yers as it were, father! Does the Dungannon question my honor?" "Tis done, Eoghan, calm yerself. She will wear the veil." "Nay, I'll not-" The altercation between father and son continued with silent growls and even a bit of posturing. Werewolves tended to be quite keen on dis

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