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SHRANAIA’S POV After a few days, I was fine, except for the unexpected arrival of Vixen. I don’t know why he’s following me, despite the fact that I’m not an ordinary person. I tripped as I walked into the canteen, and Joel immediately caught me. “Aww,” I muttered as I clutched my chest. “Are you okay?” he asked, and I shook my head. “Do I seem okay?” I said, irritably, straightening myself. I looked at the blocked leg and looked to see who it was from. When I saw Sam’s face, I approached her, and Joel even wanted to stop me when I gave him a bad look. I could hear her companions laughing as I near her, and they stopped when I was right next to her, and she frowned at me. “What are you doing here?” she said, irritably. “You know if you want me to pay attention to you, improve it like I will notice your pompousness and s**t presence.” “I don’t understand what you’re saying.” “Really, Sam?” I said, holding back my patience. I stepped on her foot, and she was taken a back; she didn’t know whether to hit me or shove me. I give her a bad look. “How dare you?” “How dare me? Have I been neglecting you so long that you need my attention? You are such an attention seeker,” I said as I walked away from her. I hadn’t gone far when she abruptly yanked my hair and grabbed me. I instantly elbowed her and then pushed her hard, and that’s when I saw Joel catch her. I grinned at what I saw, and it was a good thing Jenny wasn’t here right now because I knew she’d stop me. After that, she gave me a bad look, and I just grin at her and walked away. I’m not sure what they have with Joel, but I guess I know now. After I left after bought what I needed and left them, I went to the rooftop to be alone. “What are you doing here?” I asked the man, who was staring at the bottom of the building. “Boss told us that we should keep an eye on you while he does some stuff,” he said. “I don’t need a guard, and I can take care of myself,” I said, before eating what I had brought. “Do you want?” I asked on him. He glanced at me and seemed to crave like a dog when he saw what I was holding. “Wow!!! It’s delicious!!!” he said happily and I took a deep breath. Sometimes I just want to punch him. Ran suddenly appeared, and then I turned to him. He grimaced when he noticed Ron holding some food, sniffed it, and then approached his twin to ask for the food that he was holding. Ron gave Ran some, and they then shared what I had given them. I merely smiled at them both and sipped some water. While waiting for the next class, I looked up and suddenly handed my head. I don’t know what I saw, but I know it has something to do with what happened to me then. Mommy didn’t tell me everything, especially Vixen. I’ll find out whatever they’re hiding in due time. When I returned to my room, the flowers that had been spread on my table were there again, and I looked at them individually. I’m not sure why they keep doing it, even though they see me throwing it out every day. “This is the last time I’ll throw flowers in the garbage; one more time, and I’m going to punch who might it be,” I said, calling everyone’s attention to me. I just ignored them and fortunately, I don’t intend to waste my time on them. When the class ended, I looked at the car outside the school and saw who got off. “SHRANAIA!!!” Jenny waved at me, and then she ran towards me. “What are you doing?” I asked her. “Well, you can see what happened to my arm, which is why I came to inform you why I’m absent today,” she explained, as I looked at her arm. “What happened?” “I will tell the story later, and I know what happened earlier, so let’s go.” She pulled me into the car, and then we left. I noticed Sam and Joel arguing outside, and I simply ignored it. “What happened to your arm, and who did this to you?” I questioned. “The fact is that Sam was the one who did this to me,” she said, winced, and I scowled at her. “Why did you just say that now?” I asked, irritated. “I didn’t mean to say it, but when I heard out what happened earlier, I felt like I got my vengeance on that girl,” she said, and then I smacked her across the head. “I’m not happy with what I’m seeing, Jenny; I will not let go of what happened to your arm,” I stated as I was ready to stop the car when she stopped me. “Calm down, don’t be a high blood girl, okay?” “Who wouldn’t be bothered by that?” “Slow down.” “I’m not going to settle down until I pay back what that b***h did to you.” “You already avenged me earlier, that’s alright.” She stopped me, and then she made me lean on the chair, and I pulled my hair. “Calm your mind,” she said, and then I rolled my eyes at her. Honestly, I have no intention of listening to her, and I have no intention of following what she says. I can’t accept that she is also being sympathized with by those two. They may both tell me everything they despise about me. They were adamant about it, and they did it behind my back. “What is the backstory?” “Because yesterday, while I was in the mall purchasing a book, I spotted Samantha and Joel talking about you, and the only unusual thing is that she nicknamed Joel- Deacon,” I scowled and turned to face him. “Deacon? I’ve heard that name before,” I assured him. I’m not sure where I heard it, but I’ve heard that name before. “Wherever? Do you have any previous memories of Joel?” she asked. “I’m not sure; I just met him in our senior high school,” I said. “But the name you said, I know it... I knew him,” I added. “This is what I remember of that night,” she added, and I just listened. “Since Sam stated that if she’s not the only one who can be picked, it’s much more important that it's not you because she'll do everything to kill you or make you disappear from their path.” I know that there’s something in this two. But I’m quite sure I’ve heard the name Deacon before. When we arrived at the house, I walked down and told Mommy that I was going to sleep with Jenny. They didn’t object, and I merely went to my room and other necessities because there was no school tomorrow.
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