"Proven your worth"

545 Words
Zediab Knight:- Today is my coronation ceremony, and I am going to be pronounced as the King of the Wizards by none other than my grandfather's spirit, which Angelina and I have called from the other dimension. It is the second time grandfather is going to be here, after his death. The first time, it was when Lucifer and his w***e kidnapped us and threatened to take my mother's power, but they didn't know who they were messing with. They were messing with my mother, Queen Cassandra, and the most powerful Alpha Christian Knight. My mother killed Lucifer's spirit with my grandfather's help while dad killed his w***e. "Where is my handsome son who is going to be the King of Wizards?" mom asks, entering the room along with dad, who both have got a happy expression on their faces. "Your handsome son is right here. All ready for his coronation ceremony. But where is my twin?" I ask. "Right here, brother," Angelina said, entering the room. We both turned twenty yesterday, and I was on the way to take crown while she will take the throne when mom steps away which is not soon enough, I can tell even if she wants to, she won't step out because of my sister.  My sister is too spoiled that she isn't even responsible and mom will only step out of her throne which is to dearer to her only when Angelina becomes responsible "I am glad one of us is going to be a leader finally." she said rolling her eyes and looked at mother. "Angelina, what does it mean?" mom asks her sternly. "It means he gets to be the king, but I don't get to be the queen of your throne," she replied. "Angelina, how many times do I have to tell you that for achieving that throne, you need to be worthy of it. Unfortunately, you are not now. It's not a normal thing which you demand, and you get it. It is a throne which rules all the witches dimension, and I can't give it to you until you become responsible." mom said. "Then why did Zediab get to be the King now?" she asks, pointing at me. "Because he proved his worth, he is responsible and knows to use the magic only when it is needed. Not like you, who uses the magic on every single thing. Even to eat your food with the spoon, you use magic. It is not your plaything." mom said. Dad and I burst out laughing after listening to the last sentence, and Angelina glared at us angrily and stomped her feet. "So, that means I am never going to be a queen because I am not going to change myself," she replied, and mom shook her head in disappointment. "I am not going to argue on this topic today because today is the big day for my son, and I am going to make it a perfect one." mom said and approached me. "My son looks handsome and has proven his worth for the throne. Now let's take you to the throne room and pronounce you the King." mom said and kissed my cheek while my dad tried to calm my spoiled sister down to which we love dearly, and our love has made her a spoiled princess.
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