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In the form of a shadow of a human was the spirit they signed the deal with. In his true nature, her was a deceitful treacherous god disguised as a man to orchestrate this devilish treachery. Not by his own strength but assigned as a major contributing body of the unraveling test the KUMEDRO's needed to overcome. The entity in it own capacity was nothing in this orchestration but just a pun on the chest board of the highest authority. Standing as the connecting piece was their friend linking them to their worst choice. His help never came without grave lash backs. He made it possible for her mother to conceive but with the condition that the child would not live the full course life. The child was on a borrowed time line of life. The child was not going to grow old or grey, neither was it going to have children. 'What is the essence of life without it going through it full beautiful imbalanced circle. The rise and fall, the runs and slips, the sadness and happiness, the climax as well as the anticlimax, remarkably the lessons over the whole course. The mere mention of a recurrent agonising condition 'childlessness' also as the child's portion of the short lifetime they were in a haste to sign for her? should have been a wake up call to her mother on account of her own torture and Shame! Which led her to that place in the first instance. An ambient she would have never frequented under normal circumstances! She served the purpose of a narcissist here. Instead of her pain being her reminder, to put restraints on her actions, to make her conscious to that of the agonizing seed she was planting in the future of her child? She allowed the pain eat into her like a cancerous cell to make her child pay! and for what? a whim! if she could not cope without a child! How could she accept that fate for her child? How could one punish an innocent soul with the exact same penalization they could not endure! ' Selfish! Selfish! Impatient short sighted beings! However, that did not deter her mother from accepting the condition as easily as it came. The desperation of a woman to be spared the anguish of being childless as much as the humiliation of being called barren, blindly made Jennifer's mother agree to this without thinking twice. On the other hand, was her better half who could have stopped her! Who could have pulled the scales off of her eyes! They only person who could have prevented her from earmarking this sin of everlasting condemnation! allowed his wife have her way! out of love. Couldn't he be the specially singular figure of faith to abate a while longer? 'Scoffs' Love! ooh! Tender love! Blind are thou earnestly! The greatest nuclear weapon to ever exist, also there one-time neutralizer to counteract such weapon. Many a mighty have been brought to their end by this singular mention.... Love! Now the time for retribution had come, the sinking sand in there upper bulb of the hour glass of jennifer's borrowed life was exhausted. Every slip through the slender waist of the hour glass of quick Sand signified the slipping away of Jennifer's precious but devalued life! By the very hands of her parents. A life deserving of all beauty, destined for greater heights about to be brought to knots by unfaithfulness. It was her time to take her leave of this pain. A painful set up her parents made ' the people who was to give love as much as maintain it, concluded she needed to be plucked green!' in to much of a haste for a momentary gratification of desire.. TOGUI was also made aware that it was actually the ultimate test for her parents in this lifetime. if only they had kept the path of faith? Their home would have been blessed with off springs they never fathomed. A deserted initial setting quietly suffused by divine fertilization to metamorphosised into an enchanted entrenched garden of variety of sweet colourful fruits. The conception of this auspicious reward set ablaze into ashes before it saw the light of day. All was sacrificed on the wither-y alter of rush for One Obliviously! They failed test leaving them with nothing but there left handed consequential outcome. 'The elders have eaten sour grapes leaving the children's teeth to be set on the bitter end. Each and everyone on this planet earth had an ultimate test to undergo in this place, to attain that one conclusive thing which completes a life on here. Everybody in this plain had that very one thing that they lacked; it could be money, marriage, children as in the season of the KUMEDRO's. When acquired would live a fulfilling life regardless of all the shortcomings around them. A stand out subtraction which when became an addition alleviates all strive. One! outstanding deprivation! This was what the ultima trial was all about. All of us are Oblivious of the structure in which this test came, yet the gods are merciful to always leave us clues as well as aid. The one thing you lack on this plain that saddened you too the core of your soul when you contemplate it and possibly able to make you loose your accurate sense of reasoning, that induces you to willfully walk the wrong path to attain, is that conclusive acquisition. Note! The wrong path is taking the short cut to that desire. In the end, it is only but an temporal satisfaction similar to the nature of cheap perfumery. An initial uproar concentrated space to be easily diffused into nothing. The right path is taking the long narrow route! The long wait! The long relentless struggles! The persistent hold on faith! All cumulating into the much awaited sweet climax. The walk through a series of seemingly unbearable experience of tribulations, to break not destroy, finally to remould you into who you need to be for your ultimate full circle gratification. In this trail, good, demons, even your fellow human could be assigned as a tool to test us in various ways related to your crowning glory.
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