She's coming back

3064 Words
The sunlight beamed through the white blinds, presenting the morning sun against Jerry's sculpted face, slowly and reluctantly, he shot his eyes open. Squinting and adjusting his eyes to the sun rays stroking his face, he lazily rolled out of the bed and dragged himself to the bathroom to do his morning routine. He never liked the sun, especially when its the one who will greet him every morning and not the person he wants to see, with her warm smile and fluffy cheeks but with her sharp jawline and brown chocolate orbs. But since he moved to Rosie's unit, he used to be awaken by the sun, because Rosie loves sunshine that's why she chose the unit that the sun will hit them directly and even if he hates it, he needs to embrace all the things that Rosie loves. "Morning Kai, morning Kuma!" Jerry greets his boys, kissing them one by one on the tip of their nose before proceeding to the living room. "Morning Joohwang." He then greets the orange fish, picking up the fish food and took amount of it before spreading onto the entire aquarium. "You must be hungry huh?" Jerry said, grinning while watching the orange fish exaggeratedly eating her food. The whimper of his two boys beside him makes him snapped his head on his side, they were sitting on the floor with their puppy eyes, it's as if they were asking for their food and Jerry giggled cutely before ruffling their furs and walked into the kitchen to grab the two stainless bowl and the carton of dog food. "Good morning Tiny." Liam greets, putting down his five year old daughter who ran quickly to Jerry, hugging the older guy on his torso. "What's good in the morning when you're the first person I've seen." Jerry mocked making Liam to laugh loudly. "Goodmorning Princess." He greets and picks up the kid, putting her on the counter top and give the food to his sons. "Morning Uncle Jerry." Akisha greets back and kissed Jerry's cheeks when the guy faced her again. "Can we have our second date?" Jerry raised his left brow before looking back to Liam with his questioning eyes. "Sorry to bother you Tiny, but Hayley went to the hospital with Juhyun and I have work, so.." Liam trails off, scratching the back of his head and smile sheepishly. "It's fine Liam, besides, I really love spending my time with this cute little fur ball." Jerry assures him and pinched Akisha's face. "Let's have our second date then." "She's a human, not a dog nor cat. She doesn't have furs." Liam reminds the brunette while chuckling before walking toward them. "Anyway, thank you so much Jerry. I owe you this one." "No worries, but a new pair of shoes will do." Jerry said, wiggling his eyebrows and grinning. "But Dad always saying mai mee tang ka." Akisha whispers but enough for the two men to hear. "That's mommy Hayley, not me." Liam scoffed and rolled his eyes. "But whenever I asked for a penny, you'll scream 'mai mee tang ka'." "Because kid is not allowed to have money." Liam defensed and kiss his child on her lips before shifting to Jerry. "I'll buy you the latest one from Balenciaga, just please make sure that she's not going to eat a lot of gummy bears." "Gummy bears are gold!" Jerry exclaims. "But not gold for the teeth, and you too Jerry, stop eating jelly!" "Nooo!" Akisha and Jerry whines before looking at each other and burst out into loud laugh. Liam shook his head before kissing his daughter once more and tapped Jerry's head. "Both of you, behave ok?" The two smaller human nods their head but there's a glint of playfulness playing on their eyes and a wide grin. Liam squint his eyes, looking at them suspiciously. "Akisha? I don't trust that smile." "I got it from my mommy, then you don't trust her too?" "Shut up kiddo. I'll be going, love you both." Liam bids, waving his hand before vanishing from their sight. "Such a gay." Jerry looked back to Akisha and smiled. "So it's you and me again." "Yes, you and me." The kid said and spread her arms. "Put me down, I want to see Kuma." Jerry tugged the kid and put her down on the ground. "And Kai." "He's old, he barely moved his feet." "Stop slandering my kid!" Jerry scowled but Akisha just shrugged her shoulder and ran towards the room. "Hey wait! What do you want for breakfast?" Akisha stopped on her tracks and looked over her shoulder. "What does aunt Rosie usually wants for breakfast?" "Everything I cooked." "Then it's decided." The kid said before entering inside the room. Jerry shook his head and chuckled before rummaging on the cupboard and took out the ingredients for pancake and starts making their breakfast. — "Frozen!" "NBA!" "Frozen!" "My house, my rules!" Jerry said firmly before flicking the channel and Basketball playing the on the TV screen, making Akisha to puffed an annoy breath and crossed her arms across her chest. "This is so unfair, it's not even your house, it's Aunt Rosie." Jerry scoffed and rolled his eyes. "It's still my house because she's my girlfriend." "Yes she is, but not until she left you." Akisha retaliates and puffed another breath which cause Jerry to snapped his head at the kid and looked at her ludicrously. "How did you know that?" "I heard you and mommy Hayley talking." Jerry chuckled dryly and shook his head before shifting back his gaze at the TV screen. "You're such a professional eavesdropper." "I wasn't the only one who's listening that time, I'm with Daddy Liam." "Why does that dumb dumb let you to listen to an adult talk?" Jerry scoffed. It's not that he's mad about them, eavesdropping. It's just that, Akisha is still a five year old kid who seems to know everything that happens around her just because she eavesdropped a lot. "It's not intentionally tho, don't get mad to Daddy. We are playing with my brothers, Leo and Luca and you came to our house, drunk and crying." "Even that?" Jerry asked in surprised, stirring his body to face his goddaughter. "Tell me everything you know." He challenged the kid mockingly. Akisha looked at Jerry, who's now looking back at her with his rest b***h face. "Were you also trying to know from me where is Aunt Rosie's address?" "You know?! How come?!" Jerry asked, holding the kid's shoulders abruptly. "I don't, but Daddy.." Akisha paused and looked up to Jerry and their eyes met. The brunette's eyes were full of hope, anger and the feelings of betrayal. How could Liam did this to him? Hiding Rosie's whereabouts. He's been in every country just to find the girl and yet, Liam know her address and he's not saying a word about that? "Since when your Daddy know?" "Know?" Akisha quirks, tilting her head sideways. "I didn't said that he knows, all I'm trying to say is, but Daddy kept asking Grandpa Park but even them doesn't have any idea where she is." "Are you freaking kidding me Aki?" Jerry asked in disbelief, sighing exasperatedly with a groan and ran his slender fingers on his hair. "No, if Daddy know where she is, he would certainly told you by now." Jerry sigh before picking up the remote and flicked the channel. "You're right, your Dad will never betray me. Right?" He asked, side eyeing the kid and he saw on hos peripheral vision that Akisha nodded and he sigh again. It's kind of weird that he's talking with a five year old kid about betrayal and his long lost girlfriend. But Akisha isn't a normal kid, she got her smartness from her mommy Hayley and she got her nosiness from her Daddy Liam, even the naughtiness, she got it all from Liam. And if ever that Rosie already showed herself, surely, they are already fighting for the blonde's heart. "Never." Akisha muttered, focusing her eyes on the screen when Jerry turns the channel where frozen is now playing. — "I'll make a sandwich for snack, do you want some cheese?" Jerry yelled from the kitchen. "Can I ask for an egg instead?" Akisha shouted back, not even bothering to tear her gaze away from the TV screen. "Juice or milk?" "Can I ask for a cola?" "Milk it is, I got it." Jerry yelled, ignoring the kid's request. "You shouldn't have asked me if you're not going to give me what I want." Akisha scoffed and rolled her eyes even if Jerry couldn't hear her and see her. "Cola will not make you taller." Jerry said while putting down the tray on the center table. "You probably drinked a lot of cola when you were a kid." Jerry cough at that and looked at the kid offendedly. "You're in my place and your Dad weren't here to protect you, just in case you forgot." He warns but Akisha just stuck her tongue out before grabbing the sandwich and immediately bite on it. Jerry sigh softly after seeing his girlfriend on the kid, on how Rosie will immediately grab a bite on the sandwich he made, on how Rosie will asked for a cola and he will not give what the blonde wants and Rosie will stick her tongue out just exactly what Akisha did awhile ago. "Slow down furry friend, you might get choke." He reminds and removed the mustard on Akisha's face. "Uncle Jerry." "Hmm?" Jerry hums, settling himself beside the kid and took a sandwich for her. "Why are you crying last time?" "I told you, I'm not crying." "But your puffy eyes telling me otherwise." Akisha insist, stealing a glance at the older guy. "I didn't." "Hmm, was it because of Aunt Rosie? Do you miss her too?" The kid asked again persistently, not buying Jerry's lie. "Everyone does, even you." Jerry deadpans, trying to drop the topic but the kid was so persistent like her Daddy that he'll keep asking and asking until you admit the truth. "But I did not cry." "You know, it's just us. You can tell me everything." Akisha tells him nonchalantly. Jerry snickered but turning into a loud laugh. "I'm not going to tell anything to my rival." "Do you really think I can steal her from you? You're a what? 29? And I'm just a five year old adorable kid, like I have a chance against you." She scoffed. "Why do you talk like you're a grown up woman? While your Daddy talked like he's five year old kid stuck inside a grown man? Do you guys switched souls?" Akisha giggles and shrugged her shoulder. "So are you going to tell me now?" "What am I going to tell you?" "Anything, or much better the reason why you cried." "You don't wanna know and besides, you won't understand, you're still a kid." Jerry dismissed before biting on his sandwich and silently chewing it as he looked to his side when Akisha became silent for a second, it's unusual for him not hearing the kid responding in every words he'll spout. "What's wrong?" "What if she comes back? What will you do?" Jerry's breath hitches upon hearing the question, almost making him choke, because it never crossed his mind. What will he do if Rosie came back? Will he beg to the blonde to forgive him? Will he ask the younger girl to reconcile with him? Will he cry? Hug her? Bend on his knees and ask for forgiveness? He really don't know what he's going to do nor what's his plan to win back the younger girl's heart. But is she coming back? Or he's just waiting for no one? What if Rosie will go back but she's already married? That's not possible, right? Because she will probably tell that kind of matter with her friends, Juhyun and Seul-ki, especially to her best friend, Liam. Jerry shoved all the negative thoughts behind his head and shook his head. That's impossible, Rosie would never do that. He's confident because the blonde girl told hkm that she liked to get married with him, not with anyone else but him. But then again, he wasted that chance. "I'll win her back." Jerry mumbles and the dedication on his eyes were screaming. "What if she came back with her new boyfriend?" "What's with the interview?" Jerry asked incredulously. Akisha shrugs before popping the last piece of her sandwich inside her mouth and drink her milk bottoms up, leaving a milk on the both side of her lips, like a white mustache. Jerry laughs before grabbing a tissue and wipe the excess milk on Akisha. "You laugh a lot, don't you?" The kid asked, smiling at Jerry slyly. "Yeah, What's wrong with that?" "Did you know? Mommy Hayley told me that in psychological facts, people who laugh too much, even on stupid things, that person is sad deep inside." Jerry pursed hos lips and released a sigh through his mouth. "You are near to creep me out." "Whatever, I just want to know what's going on with my favorite Uncle." Akisha cooed and crawled into Jerry's lap, wrapping her short limbs on his waist and snuggles in. "I'm taking a nap." The kid said with a yawn, rubbing her knuckles on her eyes and kissed Jerry's cheek and buries her face against his neck. "Go on. I might join you sooner." Jerry whispered, making a circle on the younger girl's back and stroking her shoulder length raven hair. When Jerry felt the stable breathing of Akisha, sign that the kid already deep asleep, he turned off the TV and heaved from the couch, carefully carries the child along with him towards the room and he gently lay down Akisha on the bed. He tucked in the small kid under the blanket, up until her chest and leave a wet kiss on her forehead. Jerry stared at the kid for a minute with contented smile on his lips before turning his heels to step out from the room and he head straight to the mini music room. Wherein Rosie's favorite guitar lies on the corner of the room, their pictures together hanging on the wall, LPE collection and lot of plushy avocados inside a big brown box. Jerry took the biggest one and sat on the single couch, hugging the plushy and sulked on his chair, burying his face on it and a sob escaped on his mouth with a single tear dripped down on his face coming from his left eye. The kid was right, Jerry used to laugh a lot these past few years to hide his pain, he always wears his mask of happiness, but when he's alone, all the pain comes to him, the regrets, the loneliness and the feeling of missing someone but he can't do anything but to reminisce their past. Jerry cried for an hour, silently. Due for too much crying, he can feel his eyelids begun feeling heavy and he was about to drift off to sleep against the soft and fluffy plushy toy but a loud bang coming from the main door startled him. "Jerry f*****g Kim!" The man outside shouted his name, doesn't have any idea that his daughter sleeping inside his room. Jerry stood up too abrupt and open the door hastily. He saw Liam crouching on his knees while panting hardly and catching his breath. "If your daughter woke up and caused her sleep deprived, I swear to God Liam." Jerry said and pad to the kitchen to get a glass of water and went back to the living room where Liam already sitting on the couch. He handed the glass of water to Liam that the latter quickly drink. "What's up? Why are you in a rush?" Liam held his index finger on the air, signaling him to wait until he finished his water. Liam swallowed all the water and wiped the drop of sweat on his forehead before standing up and pulled Jerry into a tight hug that made Jerry stiffed, shock by the sudden action of the younger guy. "Jerry!" "Liam, did Hayley know this?" Jerry asked causing Liam to retract himself from the brunette and look at him. "No, because I want you to know it first." Liam replied and flashed his smile. "Are you f*****g kidding me? You're married to my best friend for f**k sake! And you have an adorable kid Liam and most of all, I'm not gay, how can you do that to them?" "What the f**k Jerry? I ain't going to confess, what the hell?!" "Oh, you're not?" Jerry asked. "What the actual f**k tiny?" Liam blurts out and laugh obnoxiously, holding his stomach that starts to ache. "That's hilarious for you to assumed that I'm going to cheat on my wife and you know what's funnier than that? You presumed that it was with you." Liam added and sat back down on the couch laughing his ass off. Jerry grabbed the throw pillow from the couch and hit Liam's face with it, which cause the younger guy to stopped from laughing and shoot him a dagger look. "What?!" Liam huffed and stood up again, towering the older guy. He hold both Jerry's shoulder and looked at his eyes directly. "I received a message from unknown number." He started. "It's not me." Jerry butted in. "I know, because it was from her." "From who?" Jerry asked again, his brows creasing in confused. "She's coming back Jerry!" Jerry left dumbfounded and even if Liam didn't told him directly who it was, he knows that it's Rosie, his eyes starts to water, his heart beats frantically inside his chest that it almost want to burst out. His mouth became dry and there's an imaginary lump stuck in hisnthroat that refraining him to spit a word. But his mind trying to sink in what did Liam told him. "Jerry, you okay? I said she's coming back." Liam repeats and pulled Jerry to engulfed the older guy. "My girl is c-coming back." "Yes Jerrt! Yes!" Liam said excitedly, and that's when Jerry burst into tears , hugging back the younger guy with all his will. "My Rosie is coming back." _________
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