Chapter 4

1452 Words
Emilia peeked in the room hesitantly when he opened the door wider, welcoming her in. Stepping inside she was overwhelmed with his scent. "Sit down, I'll just be a minute." She went to sit on his bed but slid off and landed on her back. She blinked up at the ceiling, shocked.  Feeling two arm hands lift her body, she was soon seated on the bed. She was hoping to talk to them about why their beds were so high, it looked nice but was difficult to get on for her.  After a few minutes, Tristian appeared back in front of her but with clothes on. His jet black hair was still damp as he ran a hand through it. His appearance overall looked rough. "I think I've seen you before."  "Is that so?"  "Yes, it was quite some time ago."  "We used to have some ties with your, Alpha. I wouldn't doubt what you saw."  "Used to?"  Tristian looked bored of the subject as he nodded. Perhaps it was annoyance.  "A story for another day."  They sat in silence for a while, her hands twitched, itching to try and start a conversation. Silence was awkward to her, she didn't welcome it. "You looked scary." Tristian peeled his eyes opened momentarily before closing them again. "How so?"  She shrugged although he couldn't see her. "You were mad over something I think while talking to my alpha."  "Those were not my intentions to scare you."  "Do you know why you were mad?"  "I tend to have a temper at times. Too many to recall."  "My alpha-"  "He is not your Alpha." Tristian cut her off calmly. "If anything, he is your equal now." Emilia bit her lip trying not to giggle. "Is something funny?"  She pursed her lips together and imagined how silly she looked causing her to finally giggle. "He would not like to hear that."  "I can imagine." He opened his eyes with a fiendish smile. "I will make sure to enlighten him in the near future." She again laughed under her breath.  "May I use your bathroom?"  "Go ahead." He gestured to the door he came out of once he was done changing. She went to get off the bed but her foot caught on the sheets and instead she ungracefully got twisted in them.  Tristian moved quickly and caught her before her head hit the hardwood floor. Unfortunately, he could not prevent them from both falling to the floor.  A frown pulled at his lips staring at Emilia who was on top his chest. "You are quite the clumsy thing. Are you not?"  "Um I-I-" He lifted them both up and set her on her own feet. "Go to the bathroom." She nodded embarrassed and quickly scurried into the bathroom. When she came back out he was waiting for her in the same position. He was leaning against the wall his bed was pushed up against timidly. After helping her onto the bed he couldn't help but let a teasing smile fall to his lips. "Perhaps I should lower the beds."  She covered her warming cheeks with clear embarrassment in her eyes. She made a strange noise in the back of her throat when Tristian pulled her to him. He removed her hands from her face and lifted her chin. "It is not a bad thing to be clumsy." He assured but only was met with silence. "Unless you do end up falling on your head."  A small inevitable smile crossed her face at his teasing tone. "I promise I am not usually this clumsy."  His hand cupped her cheek with a distracted look in his eyes. "It just gives me another reason to watch over you."  Emilia grabbed his hand with two of her smaller ones and moved it away from her face. She didn't like that she enjoyed the sparks on her skin anywhere he touched. "Tristian?"  "Hmm?"  "Why does that happen? The sparks." She elaborated.  "It is a sign you have a connection with your mate."  "What if there were no sparks?"  "I don't have that answer." Her hazel eyes examined every aspect of his face before slowly raising her hands, afraid he might scold her for what she was about to do.  Her hands cupped his cheeks gently. She c****d her head slightly in a curious manner. Her hands moved down to his sharp jaw line before moving back up to his hair line. He watched the curiosity in her eyes as she intently tried figuring out why her hands sparked when touching him.  "It's everywhere."  "It is meant to be." He spoke softly when two of her fingers brushed against his lips. They lingered there longer than they should have before she dropped her hands to her lap.  It happened as fast as she blinked before she was under him and he hovered over her. "If I were to touch you here, you would feel them." His hand intertwined with hers as he stared into her eyes.  "And here?" She asked quietly when she touched the exposed part of his chest. The sparks that touched the tips of her fingers were answer enough.  "If I were to touch anywhere on this little body of yours, you would feel them until you no longer feel a connection to me."  "What if you were to kiss me?"  "I can only imagine it would feel the same, Emilia."  "A kiss is not the same as a touch, Tristian."  "Do elaborate."  "It is a sign of passion when you kiss your mate."  "Well," He started gazing at her plump lips, "I can only imagine it is more than a spark. Perhaps two?"  She couldn't help giggle. "Two sparks?" He smirked playfully.  "Is that not more than one?"  "You can not feel how many sparks there are. You just feel them."  "May I help you feel them?"  "You are my mate, I do not see why not." She tried not letting her smile break her entire face.  He did not need much more approval before his lips brushed against hers. He cupped her cheek with one hand while the other held his body up from her frail one.  He fully pressed his lips to hers when she made a quiet whining sound, not wanting to be teased. He ravished her lips, giving them the attention they'd been wanting. His kiss was gentle but it was clear to her he was holding much back.  He pulled back, leaving her breathless. His wolf was hard to hold back, wanting to take her this very moment. "I'm sorry." She stuttered out breathlessly when she accidentally nipped his lip, her wolf wanting to be more aggressive than they were being.  He trailed down her neck and cherished the fruity smell that radiated from her. "Do not fret, little one." He whispered, lips trailing softly against her skin. "A bite is a werewolf's nature." He felt his canines emerge as his eyes flickered between his wolfs and his.  When she felt the tip of his canines brush against the spot he would one day mark her she reluctantly tried to stop him. Did she actually want to? "T-Tristian?"  Hearing her soft voice finally made his eyes set back to his dark brown ones. He lifted his head from the crook of her neck and gave a gentle kiss to the corner of her mouth.  "I would say more than a spark."  She didn't bother responding to him. She leaned up and kissed him again. He was genuinely surprised by her bold action, he didn't peck her to do so but he had not objections.  He was even more taken aback when she used her strength only a werewolf had to push him away and on his back. She straddled him and again took his lips for hers. Her kiss was forceful and rushed and he pulled back before she could continue. Her eyes were black.  Did he want to ignore his better judgement and the fact her wolf was in control, or stop their little session.  She seemed to decide for him when she pushed his hands away from her face that kept her from continuing.  When her hands touched the hem of his shirt to take it off he quickly wrapped his hands around her wrist. "Stop." Her usual hazel eyes were long gone, and the black eyes of her wolf met his when she looked up.  "No."  He flipped their positions again and held her down against her will. "Submit."  "No."  He growled lowly. "I am your Alpha and I am telling you to submit. You will submit to me."  Tristian held her hands above her head roughly when she tried to move. He waited, a glare never wavering away from her eyes.  When the familiar soft touch of brown was back, he still didn't move. She just stared back at him, his eyes were dark, stern.  He slowly released her arms and her hand came up to touch his cheek. He was still as he felt a trail of sparks lead from his cheeks and to his lips.  "I submit." 
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