Chapter 23: Shifting hearts

1406 Words

Luis chased Isabella through the dense patch of trees and shrubs. He found her shoes and dress strewn across a bush about ten feet in. He didn't hesitate before shedding his own clothes and joining her. Like when we were kids. His Jaguar salivated at the thought of a chase. His chest rumbled as he caught her sweet scent immediately. Like mangoes and the fresh air of the jungle back where they'd grown up. He hadn't missed the sweaty, earthy scents of his former South American home. But he missed her. He could admit that now. Somehow that little silver woman had dared him to face his own truths, and as Luis hunted her through the small patch of earth, he admitted it, if only to himself. Isabella was everything. She always was, always would be. Mine. He cursed himself ten times the fool

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