Chapter 16: Trusting fate

2157 Words

After obtaining the scroll from his new grandmother-in-law, who also informed him and his new mate that Andrea would be more receptive to Magic now that they were mated, he packed up the SUV and got ready to head back to the Station. It seemed that now that she'd found her soul stone, Andrea would be even more of an asset to Troy in his hunt for those who practiced the Dark. Andrea had raged at her grandmother for all of three seconds about having to go to that dilapidated house in Shadowland in the first place, until she'd realized what going there had meant for her. "I'm sorry, puri daj, I know you would never have put me in harm's way intentionally. I guess I needed to follow my path to him, my mate, and it was worth every single step," she looked at Troy at the end of her speech.

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