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Scarlett had some suits and other new things needed for her daily life Lily had also bought some clothes and stored them somewhere depending on whoever needed them. She told those who didn't have jobs to come to apply to her company and she would make connections to wherever she could. The pack members were delighted. She reached the office and a bunch of people brought things for her to approve, inspect or correct, whatever was required of the work. She left the little work for Lilly but asked her to bring them to her for her to approve. By lunch break, she was done with all the work. Lilly was with her in her office saying how boring it is that they were already done. She told Lilly to take an inspection run around the office and told her not to be suspicious about it. Lilly gladly took up the job and bounced out of the office, she met each department head and told them to leave their office for some time and come back later and bring coffee with them, she logged into the system and checked irregularly stagnant, illegal actions, unwanted information leaks and of the likes. When she came back she sent the records to her Alpha, who took a look at it and asked her to summon them to her office. When they were assembled at the Alpha female's office, they wore different emotions on their faces, boredom, uncertainty, anxiety, etc. She told them to wait outside that they would be called in one after the other. She interrogated them and when she was satisfied they were with let off with a warning or fired unfortunately all of them were fired except for one. "I found out you're anonymous to the company connection why is that?" She asked him. The bored expression he had on his face since he got in, he replied casually, "Simple I like my privacy, I saw there was a weakness in the system I used it" Scarlett smiled a bit and put her head down, "When you signed a contract with this company did you read it?" "What has that got to do with anything?" He asked rudely. "I am going to fire you then turn you in, hacking is a crime, if I plan to keep you in jail I could make sure you never have a job in this country and I'm pretty sure you have to have be a citizen of a country to work there, unless you work for me the way I want you to" She had a wicked smile on her face. The man gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw. "You think just because you own this company your mother built, you can do anything? Your mother built this, not you so get off your high horse" He smirked. She shook her head, turned her head to the window and drifted off into space for a moment then she turned her attention back to him and asked him with a sad smile "How was your childhood" "What a stupid question, like every normal person's childhood" "Must have been nice, I didn't know what love was until I found this place, she stored all her love for me in pieces of papers for me to find so far I found three of them, my father never believe in females being equal with males, he had a number of mistress and used my mom to bear his children, he thought I was a boy, my mom ran away with me and hid me away because he would have killed me. He asked his allies to help look for my mother and the heir, she sacrificed her life for mine, that was when I finally heard those three words. I went crazy and I went to avenge her" There was silence "Anyway, all I'm trying to say is, I was raised in the middle of the forest with no form of help, getting into school was purely out of my hard work and talent, I have never known what a high horse, what I am doing right now is my duty, to be selfish for the sake of what my mother built to support me, so don't assume things" her voice cold and heard. "Is that supposed to make me feel sorry for you?" He sneered. "I've done this the easy way, but you refuse to comply." she knocked him out and told Lilly to take him out back to the car that she would meet her there. She told them that she and Mr Paul were going out to have a discussion. The driver who was a pack member chose not to question the extra party they drove to a warehouse house the company owned. The guy was tied up to a chair and they waited until he woke up. The man in question woke up gasping "What the f**k?!" "Ah! The man of the occasion has finally woken up, you sure do sleep a lot" Lilly grinned at him. She left the room to inform the Alpha that he had awoken. Scarlett stepped into the room with a lazy look on her face, "Torturing people is a hassle" "You must be pretty stupid if scars appear on me you can be sued" "This is a mental thing I'm not stupid, you'll crack soon enough" she told Lilly to lock him in a room with no lights, a music player was installed into the room. It contained different sounds, not anything pleasant, there were the nails on a chalkboard for start. They left him there and set some pack members to guard the warehouse. They went back to the pack grounds and training session was in order. "Today is balance, fill up two buckets get a stick and hang them on either side of the stick, I will have to excuse Heidi and Bertha, just sit in the corner till we're done with this" She showed them an example a plank a bit above the ground, no wider than someone's foot, she picked up the stick which the two buckets were hanging from as she walked from one end to the other with ease. She told them not to fall down that until they mastered it they wouldn't be able to do it without looking down they should be able to walk on an imaginary line, "Balance is everything." Everyone had a try until she told them to stop because they had to train immediately effectively, that they were vulnerable right now, "Pair up, show me your fighting instincts first, or your skills, don't be afraid to wound, we're not humans don't be delicate, if your wolf is absent you'll just have to do human training fight, but the rest for you is the normal werewolf training same goes for those old enough to almost die, werewolves live long so no excuses. Heidi, Bertha take the witches to train." They all showed their skills and fighting instincts to their Alpha. Then they were taught the basics in fighting, soon the training was over and everyone retired to their various destinations some even went to the gym. She went back to the office and alerted other packs that some ex pack members of Metal Fire pack were looking for packs to join, following the defeat of their Alpha. She signed and approved some things and she hired several pack doctors which they had acquired. Lilly came running into the office "Yo Alpha! We got vamps at our borders they wanna talk to you." She ran in human form to her form to the pack border, there was a fairly large group of vamps there. "Is this an attack? If so why have you called for me? I'm an Alpha, I don't have time for this, state your purpose immediately then leave." She said calmly. "I'm sorry but we can't leave your mother said we were supposed to protect her to daughter and you are her" The one who seemed to be the leader spoke up. "Did you come with a note?" He stepped forward and handed her a paper. They must have shown up If they didn't they would have died, I did a blood contract with them, so their whole coven is your undying alliance, some of them are to stay within your pack and help you, I know I'm helping you a lot but don't take it like I think you can't do it by yourself but that's not the case, I didn't even send them they chose to, you must be a fine young woman now. I know it felt like I didn't love you but trust me I love you more than myself. Your beloved mum. She read the letter and her heart clenched but she made no indication of it, she welcomed them into her pack lands there were twenty of them, she asked them if they came with their necessary files and they handed it over, the same process ensued, she did not believe in special treatment, she had lived in the world of hardship for a reason, a life on the run, that was what she knew. When she was done they were assigned to the new houses, most of them chose to stay together in one large house. "Ugh people need to stop coming I wanted a small pack, not an overpopulated place" Lilly whined as she entered the office, "It was your idea... if I recall I never planned on doing this we should name this pack Lilly pack. Lilly perked up at the sentence, she pouts with tears in eyes, "Really?" Scarlett got up and pat her head and smiled at her. "Seriously Carl don't play with me" she called after her Alpha who stopped in tracks "Carl?" Scarlett asked. Lilly nodded her head "They'll probably think I'm a guy... I like it" "Of course you do I'm the queen if nicknames" Lilly held her head up with pride. Scarlett just shook her head and walked away. It was already night When are you gonna take me on a bloody run, you act like you don't need me Her wolf had finally spoken after recovering from her heartache. "Fine you spoiled brat" She transformed to her wolf, it was blood-red fur, her fur stood like bristles and then relaxed causing a wave to flow through her thick fur that was like a lion's mane, her wolves eyes in a pattern of a maze glowing blue. She sat near a cliff with the moon at its full glory, the nighttime has always been her favourite time of the day, it matched her heart. Scarlett turned back to the houses' and changed in midair as she landed on her two feet as she continued her run to the house. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow. Dream "Scarlett get your head straight, you are not a normal wolf, you are on the run your father could come anytime to end our lives, you are is daughter you took over every one of his genes, he's imprinted into you!" "No! He and I are nothing alike stop comparing me to that evil man!" Soon there was a hard impact on her cheeks. "You insolent ungrateful child, this is why you will never have a mate, you refuse to acknowledge the bond of mates! How am I supposed to love a daughter that knows nothing, sometimes I wonder if I gave birth to you! Now do it properly! Correct your stance you lack everything! We won't leave here today, do you want to survive? I will die sooner or later you need to learn!" Her mother whipped her leg until finally, she learned. **** "Scarlett know this, emotions are inevitable, but you have to hide them or your enemies can easily pick up your weakness, you can choose to smile forever or the blank expression, a smile can easily be cracked, it can still be used, but I'd advise you to use the blank expression. It's more advance and once you perfect the look I can finally be proud of you since you choose to be insolent all the time. I can't love you because you will be weak if I die. I'd rather you hate me with every fibre of your being, love only holds you back" *** "Scarlett they've found us, I wish I had a lot of time but I don't hide, don't be insolent now! I said HIDE!" She watched as her mother was mauled to death she couldn't hide so she ran towards the wolf in mid-step she transformed her fur red like the colour of blood she was about to spill. She had decapitated the head of the wolf. She ran over to her barely breathing mother and knelt beside her body. She put her mother's head on her lap. "Oh... Scarlett, I had to mould you into what you are today, I won't regret it but I feel bad for having to bring you into a world of dominant males. I'm going to tell you this because you won't understand what I say until the time comes. I love you so much, from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry for causing you pain, I made you experience all pain now so it won't come as a surprise, I'm sorry I had to expose rather than shelter you from all of them. We will meet someday. We all die never be afraid of an inevitable process" *** End of dream Scarlett woke up taking a large gasp of air. "That crazy woman never made sense, no one will truly understand what she was preparing me for, a lot of people would count it as child abuse. I know better. She knew I couldn't afford to be naive as a rogue." She signed in sadness. "I feel this heavy sense of loss, why now?" And then she cried. This is becoming too frequent, I can't afford to be weak, should have kept the notes to yourself mother I can't dwell on that now She went back to sleep.
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