Chapter 3 - Sensitive to pain

1101 Words
Jua Gu peered at his palm. They were quite small and bony. He gently touched his palm lines, his fingertip glided over his palm smoothly. 'Looks like this boy did not work much,' The body looked like it was in its teens, maybe around eighteen or nineteen. 'a good age to cultivate.' He quickly checked his veins and his bones. They were all healthy. But when he came to checking his spirit roots, he ran into a problem. his body didn't even have a bit of spiritual energy. in fact, this world did not have a spiritual power. Curiously, he looked around. The spirit particles were so scarce that only two or three specks of it were flying around. 'Interesting I've never seen a world this lacking before...' His powerful soul was able to see the spirit particles but his body was not able to use the spiritual energy residing in his soul. 'With practice I can use my powers for sure...' Suddenly a small movement caught his eyes. At the other end of the room, he saw the young boy. He was shivering and trembling, his small teeth chattered loudly. Jua Gu touched his clothes. He was only wearing a simple white t-shirt and a pant, but under his butt, he noticed a soft lump. He pulled it out to find a coat. He unraveled it and shook the dust off. He stood up unsteadily with the coat in hand. The trembling boy vigilantly gazed his way. notching that he was stepping close to him the boy gritted his teeth. "You… you s**t. Don't be smug. My family will… find me... my brother will avenge me." He said stuttering with each breath. Jua paused a bit further from the kid. "I'm telling you the cops will find me alive or dead. You will face your retribution…" the coat fell on top of his head. Jua grimaced. He was only trying to toss it softly, but the weighted coat fell roughly on his face. 'He didn't get hurt, did he?' he cautiously looked at him. The young child seethingly pulled the coat off and tossed it to the side. "You... you pig!" Jua chuckled. 'Even his cusses are cute… children…they all look like white radishes.' With a small smile, he picked up the coat and gently draped it on the boy's body. This time the child remained still looking up at him doubtfully. "Stay warm. Don't get sick," The boy clung to the coat. "Of... of course. If I get sick and die who will give you guys ransom." Scoffing he buried his head in it. Jua Gu moved a bit further to give him a comfortable space and continued observing the situation. This world was very different from his own. People talked in strange tones. The clothes were weird and useless. His shirt did not do anything to protect him from the cold. His usual clothes consisted of three layers and it acted as a great warmer. 'This place is weird...' thinking so he closed his eyes tiredly. Suddenly the door threw open and a masked man stomped in with a cigarette in his mouth. "s**t that fucker is relentless. We'll show him what we are capable of." He talked to the guy behind him as he walked in. The child shrunk in the corner and Jua go casually pulled the untied rope around his wrist and acted like he was still contained. "This fucker will do, right? Heard he was a servant's son." the guy smirkingly pointed at him. Jua Gu lowered his head. 'So, I'm a Servant's son? Why am I palms so smooth.' If he was indeed a servant then his palms must have been covered in callouses. Weirdly his whole body looked like I was well-raised and unused to working. As he was thinking of this the guy grabbed a hold of his shoulders and dragged him up. "set up the camera. Let them see what we are capable of." Smirking maliciously the man gazed at the child. "Next, it's you," Jua swiftly moved in a way he was hiding the child. "Come on, don't delay it!" the other person called. The man dragged him away into a small dingy room that only had a chair in it. the man tied him to the backside. In front of him was a stick-like thing that was attached to a strange device. 'Is this camera? What does it do?' The rope was tied tightly but if he tried, he could escape. 'My current body is too weak. I can barely walk. If I untie myself and leave, will they put the child in my place…' The masked man walked close to him with a hammer and standing on either side. "Look here Ko Shai Mao this is what will happen to your son if you don't give us ten million in cash in ten minutes." They took out a hammer. Jua Gu froze. he quickly tried to undo the knots but the hammer attack came much faster. The masked man swung at his leg breaking the bone instantly. The pain... it was overwhelming. He had never felt a pain this intense before. 'This body... it's too sensitive to pain…' Special bodies like this existed but he had never come across it before. "MNNN ahh…" he let out a muffled scream. "Haha, see, we will break every one of his bones. And if you contact the cops again, we will smash his brains in. What you next is your choice," Saying so the man continued to smash the hammer against his leg and his arm. "AHHH!!" After what seemed like hours of torture, Jua Gu was tossed back into that small room ruthlessly. He was barely able to hold onto his consciousness. The pain was overwhelming. It almost shook his soul bearing into him like a boulder. 'how.. how did this kid mange to live till now..' He had read only one record of such a patient. That patient with similar body conditions lived a hard life in the lower spiritual world. he had to cultivate his martial arts and their mental strength. With this special body type, the man found it hard to practice. Soon, the young man died at the age of twenty summers. Jua Gu panted loudly, holding back this scream of pain. 'this world.. seems.. peaceful… i. it will be okay…' His body was too weak and the room was too cold. his sweat-soaked clothes did not help at all. 'warmth.. I need to stay.. warm..' he crawled into the corner and finally lost consciousness.
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