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Hi,everyone.I hope that you all will find this story very interesting.I will try to give my the best.First of all,I really want to say that I love all races,religion and genders.I mean no offence towards anyone or anything.If you find my book offensive in any way,instead of dropping hate,you are free to leave and I whole heartedly apologize. Secondly,don't mind the late updates.I really write free books for you all.I hope you all check my other romance novels and eroticas.I hope not to disappoint you.Any kind of similarity is just a pure coincidence. Please don't steal this book and publish it somewhere else.I really word hard and if you do so,it will be regarded as plagiarism,which is a great crime.Also,I am pretty sure that you can come up with better ideas than mine. Copyright © 2021 Tanzila 'Icarus'  - All Rights Reserved.                                                                                      MONTH 1 Edith POV 8 pm.I looked at my right wrist and readjusted my watch. I let out an exasperated sigh as I turned off my phone and walked with Rachel,my best friend. "Parents are so annoying." I grunted angrily as I kicked my foot on the ground. "They might be but hold onto it until they are still here.They won't be here for too long and what did I tell you about wearing your watch on your left hand?" Rachel asked as she held up my right hand. "Come on,Rach.Stop with the sentimental lines and I like my watch on my right hand." I said as I squeezed her hand. "I have to go now too so girl, let's share a cab and go together." She said. "I will walk,I guess.My house is not too far from here." I replied and sipped onto the iced tea. "It's getting really dark.Are you sure? This neighborhood isn't good for women to wander around streets at night." She said. "Rach,you have been watching too much crime documentaries.Stop being paranoid.Nothing will happen to me and even if anything does happen, it's not like I am scared." I rolled my eyes and revealed a smirk. "Says the one named Desdemona." She laughed. "Look,I told you not to call me that.What kind of parents name their child after a Shakespeare's character? I mean,I wouldn't mind if they kept Miranda or Ariel but Desdemona? Girl,it straight up means ill-fated and I am not ill-fated.Men of all age are dying for this body." I licked my lips and winked at her. "Whatever,Edith,take care.I am leaving." She said.We both walked out of the mall together.She walked inside the cab and headed to the opposite direction.I zipped my jacked tightly and walked towards the path of my house. The weather was windy and very cloudy.It has been raining now and then.It was really cold and I definitely wasn't planning on getting drenched in the rain. Several thoughts rushed through my mind.I could almost smell the wet soil. Why did my parents name me Desdemona? Why were they so much worried about me going out with my friends? I pushed the door and it opened with a loud creak as the first thunder of the night crashed through the clouds. Both my parents were sitting on the couch waiting for me.Their gaze shifted to my eyes as I walked inside. "Why didn't you pick up the phone?" Mom asked. "Because you both were bothering me." I said in a rude tone and rolled my eyes. "We were worried about you." My dad placed his hands on my shoulder. "Didn't I tell you that there are so many bad people out there to get you, sweetheart." He whispered with worry lacing around his tone. "Stop treating like I am baby, goddamn it! I am a woman and I can handle myself.I don't need your care or concern so mind your own business.You don't need to interfere in my life." I yelled as I walked to my room.I threw my bag on the couch and headed towards the washroom. I cleaned my face and changed into comfortable clothes. I turned on my phone and crashed on the bed.The phone started to vibrate with a strong wave of notifications. I looked to my right as the thunder crashed again, loudly. A knock was placed on my door. It was mom. I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone again. "Edith, listen to me." She said and sat on my bed. "Stop bothering me." I said. "We are your parents,Edith.We love you,we don't want to bother you.If you feel angry take it on me,not your dad.Don't you know that his heart is really weak? The doctor strictly told him not to take any pressure.If he gets a heart attack,he will be gone forever." She whispered as her eyes moistened. "Why are you telling me this?" I frowned. "Your father loves you the most.He is so saddened about your behaviour.Apologize before it's too late, sweetheart.He loves you and he wants you to be safe forever." She said.A realization hit me.He was always nice to me while I was the one with a bitchy attitude. I immediately walked towards his room and opened the door.He was sitting on the bed.I almost cried seeing what his condition was. It was true that he was dying and he would be leaving soon.I slowly sat beside him. "Dad?" I whispered.He opened my eyes and looked at me. "Sweetheart,you should be sleeping.It's so late." He said. "I am sorry, please, forgive me." I embraced him. "I am sorry,Edith.I can't remember how you grew up so fast.To me,you are still that little girl who wouldn't talk to me because I came home a minute late.You will always be my little baby to me." He whispered. "I am sorry.I am very rude.I never want to hurt you,dad.I am sorry." I said. "It's okay,Edith." He smiled. "Dad,can I ask you something?" I asked. "Of course." He replied. "Why did you and mom name me Desdemona? Am I supposed to be ill-fated?" I asked. "No,Edith.Look,your grandma wasn't a good person.She gave you this name.We don't know how but she somehow re-wrote your birth certificate.She wanted you to have this name." He said. "She wanted me to be ill-fated." I whispered. Later that night,I wore some clothes and walked out of the house.It was 2 am in the morning. I was really frustrated over how my grandmother kept my name. Why did she name me Desdemona? Did she hate me so much? I never knew because before I could remember,she died. I thought she loved me. I screamed as a pair of hands grabbed me and covered my mouth immediately.I struggled to get out of their grip but failed miserably. They pushed me inside a black SUV and tied my hands. I mumbled curses under my breath. "Woman,shut up!" A man said.I yelled more because I wasn't scared but rather angry and I felt extremely dirty inside the car. As they realized that they couldn't control me, one of the men injected me with something.I widened my eyes and began to yell more but all my words were muffled. My vision began to blur as cold beads of sweat formed on my forehead.Before I could even get a hold of everything,I passed out in the car.
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