CHAPTER: 29 Divine Angel

1973 Words
After rescuing the angel Alice, Danny found a way to get back to the cave and reached it safely. After Danny got back his body consciousness then he just started to scold her for leaving him alone in the night middle of the forest and after Alice said sorry to him and gets close to the angel. “Brother, what do you think about her?” I don't know who she is but I think she would be an angel just like Tiyana”. When she said it, Danny replied, “It can be but this looks so small and has wings which is the complete opposite look to Tiyana ''.    Then while they watched, the angel slowly got its consciousness back and opened its eyes slowly. “Huh… Where am I? And which place is this? Conny where?” And while she started to speak half-consciously, Alice got near and said, “Hello… We are the ones who helped you from the monsters and who are you?” When she got near to her, the angel was frightened and got back and asked, “Who are you and what are you talking about? Are you the one who kidnapped me from my palace?” And while she was talking about her, Danny interrupted and said, “Don't talk wrong about my sister. She is the one who helped you from those monsters. I think they are planning on eating you after placing you in one bowl. I think if we let them eat it would be nice without getting a bad name from the person we helped”. After he said with a rough voice, the angel looked down and said, “Sorry to him and Alice”.    After that, she said to them, “Sorry I don't have any memories about anything other than the last time I said bye to my assistant and butler Conny. After that, all my memories were frozen. Sorry about my rude speech. For a second I thought you both kidnapped me for using my power for your own sake but now after you said I can understand what would have happened to me”. When she said it, Danny was confused and asked her, “What are you saying? And How can you say that I am not lying?”. And the angel replied, “Nothing, I just feel like trusting you and I trust you”. Danny was shocked by her answer and Asher just laughed after hearing it. She is something.    And then Alice shows two hands together and the angel stands on her palm. “Now kid, what do you want to know from me? I will give you one gift for saving me”. After she said it, Alice asked to bring back her sister and brother from death but the angel said that bringing back the soul to the same body after releasing it is a kind of sin that we angels don't do. Souls are like a key to life and they are locked inside the prison called body or species. And after they die the soul gets released and goes on the next process to help nature so to bring the soul back to the body is kind of an act of sin. I am sorry Alice but can you ask something else”.    And then with a sad expression, Alice wasn't able to ask anything from her so she replied, “I can't think of anything right now so sorry”. And then the angel replied, “If you don't do anything then it's ok you can ask for the wish later”. And then Danny gets near the angel and asks, “Do you know how to get back to your kingdom or palace or whatever?” And the angel replies, “No, I can't only Conny know everything about it. All I did was just enjoy my time with other servants by playing games. But now I don't what to do without Conny. Alice and her brother can you two help me to get back to my place or find Conny?” When she asked it, for a second Danny waited to answer but Alice soon nodded her head and replied, “Yeah, we will help you. We both just planned to roam around the world and try to know everything about this world. And in this journey, we can find your assistant Conny or a way to get you back home”.    After she said it, without any choice Danny just said yes and sat on the corner, and he said to Alice, “Sorry, but tonight we have nothing to eat, Rabbit. In the very morning we have to hunt some animals to eat”. When he said it, Alice worried and her stomach just shouts a little loud even though she said, “Ok brother I will manage tonight, don't worry about it. Because it happened so often when I was in my village”. And after hearing it, the Angel really worried and said, “Hey… You two are planning to help me and while you both are helpless it really makes me sad. So just eat this food”. After she said it, the angel used her spell power to create tasty food for both Alice and Danny. After tasting it they both were amazed and said, “Thank you so much… Aw.. Angel”.  And Danny asked, “Don't you have any name to call?”.    And when he asked for it, the angel was confused and said, “No, from the moment I was created by God, he didn't give me any kind of name other than a job. My work is to send souls towards the light and after I got Conny she managed it on my behalf of me. So really I don't have much work and also don't have a name to call. Everyone addresses me as “Elder Angel”, But I don't know about it”. After she said it, Alice was so sad about it and said, “Being nameless is not good and I know that pain. Don't worry I will give you a new and good name”. When she said it, the Angel was really happy and said, “Really, then I am ok with it. Come on, tell me what kind of name you are going to give me?”.    And Danny was amazed about it and he said, “I never thought you would be able to do that but seriously this is amazing I thought you were a small girl”. And then Alice said, “I think the name May would be nice”. It is the name of the tree I found you near and I think that would be a nice name for you”. After she said it, Angel liked it and she said, “May is my new name, I like it so much”. After that, they finished the food and started to sleep without any problem.    Then the next morning was born and Danny and Alice were waking up late after the sun got so high in the sky. And the Angel just gets near Alice and tries to wake her up. “Alice, can you wake up? I sense some higher mana being inside the forest”. After she said it, Asher also sensed it and took over the body from Danny’s consciousness. After he wakes up and gets near to the angel. “Hey… May I need you to stay with her. If anything happens to her just save her with your power and strength. I think you will manage anything”. After saying it, Asher started to move from that cave and May got doubtful and asked, “Who are you? I sense someone from his body?”.    And Asher replied, “I have no reason to say the truth to you, so just do what I say”. After saying it, he just vanished from that place, and for a second May was shocked but then she realized what spell he used. Huh… He uses the body ability spell… But how he can get on to it so fast. This is something equal to the dragon race but he is not a dragon species and also he is not a wizard but looks like a wizard, this is interesting. And after sometime May gets near to Alice and creates a barrier outside the cave to protect her. Asher runs around the forest to search for the person who entered the forest. I never thought he would come after Danny but this is not acceptable. If I let him now then sure nothing good comes for my plan so for this without any choice I have to kill him now.    The person who entered the forest is Tatsumi, the dragon prince of the Dragon kingdom. He came to the forest to find Danny to drag him back to the Dragon kingdom for further experiments and information. That piece of crap making me annoying, not just he helped the witch and her group but also able to know by soul creature Zigen. I have to put an end to his life otherwise there is no other way to stop my anger. Tatsumi is angry toward him because the Dragon King shouted at him and scolded him for letting Danny away. And also now the Guardian Zigen has eyes on Danny but he never recognized me once.    While Tatsumi was searching for Danny, he wasn't able to find him. What is this, just for a second I sensed his presence inside the forest but now it was gone. Is he dead soon? But it's not possible, He can't find it because this search spell locates the soul itself that the physical body. If I can't sense him, it means he is dead right… But while he was walking, Asher was standing in front of him. After seeing him Tatsumi was shocked because now Danny was standing in front of him. Tatsumi doesn't know about Asher and Danny’s conscious change. Even Danny and Asher are not changing their consciousness. They change their soul themselves… In Danny’s body, they contain two souls, Danny’s soul, and Asher’s soul.    Because of that when they transfer their consciousness it means the soul itself takes control and because of that Tatsumi isn't able to find him. And now When Asher is in front of him still Tatsumi can't sense him on the search spell. “What did you place on you? I can't find you on a search spell?” And while he was asking, Asher said “Yo… Just be quiet for a second. I can't calm my mind while hearing your voice”. When he said it, Tatsumi got annoyed and shouted at him, “You low life i***t, how dare you speak towards him in that way?” While he was shouting toward him, suddenly Tatsumi was dashed towards the big rock near him. What is happening? Is used his spell on me or is that his attack?    While he was thinking, Asher got near to him and said, “Yo… I didn't use a spell on you, it's just my physical strength, you child” After saying it, Asher started to attack so hard on Tatsumi and the battle was so one-sided and the Dragon Prince was so weaker than Asher, and even when Tatsumi tries to use the spell towards Asher but he can’t able to do it because Asher didn't even give him enough time to use the spell.
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