CHAPTER: 13 Fight was Ended

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Arago was fighting with Rigen while he was in an unconscious state, his power overtook his control and fought Rigen with ease and Rigen was suffering to control Arago’s power but he wasn't able to do anything against it. While fighting was going on, Orban was watching everything from the distance and noticing the change in Arago and he figures out that his power was overtaken his body and now fighting with Rigen.    Oh… Oh… Then his form was the real Dark Realm Monster form, it was quite nice to watch it rather than hearing the story. I had never seen it before but watching it now, I'm starting to get doubts about my history. They said that Dark Realm Monsters are nothing but hunger monsters that have the verge of eating mana from other beings. But here I can see that Arago was controlling the form quite nicely but when he had fallen the power was to take control and fight the Rigen rather than taking out the mana from others which is something to check on.    Arago… Aradia… You two are something, I can say in nickname as Weird Sibling. After saying it, Orban just laughs about the name he gave to them and then he continues to watch the fight, and the village people were still inside the house and fear to step outside because the fight between Rigen and Arago was so intense that the storm is right now in their village. After some minutes Veneth was waking up from his unconscious state while opening his eyes, he can able to see something was licking his face, at that moment, he was not in the right condition and his eyes are still losing sight but in that blur vision, Veneth saw a white tiger was licking his face and looking at him for a while.    Then he woke up with a shock and looks around to see the tiger but there was nothing. Veneth started to be confused by that visual that he saw a white tiger or it was just an imagination of his mind because a white tiger is a vehicle to a great warrior. In the past during the war between the Dark Realm Monsters and other species, an unknown warrior came to aid the Elves species. He was on the white tiger and beat most of the monsters and saved the elves from danger. But it was all a story that was told for centuries and Veneth believed in them until he saw Arago and now he witnessed the white tiger.    What is wrong with this village or this week? I just found a witch who was beautiful and also powerful enough to fight with Rigen, who is our god. And When I thought that Rigen was good, he just turned as bad and tried to kill my Aradia and then we found out Arago, brother of Aradia was a Dark Realm Monster but he was nothing same with the stories said for centuries and then now I was waking up by a white tiger which is also a creature on past. I can see a pattern, something bad is going to happen to this world again… Or am I just overthinking again…    After that he started to run towards the area where Arago and Rigen were fighting, Veneth saw the sky and found that Rigen was not there but he was able to feel some huge mana around the place and also vibration and earth-shattering by the fight. “If Rigen was gone then what was happening? Is Arago going out of control and he was fighting with Aradia? No, I have to get there soon and help her before something bad happens”. While thinking about it, Veneth tries to run so fast towards the place he can feel two extreme mana energies but his body is in bad condition and can't run. So he just performs a healing spell on himself while walking fast to help Aradia. “Aradia, wait for me… I will help you”.    And there Rigen was really suffering so much to beat Arago’s power but it was too strong for Rigen and also because of the rule to save the world, Rigen can’t increase his mana higher and kill Arago. If he does now then sure the mana itself will beat Arago’s dark realm monster power and his consciousness will back but the people around Rigen will die by the extreme mana and the world will die by interacting with two high nature mana.    Arago’s power beat Rigen and made him fall on the ground, at that time without giving time to take his shield, Arago’s power caught his hands and started to observe mana continuously. Now Rigen falls into a difficult situation, if he raises the mana then sure that Arago’s power will increase and become more powerful but if he lets shut its mana then Rigen will die in the hands of Arago’s power. Rigen tries to use many spells but every time Arago’s power interferes with it and breaks the spell.    By watching the fight, Orban can understand what is going to happen next. Oh… now this is bad, Arago’s power kills Rigen then the other three serpents will rise back and go rampage and the mana order on this earth will become imbalanced. After noticing it, Orban gets on to the fight to help Rigen. While being helpless Arago’s power was draining its mana so rapidly and weakening Rigen. And all of the sudden it was disturbed, at first Arago’s power was confused to notice what was happening there, even Rigen was confused but then he saw a person standing in front of him.    “I never thought you would come to help me, this is a surprise after all the things I did to you,” Rigen said with a weakened voice. Because the mana was dropped so down Rigen became so weak and then Orban replied, “Yeah, I too don't want to help you but to save the people in my village, I have to do this and save you”. When Orban entered the fight everything had changed, Arago’s power was already so powerful after gathering so much mana from Rigen and turning into dark mana. With an uneasy noise, Arago’s power was shouting towards Orban.    “This is the first time I witnessed a Dark Realm Monster and also going to fight with it. Arago, I know you are inside there just wake up and stop this useless fight. You want to save your sister right. On behalf of the messenger of Rigen, I assure you that your sister will be safe on Rigen’s protection. So wake up soon” Orban said towards Arago but he was still unconscious. And after hearing it Rigen looked at him and said, “You are really misusing the position of Messenger to me and giving me an order indirectly. This is the thing I hate in you, Orban”.    “Right, I will let that girl alive and use my mana to heal her”. While talking to Arago’s power Rigen was increasing his mana back to base level and Orban was holding Arago’s power and making Arago get back his consciousness. Arago’s power tries to steal Orban’s mana but it can’t able to take it for some reason and then slowly Arago gets conscious of his body and tries to say something. “Aww…. This is painful”... Orban was really surprised that even Arago was strong to control the Dark Realm Monster’s sense. After some minutes Rigen increased his mana back to his base level and asked Orban, “Do you need some help?”    And then Orban shouted towards Rigen, “This is the thing I hate in you, Rigen”. And Rigen also joined in the fight along with Orban even though they were struggling to fight Arago’s power. And while the three are fighting so intensively Veneth gets there and looks for Rigen but then he sees Arago was fighting two people, he identifies that one person is Orban but he isn't able to find the other person.    Then he looks around for Aradia and found her, after getting near to her. Veneth finds that she was out of danger but in an unconscious state. Then to protect her Veneth lifted her on his back and started to run from there. I will save Aradia even if god tries to hurt her… “You don't worry Aradia, I will save you and leave the fighting thing to your brother. I think he will manage them both but the only thing I am concerned about right now is keeping you safe”. And the fight was going on so ferociously that even with help both Orban and Rigen were feeling weak against the Dark Realm Monster power and its sense.    And while in the fight Rigen says to Orban, “See, this is the real Dark Realm Monster’s sense. Even without its original form and power, we are still facing difficulty controlling it. We have to do something, if Arago consciously gets back and takes control of his body then we have a chance to stop Arago and the problem can be solved. Otherwise, sure, without any choice, I have to increase my mana and try to kill Arago’s power but if I do, then sure this village will be destroyed”.    After saying it without any choice Orban also agreed with Rigen and said, “If we fail to get Arago back to his consciousness then you can do what is right to do”. After he said it, the fight started to get even more ferocious and Orban was trying so hard to bring back Arago’s consciousness but he was resisting because all he wanted now is to kill Rigen and his power doing it so his conscience resisted to stop it. Orban tried too many spells but nothing worked and also Rigen was losing his patience to beat him. At last, Rigen shouted towards Orban. I am going to increase my mana level so much, I am sorry Orban. This has to be done for the safety of nature, if I see you guys and let him then sure the world will end and he becomes powerful where no one can beat or stop him”. And without any choices, Orban also nodded his head and showed his acceptance for the dead.    And then Orban caught Arago’s hands and did not let him get away while Rigen was increasing his mana.l And Arago started to fight with Orban, Orban planned to make Arago’s target change, for a minute he will let Rigen time to increase mana higher, and then Rigen uses it to kill Arago and the Dark Realm Monster power inside him. Even though Rigen has no clear idea whether it will work or not, he planned to do it.
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