30 Tell Him

1738 Words

Archer POV I take Sabrina's hand as we walk on the path to the daycare. I know that we have a lot going on in our lives right now, but the fact that I will mark her tonight is the only thing I'm focusing on. "Archer, how does the marking work?" "Brutus will come to the surface and my canines elongate for me to pierce your skin right here." I touch her marking spot with my index finger and I see her shiver at my touch. I see the concern on her face, I'm sure about the amount of pain my bite will cause. "Sabrina, if your scared of the pain, we can wait till we mate." "It's not that, I know your marking me, so that other males know that I am yours but I can't mark you." I stop and turn her toward me. "Marks to our kind are like wedding bands to yours." "Once we take this step we will be

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