14 New Plan

1562 Words

Archer POV When we get outside, I walk down the sidewalk holding this little girl that already has my heart. I never expected Brutus to accept her so readily as wolves want their own pups but he has like she was born his and mine. She is small but in my big arms she looks even smaller. I imagine it looks comical for anyone that sees us walking. It doesn't bother me because I love spending this time with her. "Archer look, pretty flowers." I bend down picking the pink flower from the grass. Brutus laughs in my mind. "Alpha picking pretty flowers." "For her I would pick flowers and have tea parties every day." We walk a little farther and she keeps smelling the flower in her hand. "Isn't she the most perfect pup Archer?" "She is Brutus and I can't wait till we see her every day."

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