32 Hope

1979 Words

Harris POV I take my phone out of my pocket and dial Tabby. She picks up on the third ring. "Do I need to make a healing potion because the wolf kicked your a**." "The wolf didn't kick my a** smarta**." "Hello to you to Tabby." "What's up, how did the Alpha take the news." "As you would expect, he was pissed about his father but fortunately he thanked me even though I had a part in some of it." "I'm glad he at least listened to you." "I do have something interesting to tell you about my visit." "The Alpha's sister turned out to be my beloved." She is silent "Tabby are you still there." "Yes, I'm here, I just can't believe you were lucky enough to find your beloved." "I don't know if lucky is the word I would use to describe it." "You know who I am, not exactly beloved material."

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