55 Not Smart

2116 Words

Archer POV As soon as I cut the link with my mother, I link the patrol guards and threaten their lives if that f**king traitor makes it out of the territory with Sabrina. Brutus is running faster than we ever have. "We can't lose her, Archer." "Don't even say that, just pray we get there." "Archer, your mother is going to do something stupid" River links me as his wolf runs by my side. I love my mother for wanting to protect Sabrina but I can't lose her either. I don't even ask what he means and I try to link my mother who has me blocked. Son of a b**ch, I'm going to rip that ba**ard apart for betraying his pack and touching my Luna. Fern POV The wolf starts to walk backward with his arm around Sabrina's neck. "Stop and just listen to me." "If your boss knows he can have me he will

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