chapter 3

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Claire’s p.o.v he rejected me...he actually rejected me i don't know why i'm so surprised i knew this was gonna happen sooner or later. I broke down. I cried and cried, but the longer I sat there crying the longer the hate built up. I hated all of them. they might be my family but family doesn't treat each other like this. Mates aren't supposed to treat each other like did. I once said that I wouldn't forgive them, but to be honest with you I was lying if they would've just treated me good i would've gladly forgiven them but know I am never ever going to forgive them they don't deserve my forgiveness. From now on they are all dead to me. Good thing that they are sending me away. It does hurt but it's the best thing that could have happened to me they are gonna regret doing this to me. I knew that he rejected me because he wasn't gonna wait till the day to send me away he was going to send me away as soon as possible which i'm guessing it is tomorrow. I tried to go to sleep but it was hard my wolf was broken she didn't understand why her mate rejected her. And I guess it would be harder on her but she was trying to be strong for me and I appreciate it. I woke up to a knock on my door and I knew who it was. It was my twin brother christian. I was right they were going to to just ship me away as soon as possible so i put my emotionless face on and i tried to block the twin bond I still didn't know how to do it fully but I could do it for a couple of minutes. If I didn't do this he would feel all the hate I feel for them but worstly he would feel all the hurt that they caused. Not that he would care but I don't want him to know that they have broken me. I heard another knock and With that i went and opened the door. Christians p.o.v Ace had asked me to take Claire to that school. I knew that he was going to send her as soon as he could and I don't know how i felt she let our parents get killed we hate her and i keep repeating it in my head. I wasn't surprised that he asked me but he seemed a little when he asked me that it seemed like he was battling with himself. Something is happening and I don't know but im going to figure it out. I really didn't want to go, not because I don't want her to leave but because i have been a little weak my emotions have been going haywire… well not my emotions but clairies. It been hurt and there is a lot of pain especially last night I barely have enough energy to walk “Something is wrong with...luna” my wolf max said Well finally you decided to show up and who is luna? “Nevermind”and with that he blocked our mindlink i was confused he doesn't like talking to me. He doesn't like the way i treat claire so he rarely talks to me only when it really important and most importantly who the heck is luna he left me so confused why do you have to be complicated.with that i went to go tell her that we were leaving. I knock on the door and there is no response and after a couple of seconds I start to get annoyed so i decide to knock again. She immediately opens the door and I don't give her enough time to talk i just tell her that she should pack her things because she's leaving. Then i left i didn't even look at he i just left to the kitchen I was starving. It had only been about 20 minutes and she had already come down i thought it would at least take about 2 hours considering that girls take a long time to pack. In my experience they usually take too long deciding what to take. What surprised me even more was that she only had one suitcase and it wasn't even big and she had one bag. She came up to me and said “don't take too long ill be waiting in the car”i was shocked she said that in such a cold tone and she looked distant. She had an emotionless face on something definitely happened. As she was going to the door ace came in and for a split second I saw and felt all her emotions there was hurt but then it was replaced by hatred and it was a lot of hatred.she recovered soon though not soon enough most people wouldn't have seen all the emotions but i am her twin brother we have a connection even if she doesn't have a wolf. I was so caught up in my mind i didn't notice her leave and for a second I swear I saw hurt in aces eyes. Most people would have probably not seen but i am his best friend and i sometimes he is so easy to read. His eyes are what gives it away.i was confused at what just happen but i decided to let it go and i went to the car to “basically ship my sister away. The car ride was awkward for the first part and after a while I felt her emotion and all I felt was anger there was a hint of sadness. I didn't understand why she felt like this.the ride was probably a 6 hour drive i didn't understand why ace couldn't just ship her off in an airplane but it would have been better. We are three hours into the car drive and claire has fallen asleep at first i was grateful because it got rid of the cold atmosphere in the air but then her emotions started going haywire. All I felt was pain,anger and hatred. I was confused we still had three hours to go and if i had to deal with this the whole way i would most likely get a headache. I was also confused i have felt her pain before and no matter how bad the beating got it was never as bad as this. What could be causing all this pain. Then i heard her mumble “mate ...ace” and i didn't know how to feel. I now understood why ace and her where acting up but why was I feeling all this pain shouldn't I feel happiness and if they were mates why would he send her off to a school where he knows she probably won't survive then I froze the word that she said next made everything click into place “rejected”that's what she said. I was angry, why would he do that moon goddess picks your mates and you only get and if you're lucky you will get a second chance mate but that's only if you're lucky. Why would he do that. I was so in my head that I didn't notice that we had arrived I shook her and she was startled “sorry , i just wanted to tell you that we are here” she looked at me with that heartless face and got off and I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. “That's what you get” my wolf told me i just drove off i knew that he was right and i had six hours before i get back to my pack. that should be enough time to cool down i sure do hope so because i dont what to do something i regret.
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