CHAPTER 17.5: You Can See Me?

627 Words
Mama… nakikita mo ba ako? Naririnig mo ba ako? ROMINA IMMEDIATELY LOOKED UP the floor and saw a certain girl’s shadow. It was eerie, creepy and gave her goosebumps. It was cold for her liking. Scary. But that didn’t stop her from running upstairs to follow the said shadow. Luciel followed her as well until they reached the fourth floor and Luciel already transformed in his demon form. Fortunately, Romina managed to catch up and see the poltergeist before it could manage to vanish somewhere. “Hey, stop right there!” Romina shouted at the poltergeist. “Stop right there and talk to me.” The said ghost stopped and slowly faced Romina. As she expected, the ghost’s appearance was eerie, creepy especially that the ghost smiled at her evilly with a pale, b****y face which gave her goosebumps and made her gasped. Luciel was just behind her, ready to do anything if the poltergeist will become violent. But Romina didn’t really expect that the poltergeist is an actual kid. An actual ten-year-old kid. So the rumors are indeed true. But what is a kid like her.... a ghost kid like her haunting a Senior High building? “You can see me?” even though the ghost is actually scary, they could see how the ghost looked so surprised when a human just talked to her. “Hey, Romina! Stop being so reckless and forget about that poltergeist!” Luciel said, trying to pull Romina out of the floor but she didn’t budge. She just kept on talking to the said ghost. “Yes… yes, I could see you,” Romina said as she slowly walked towards the poltergeist. “And I could definitely talk to you so now… can you stop harassing and tormenting the students residing in this building? If you really want someone to help you then I could help you. I will try my best to help you.” This ain’t it. Luciel couldn’t help but facepalm. They’re talking to a poltergeist, a very helpless ghost who can’t do anything but cause trouble to any living being, which haunts a particular person or a specific location, and harasses and torment people. Romina was about to get closer… get more close to the poltergeist when it suddenly shouted. It was a very shrill scream that could definitely break your soul because of how horrifying it is. The poltergeist’s mouth shaped a huge O and it was pitched black just like her eyes. Fortunately, Luciel was able to pull Romina and covered her ears and closed her eyes because the ghost gets more and more horrifying that he just frowned while staring at the said poltergeist. They could even feel the rumbling of the whole floor as if there’s an earthquake or something. What should he really expect though? They’re dealing with a very vengeful ghost. A child ghost but it’s very vengeful to deal with. It took a minute for the poltergeist to stop. Romina felt that everything stopped so she managed to come out of Luciel’s wings and just as that, the poltergeist jumped from the said floor. “NO!” Romina shouted and she immediately ran towards the poltergeist and grabbed its hand so it won’t fall. “No! Don’t! Just hold my hand. Hold my hand tight—” “f**k, Romina! No! That ghost is dangerous!” The ghost seemed surprised at how Romina managed to hold her before she could even fall on the ground floor, unfazed by how scary she looked to the human. “Nakikita mo ba ako?” But Romina is the one who looked so surprised. Especially when she saw the flashbacks of the poltergeist’s life. Naririnig mo ba ako, mama? Bakit ka ganyan, mama?
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