CHAPTER 72: The Ghost in the Balete Drive

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Both Luciel and Romina’s eyes settled on the white cloth clinging at the center of the balete’s branch. The night air’s breeze in the said area was chilly that it even felt so eerie. “The girl was actually a sacrificed chosen one back then, according to the rumors we heard.” “Brrr… I never thought the night will be this cold,” Romina muttered as she slightly rubbed her arms to warm herself up. “It’s almost 11 in the evening, you dumbass. Of course, it’ll be cold for you, humans,” Luciel told her. “Humans are indeed fragile.” “Wow, sana all hindi giniginaw. What should I expect from you? You can’t really be emphatic because you’re not human.” “Exactly. They once again looked at the balete. After they had their—more like Romina’s—massive convincing—to Luciel—and having their conversation about the pros and cons in their mission, the very next night, they decided to visit the place to investigate before taking actual action. “They said that it was years ago since that incident happened,” Romina muttered while holding her flashlight. “Exactly 32 years ago,” Luciel said as his eyes gleamed in crimson red, examining the whole balete drive. “1989.” “1989…” she muttered. “Luciel, can you feel something more than that ghost’s energy? You know like the energies from engkantos, stuff like that?” “Fortunately, none,” Luciel responded which made Romina sigh in relief. “But I did felt a heavy negative energy around this place.” She immediately turned her head at her guardian. “Negative energy? What do you mean by that?” Luciel looked at her. “Demonic energy.” “Energy from your… your… kind?” “Yeah,” Luciel looked at the balete once again. “They did a ritual but not like a sacrificial bride or something. More like a sacrificial soul to summon a demon. Usually, you humans would do with what will you call a cult or something. I was actually looking at that symbol but where exactly in this place…? It’s strange that I can’t even feel it.” Romina looked at Luciel who was now using his powers to search for something and because she wanted to be helpful as well, she searched as well. Suddenly, she saw something glowing on the ground, just exactly at the center, same as the balete’s approximate position. “What is this? This looked like a huge rounded symbol,” she was about to touch the said symbol when suddenly, she heard a shriek which made her cover her ears and looked at the balete and saw a girl in white rushing towards her and pushing her away. “No!” As soon as the girl in white pushed her and as soon as she touched the girl’s hand, flashbacks came rushing inside her mind like a river. People wearing all white and their white veils on, totally covering their faces. A girl struggling on the ground as she was tied up. She was lying at the huge circle symbol that she saw on the ground earlier. Someone was speaking something that she couldn’t understand. The girl was asking, crying, begging for help but no one listens to her. They kept on chanting’s someone’s name and the old man at the center raised his dagger up and stabbed the girl on her heart, making her cough blood and die with her eyes open. Her blood flowed towards the symbol and as her blood filled the whole symbol, it suddenly lit up and she saw something coming out of the balete— “Romina!” She gasped when she felt herself landing towards the road but before that will happen, Luciel already got her and hugged her protectively. They both saw the ghost of the girl pulled by some dark hands with claws as she kept on crying while outstretching her hand, as if she was trying to reach Romina. “T-Tulungan n`yo po ako… gu-gusto ko na pong umuwi sa amin,” that’s the last thing they heard from the girl and she vanished inside the balete. Both Luciel and Romina were panting after witnessing such a thing. Luciel immediately turned his head towards Romina and cupped her face. “Hey, Romina, are you okay?” “Luciel, is that…” Romina’s hand slowly pointed something on the balete and then Luciel saw the symbol he’s been looking for. “That’s… that’s the symbol I’m looking for,” Luciel muttered. “The symbol to make an offering to summon and deal with a demon.” “W-What symbol?” “The Sigil.”
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