CHAPTER 59: Sachiel’s Plea

1389 Words
“HEY, THAT WAS EPIC!!!” Romina turned her head at Luciel who’s now talking to their boy classmates about gaming and stuff. They’re currently taking their fifteen-minute snack break and the boys, of course, it’s break time, they took the time to actually talk about gaming and stuff that boys discuss every time they’re together. It seemed like Luciel knew she was looking at him so he side-eyed her while talking to their classmates. After the conversation they had earlier, Romina didn’t mind him talking to their classmates and act like a normal human being. Of course, Luciel didn’t want to because he didn’t want to mingle with humans but Romina was just being understanding with the situation so she encouraged him to just continue interacting with humans. It’ll be less suspicious if he’ll do so. And of course, people may find it weird, really weird how obnoxiously close they are for “cousins”. She just kept watching him interacting with their classmates when he slightly faced her just to give her a quick smile before going back to their classmates’ conversation. She couldn’t help but giggle as she faced her notebook and wrote something to it. Marivic was in front of her, frowning as she looked at Romina then at Luciel, and vice versa. “Alam mo, ang weird n`yong dalawa,” Marivic commented. “You legit acting like lovers as you exchanged gazes earlier. Are you sure you two are cousins?” That made Romina gasp in silence and her eyes widen the moment Marivic asked the question. Shit, she saw that. My best friend and her keen, observant eyes. I should be really, really careful. “W-What kind of question is that? Of course, we are. We just have our own inside jokes that why we have that reaction,” she responded. Marivic stared at her in silence and Romina couldn’t help but gulp as she anticipates how her best friend will react. She knew it was bad to lie in general, especially to her best friend but she didn’t have a choice but to do it. She knew that she’s not the only one who could summon guardians but it’ll be really, really weird that her guardian is a demon acting like a human beside her. Mother of cheesecake. Mother of Pandesal. Suddenly, Marivic shrugged. “Oh well. Maybe it’s really my first time seeing cousins like the two of you who were really close to each other. My cousins and I are not like that because I find them annoying as well. Maybe we really do have different dynamics.” “Yeah… I guess so,” Romina said, awkwardly smiling as she nodded then she sighed in silence. Marivic brushed the topic off and decided to talk something about Romina while the latter, on the other hand, started to look at something inside her bag. “Ack!” Her best friend stopped and looked at her. “What? What happened?” Romina immediately looked at her. “I forgot my book for the next subject.” “You better borrow one in the library. Remember that Mrs. Aruela didn’t like her students slacking off and forgetting their books so you better hurry! We have seven minutes before our next class will start so you better hurry and go grab a book to borrow.” “Right,” Romina muttered as she immediately stood up. “I’ll better go to the library,” she slightly turned her head at Luciel who’s now teaching one of their classmates in playing PUBG on the mobile phone. He did tell me that I shouldn’t go somewhere alone since Percival is still on loose but I’ll be quick and I’ll come back as soon as possible. I guess I should go without him. Romina immediately went out of the classroom, leaving Luciel with their classmates. “You need to shoot like that. Use this navigation.” “Oh, oh. Right. Here! Here! I’ll shoot it! There!” “Then you can select weapons that are capable of shooting the zombies…” Romina silently walked her way towards the library to borrow a book for their teacher, Mrs. Aruela’s, class when she noticed a child standing outside the library. He was wearing a pure white polo and slacks and he has permed black hair, looking at the library’s door. She couldn’t tell if the child is a human but she was sure that it was not an apparition because she couldn’t feel something negative on him. Romina looked around to see if there are other people aside from her in the lobby but it seemed like she was alone with the kid. He must be one of our teachers' son strolling around here. I’ll just leave him alone. She thought. She was about to walk towards the door when the child turned his head at her and she abruptly stopped and her eyes widen when she saw the child’s face. He looked like Luciel. He freaking looked like Luciel. The child suddenly ran somewhere and before stopping herself, Romina ran after the kid. “Hey, wait! Wait!” She didn’t know where were they passing through as they ran and before she realized it, they were already on the rooftop. She couldn’t even feel tired even though they were almost running nonstop till they reached the rooftop of the Junior High building. As soon as she entered the rooftop, she immediately saw the wings of an angel and revealed an adult angel facing its back at her. The angel turned to her and she knew who it was. The angel with blonde hair who looked exactly like Luciel. In other words, Luciel’s angel twin named Sachiel. “It was you, Sachiel…?” she muttered. “The child, I meant.” Sachiel awkwardly smiled at her. “I never thought you’ll remember me but I’m glad you did remember me.” Of course, you are Luciel’s twin. How could I forget you? “I’m just really good at remembering people’s names. It’s not really hard for me to forget,” Romina responded as she stared at Sachiel in awe. She will not be going to lie that even though she had Luciel as he guardian, she just couldn’t help but felt amazed when she faced and interact with angels. Especially that the angel she’s talking to right now is none other than Luciel’s twin, Sachiel. But in all honesty, she still couldn’t believe that Luciel has a twin and it’s an angel... like—Luciel is a demon. How come he had an angel who’s the total opposite of him, an actual angel? “I apologize for disguising as a human child and dragging you here. That’s my only way to communicate to you,” Sachiel said. Romina shook her head and spoke. “It’s okay. I don’t really mind. I know you have your reasons why you did that.” Sachiel smiled at her. “Thank you so much for being understanding. You’re indeed an amazing human.” Romina couldn’t help but blush the moment Sachiel said those words. Of course, who will not gonna blush if an angel, the purest celestial being, is now praising her, right? “T-Thank you for telling me that as well…” she said. “But… why did you want to communicate with me?” Sachiel stared at her before he spoke. “You are my only sole hope and way to talk to Luciel. Romina, please hear my plea.” Romina stared at him in awe the moment he told her his plea. Wow… this is more complicated than I thought it would be. Luciel was frowning while looking at his phone. His eyes settled on the nothingness of the rooftop then he looked back at Romina’s text on his phone. “She told me to meet her here but she’s not here. Where the heck did that kid go—” His gaze suddenly became sharp and turned his head to the railings and saw Sachiel standing on it. “Where is she?!” Luciel asked, glaring sharply at his twin. His eyes turned into crimson red. “Where the heck is she, you bastard?!” Sachiel stared at him and spoke. “Brother…” Listen to me.
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